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/3dcg/ - 3D CGI

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Laura is going to the party, but she is not satisfied with her flat chest, so she decided to fill her boobs with water.

Inspired by Killer X, I decided to start making my own works.
and here is my first example I made now and I hope there will be series of images with some kind of story continuity.

If you have some ideas or requests I can try to do them, but keep in mind that it has to be doable without too much work and props have to be available.
To save time on rendering ligting setup is not ideal, maybe I will do better versions later.


Keep on brother man. Learning is a process. If you need guidance I can give it to you. I can throw you some props too if needed.


Thanks, tor now I got quite a lot of 3d stuff but unfortunately no time to do any more serious work now, because there are several urgent projects in my job.

If you have any interesting props that could be useful, please list them because I mostly focus my ideas on what I have available and how I can use that.


clothspins,needles, knives, shock equipment. Plus I can make props too. If you had specific things in mind throw a couple out there and I will bag em tag em and put them on rapidlizared


I already found all that and more. so when i will have time I will realize some of my ideas.

But if you are doing your own props I think you could make just simple raw meat ball with textures and everything so that it would look like piece of severed meat.
Something what looks like this but bloodier

this prop would have lots of uses in our works as it could be used to make severed body parts by simply hiding what is unnecessary and placing that prop where wound is needed.

Tor example if you want severed penis just take plain penis with all remaining body hidden and stick that ball to the severed part and it's all good.

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First attempt at SFM... ambitious, but rubbish.
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Nice! 👍

Too bad you turn away the camera at 1:43... Should be a nice view 😉

Sorry, I'm somewhat curious. 😁 May I ask two questions?

Why did she pass out (again) at 1:30?

Did she die from the choking or from the impalement?


Hi, I am currently doing my project.
I am looking for someone who can help me out to make the body stump.
Dont worry, the credit will go to you.
Thank you


Hi, I am currently doing my project.
I am looking for someone who can help me out to make the body stump.
Dont worry, the credit will go to you.
Thank you


>> #4030

The camera turning was done specifically for two reasons; there was no way I could make the beating look goo and sometimes it is better to imply something rather than show it.

Hence I paned the camera to Max's shadow.

You can assume she passed out again due to the pain of a giant rabbit cock up her ass. In pracitcal terms I did it because the original plan was for her to still be consious and try to crawl away after that, that would result in the beating. But it wouldn't look goor and it was too much of a hassle to animate as well. So I had her pass out again.

I'll leave the reasons for her death to you imagination.



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Hey there, first day of using SFM properly, I'll be posting here when I add more!

For my first animation, I have Heather Mason from SH3 throatfucking a nurse.


Tell me how it is! I'll be working more on it to give the nurse some responsiveness, but apart from that, I hope you enjoy it!

If you guys like it, I might start doing more and go by my normal nickname.
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Wow this was really amazing, oral associated deaths are my fav this one's def a keeper. Great work LG hope to see more!


Great. You should do with femshep too


Damn that was really good! Great job!


be nice with a hot nurse head lying face up like she is watching? nice work anon!


Hey! Glad you all like it, hopefully I'll be making more very soon, thinking of remaking the Heather animation completely after a while if that's something you're all interested in, just currently trying to find a good map to set it in right now, but in the meantime if you guys have any suggestions, fire away!

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I'm in depserate search of more pics of kathyrne.

If anyone can help it will be greatly apreciated
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Again if you like her work please support her!


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Hello guys,

I've been around here for a while already and started some days ago with the SFM.
Actually the video may be pretty poor (my very first tries with the program) but I post it nevertheless since I may get some useful feedback. Also it would be pretty cool if someone who's already good with SFM could give me some tips and advices, especially with the improvement of rendering.


Keep up your good work guys, I love this site!
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Fucking rad


How about Mercy being tortured on an operating table, please?


Damn, that's dope, thanks :D


Overwatch Nude Pharah or Tracer unconscious getting the D from a sanghieli pov style ;D


Could you do something with Palutena getting choked out and fucked? Thanks for you work.

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Just started learning 3D rendering and this is one of my first "projects"

let me know what you think

also, does anyone know if it's ok to post here in the US because I don't want any trouble since this is a Russian site and not really what most would consider "normal" fetish ...

anyways, let me know what u think of this and might make more complicated scenes

Thanks, /r/DolcettKingdom on Reddit
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nice, keep 'em coming.


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just finished this one



I like to think she's hanging from the International Space Station being up in the clouds like that. But the angle of the rope/body would have to be pretty steep.....and she would need to be need to be on fire :P

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Im starting to learn how to use SFM, hope you guys enjoy my first piece!

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Nice. What did you use for your guts prop?


Anything I can find really that works. Usually just hunting google images.

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The start of a poser mini comic.


Noticed one image being wrong. it's fixed in this link.


That didn't come with the comment...

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So I literally just today learned there was an Afro Samurai 2. I only learned this because apparently it was so fucking atrocious that the devs apologized, pulled it from shelves, and have issued refunds.

That said, gameplay aside, wondering if it has any potential for ryona and guro as its predecessor did? Apparently it dropped back in September, so some of us here may have had a chance to get it before it was shelved. To say nothing of piracy.
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