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/3dcg/ - 3D CGI

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being dead mixtape, I can't see this video.. (thx for uploading gwen video)



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 No.9020[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Is here anyone using Illusion's software? This is quite useful.
I'm just decided to upload my works to here and Pixiv.

789 posts and 605 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


He has uploaded a few more things on his pixiv. He probably got fed up of gurochan dying all the time. I wouldn't blame him, it has died at least 3 times since the last time he posted here.




I'm not usually into Illusion's software pictures, but grgr444's work is so good that I love it.


OP. If by any tiny chance you ever lurk gurochan again, do you mind if we use the girls you shared for our own guro related captures?


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A young American goes to the Middle East to convert ISIS members to Christianity. It doesn't work.
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The worse thing the boy could do it to leave his seed inside the dead Christian.


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Charlie has had it. He is just a piece of meat to play with.


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I don't think anyone else will try what Charlie did. They will stay locked up in their dorm and send home false reports for more money.


Fuck off with this mudslime trash you degenerate


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Charlie has been destroyed for being a Christian. His goal of gaining experience in the Middle East and returning to America to start a church failed.


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From e-hentai and exhentai administrator:

As some of you already know, I have been considering retirement from this site for some time due to a persistent tendon injury that makes it impossible to spend any extended time in front of a computer. This is why the last Galleries update took over a year to complete, and why there's been no other updates to the rest of the site for almost two years. Still, the site has been operating normally even though I've only been able to put in the bare minimum work to keep it running, mostly thanks to the staff and the community in general.

Unfortunately, recent (alleged?) legislative changes in the Netherlands, confirmed by our host, has made it impossible to keep the status quo going. As such, certain changes have already been made, as you are all already aware of.

EH itself will continue operating. at least until the end of 2020 unless anything unexpected happens, and possibly indefinitely beyond that. While I'm not really that interested in running a neutered site on a personal level, and considering the tendon injury and inevitable rioting that will take place, it is not unlikely that no more development will take place and that I will retire at that point - however, I do recognize the importance of this site, so the ultimate outcome here has not been settled, and will depend on a number of factors.

In the event that I retire, it has not yet been decided whether the existing staff will attempt to have a full successor established or whether it will be left to the existing mirror sites, but regardless of the outcome, I would arrange to have some sort of permanent archive hosted indefinitely.

Note that this is not as easy as "just make a torrent available", as the source image files alone weigh in at over 50 TB.

Also note that due to sheer volume, while I'm reading all PMs and at least some of the messages in this thread, it's unlikely that I'll be replying unless it seems very important. Please don't take that personally.

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So why are you posting this now?
Pretty sure SadPanda is up and running by the time you made this post.
If you wanted to spread awareness, you're about a weeek and 2 days late.




Everyone, back-up your favorite galleries


Rurikon's demise was a very bitter loss, although several gigs remain in torrents. But the death of exhentai should be much worse. Some of the best artists there publish on Pixiv, but generally it's just a small fraction of their work.


Thank god for those like 6 people who saved sadpanda.
What fucking heroes.

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something I try putting together in Honey Select, from posing practice to scenarios.


It's cool to see you trying, but this is low effort.
Don't want to discourage you but learn from metagraphy or Oreo.
First, you could turn off the camera settings at the top and second you need to get a screenshot plugin(playshot works).
Third, you'll need lighting and perhaps a better map. Look into IBl/LRE.
Lastly, the liquids could be made better, color wise and transparency/alpha. Try rendereditor.

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 No.2029[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Didnt see any general hanged girls thread in the catalog of 3d so might as well make one.

Here, a treat of videos I found from the web. 6 women being hanged by the gallows, the quality of the animation is better than what you usually get with amateurs who dont have motion capture tech of their own.

If anyone knows the artist on these and where one can find part 5 would do a huge favor!




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Some male stuff


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Hello Friends. I`ve been a member of this community for more than 10 years and now I wish to contribute. I can`t draw so I got every penny I could afford and started rendering. I`m still learning, and have a lot to learn still. Now I want to share what I have rendered, those pics are FAR from perfect, they are more experiments with the skill and resources I have. I`m fully open to suggestions and requests. Do not be afraid to ask or say anything. I also have an account on Deviantart by the same name where I intend to post stuff in the future but I`m too lazzy to do it right now.

I just hope I can share all of them here since some are quite big.

I hope you enjoy!!!

29 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Pretty good stuff overall. Love the reverse blowjobs.


Good stuff indeed!
I especially like the "bloodwork", the blood on her chest as well as the sprays. Can I ask how you did that?


I'm glad you guys liked those. >>32046
the blood is made using "SY Splats" and simulating falling fabric in daz.

I have a few other ideas to render, if you guys want to see some stuff rendered I'll try. It will help improve my skills.




You do really solid work, and I'm a huge fan of beheading/bisected at the waist, so please, continue!


I wonder if you can improve your skills any more, it is all fine already :)
your decapitations look way better, but maybe you still need to adjust the reflectivity of the surface.

but you can try to do something more complex than just using readily available stuff.

For example, you could try to create dirty looking characters. and for more advanced stuff you can try to do something about stabs and cuts

also, find info about Iray decals. it will be very useful for guro pictures.

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Damm this program is so easy to use.

From converting models, posing, texturing and rendering, this was only like what?...half a day's work on and off at best? Still a few things I want to learn though.

Here is a commission I recently did for it. Thought about you guys. Got a few more lined up too, so ill be sure to share them if the commissioners are fine with that.
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Been a while. Anyone a Dead or Alive Fan?
Plus, new style. Still uses 3d models so i'll keep it here.


larger version here. drigg4321.deviantart.com/art/Dead-Or-Alive-taken-literally-560806799?ga_submit_new=10%253A1442492701&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1&ga_recent=1

Gurochan wont let me post the big sizes :(


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Miranda is one of my biggest VG crushes.



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is this shared model or edited model?


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I don't know why you didn't ask this in my thread and started a new one for this, but here's an explanation

It's an edit combining two models:

-Moon/Selene is modified from this SFM workshop pack: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1424572305&searchtext=Sun+and+moon

-Nude Elins from Tera for the exposed torso: http://sfmlab.com/item/979/

I edited Selene's mesh in Blender to raise up her shirt and weight paint the bones to the upper spine. Then I scaled down the Elin's legs, arms, and neck and bound the bones to Slene's skeleton in SFM. Almost all of Selene's eye expressions had to be custom made, and animating between them involved about 6 separate head models using skins and scaling to use all the expressions seen in the animation. The struggle with facial animation is the main reason I haven't released this model

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