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/3dcg/ - 3D CGI

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Looking for someone to help me with raceplay/snuff comic, I just started to use daz 3d and I have a little project of making really sadistic raceplay comic I mean like what would happen to a nigger mare or a spic slut if they encounter themselves at the mercy of a gang of skinheads or sadistic rednecks that kind of stuff, so Im looking for someone willing to help me with the plot details and with the text dialogues, I would take care of making the renders needed for the story, if you are interested my discord is Noobmstr#8734.

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Might as well dump some of my collection here...
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Hey guys, not sure if it's been posted here but I found this artist on Pixiv. Not a fan of fantasy stuff but both of his spies guro comics are pretty good.

link : https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92915430
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I respect your opinion, but I mean a lot of fantasy creatures are dangerous. Ogres, goblins, orcs, vampires, werewolves, most drangons, assassins ... they all do what they do best: rob, rape, violent things and kill and of course in the opposite order ;)


Which is exactly my point. monster gonna do monster thing. But a man beheading a woman and using her neck stump as a fuckhole is beyond fucked up. The thing that make this hot for me is the taboo of it. The immorality. Monster are immoral ugly creature. We expect it from them, they don't know better. A man doing this is purposely doing it.


Interesting point of view. However, there are two discussion points ...

* deep talk *

So if an ogre were more intelligent, he would also see the difference between right and wrong in a society that has moral standards similar to ours. But what if he does things anyway because he likes it?
Then he would probably be on the same level as the stump-fucking man who knows that what he is doing is immoral, wrong or even disturbed.

Do you agree?

But it would look very different if someone (human or ogres, for example) lived in a society in which it is generally okay to do such things. Because society decides what is moral or immoral and accordingly interprets its laws and regulations according to what society members should adhere to. Individuals will grow up within the framework of social upbringing with the established moral attitude and embody this to a large extent.

However, moral attitudes in society can change over time:

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It's not that deep bro.


Don't think to much about it. Each person has their own opinion and likes and dislikes. Some like human vs. human, others like monsters vs. humans, and the next likes humans vs. what-so-ever. For me, monster or human are the same : A bad person!
But a fantasy set from me doesn't have to be monster on human. Sometimes I do fantasy stuff that is human vs human, just like in my modern sets.

I just do where my mood is taking me, fantasy, modern or scifi, all is game for me.

Just keep in mind that it's all just "Fantasy".

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trying to get better with making custom tentacles through curve modifiers. Definitely will practice with some more brain fucking

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Looks good affff


For a beginner, you've got a lot of talent. I've seen new starters create significantly worse content in terms of animation and sound mixing.


Is there a hi-res version of this angle?
Or maybe you can upload it to rule34video too?
Thank you!


Wow ur good, any beheadings?


Great work. Hope we see more femshep from u

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Been play'n Blade & Sorcery. Damn its fun. I liked stabbing them between the legs so here's this.


Absolutely great! Its my favorite way to slaughter women and girls too!


damn this is cool, could ya make more like a group of them getting it 1 by 1 or with different objects

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Good shit

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In the video, Nami is branded "Meat Doll", a stake is inserted in the ass, and a vibrator is inserted into the vagina. Gradually, Nami is impaled on a stake.

length - 3:40


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I made some more guro - enjoy >:)
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Stella's neck got fuckin' broke.


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Rachel was strangled while getting titfucked.


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Kate actually got pretty far - top four. She found herself deepthroating a knife soon enough, though.


Like you work, do you have anymore to post. or a diff websites


could we get a short one line for each one? lurking a better show and line of the girl he has his hand on.

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Not really pro, but messed around in sfm. Figured some here might get a kick out of this.
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Hey, really nice stuff! Looking forward to more!


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No gore ready just yet, but I did have something planned for Sindel and Cassie.


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Nice, always love to see more brainfucking!


Thanks for doing Sindel being skullfucked love it especially since she's dressed with the Elexis Sinclaire costume there totally hot and underrated babe. Hope you do more.

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