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/3dcg/ - 3D CGI

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I liked these pictures, but i'd really liked to see more of these 2 girls being slowly frozen in clear ice without there skin turning color such as blue/white and even better i'd like to see a different set of pictures where these 2 girls slowly freeze to death in the cold without their skin changing color. Of course the girls would be full nude in both sets of pictures


Good set. Can you continion?


The very first image is a winner but I'm just a fan of cute little bums and full nudity. Thank you for sharing these


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There were a few encouraging words and requests to continue. I like messing around in the sandbox and creating characters. Oggy, Polly, Anya, Ginger, Nutty and Marcus have already arrived at the location and are eager for adventure.


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Are they up to something?

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Still playing around in Daz. Starting to get the hang of it, at least a little bit.
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great adult art, didn't care if the women had dildos or not.


I liked everything except for the dildos. The dildos made me not a fan of this art.


Will there be a sequel with shotas?


Don't ask ridiculous questions! These characters are all female teens and the 1 nude male barely shows up nude in barely any pictures and he doesn't really show his privates. This art is mostly about the girls and we are only interested in seeing the girls. If you are going to ask about shotas then do it on a more appropriate set of pictures


I can't believe that you haven't created a version of all of these pictures where the girls vaginas are not covered up

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My first shot at Daz - a test render for a project I'm working on to learn Daz. Any advice for a newb?
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been a while since something new on this thread. how R doing?


I suppose this time he got squashed by the truck for real. LOL


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Daz is great for Guro ^^


Dad's wish has me interested.
As much as I enjoy guro, I prefer it to be "no consequences," so the idea of many different "gifts" all of which the girl is very into, with it all, in some way or another, having no consequences, is very interesting.

I know it's been over a year since the last update from OP here, but I hope he's still been tinkering with the idea.

incest/loli/happy guro/no consequences (implying they all walk out just fine on the other side) is likely a VERY VERY VERY niche category, but one I'd love to see explored!


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Found myself in such a new place that transitional is the only way to describe it. Was fucking around with Genesis 8 but don't like it as much as G3F.Went through some natural disasters. And learned much about DAZ and Iray.
I finally made it on to lolicet. Going to just do Loli Guro. Don't worry, plenty of debreastings, just in the 12-17 range.
This way I can cross post on 4 boards.
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Hi Snarkmaster, this is OTT but I must ask, I found a series (see 1st pic) whose artist mat have been "Snark Master" after a commenter. Is that you? (style is different but that may be due to imagins tools). thank you and keep up the good work!


I just love killerX work, can't wait to see more...


I hope KillerX is back soon



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3D Castrations and Penectomy
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I wish it was me💓

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Looks like Demise might be active again, go check out his work and show him some support!.... And maybe we'll see more Mother/Daughter pairs lose their heads!

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bump. Anyone have passwords for his site? 30 bucks a month is just too much



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Just some more samples from Demises recent works his new Island Adventure set is really turning into his greatest work yet. He's usually got 6+ sets available per month, it's worth it to pop in and grab the ones you need when they're up.


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Another taste of some of the cute sluts from his Island Adventure sets


Any pic of girls actually being killed?

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 No.32494[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I have quite a lot of projects going, but one more will not hurt LOL fortunately it is practically finished anyway.

This time, a story in Aoi Hikari style. If you know what it means. ;)
Story idea from this artist

Spoiler alert:
Unlike most of my other stories it will actually end with death.
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Well at this time I am doing something different than guro.

Maybe it would be more fit on /S board LOL
but if people want it here I dont mind to post it here too.

Cannot say yet when next guro story will come out.


S is great!
S+G would be more great. I hope for the best in future.



where can I find it?



I think someone was looking for this


Thank you.

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Just a thread where I can post my works since my last one was a more about a single series.

Troll "party wipe" render I did recently.
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high praise if its coming from THE Antarvica ;)
Finishing the WIP shots right now.


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those are amazing.

One of the few 3d images I would LOVE to have in higher resolution


Really interesting stuff! The hole in the belly - is this your own geograft or a product?


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well they are in 3840x2160 4k. So already decently high res but more is always better. Maybe when I get a new card I might start doing silly 6k-8k renders once in a while.
Thanks but its my own unfortunately. Also its put together for the model.

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Well, I figure I should just start a thread and grow it for a bit.

This first story if teen hormones and sad endings.

It starts off with a little porn, cause, hey, why not.
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Yeah this was awesome, too bad it was a one hit wonder!


is this artist still around


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Part One
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I don't have accounts elsewhere. I don't even have any saved work. I post art and delete it at my place. If there are mistakes, there's no fixing it. It's not commercial LOL Where would you suggest posting non-guro content?


A few pictures from that art I didn't even bother posting. It was too violent and naturalistic. And unappetizing LOL


I am satisfied as long as things are done voluntarily and enthusiastically, as in this case. Actually, exactly my fetish. I would not like it if something was imposed by force somehow.


i would suggest exhentai.org for starters. and for tamer stuff probably the best solution is pixiv.net

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