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/3dcg/ - 3D CGI

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File: 1614408984.png (1 B, 1000x1400, DayDream 5.png.png)ImgOps


I'm really happy right now
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File: 1623657961236.png (1.41 MB, 1920x1080, cassandra 36.png)ImgOps

Hello Friends, here are some test renders, I have more angles on my pixiv if you guys are interested.

Remember, you can change the language of the site from japanese to english.



God! You're art is so good. What 3D program is this? I've been trying to work myself up to tooling around with 3D art, your art honestly inspires me to try to make my own.


Great work. Love to see more Femshep from you


File: 1626797058267.png (1.76 MB, 1920x1080, Platoon 1_Camera.png)ImgOps

This is a render of my Fate Stay Night Saber. The new girl to be added to my castle. We are gonna have a lot of fun in the future ;)

Hi friend, i'm using daz3d, it's free but the resources are paid, so it can get quite expensive. It's easy to start and very thorough in the tools for the artist, not as deep as blender can get, but very usefull. Remember I know nothing about blender xD. I'm glad you got inspired to do 3d art, I strongly support you, If you have questions do not be afraid to ask, just do it on my pixiv page, I check there more often.

I love using her model, I've always found her sexy and cool looking. Gonna do more in the future for sure. I'm glad you like her too XD



keep up the good work

File: 1614228215.png (3 B, 2560x1582, RWBY1 - Copy.png.png)ImgOps


Ruby cried softly as she was led up the tiled gallows by two Atlesian Huntsmen. She wore only her red cape
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File: 1615144468.png (6 B, 2560x1582, Max5 - Copy.png.png)ImgOps

Max woke to find herself lying down. Her eyes blinked open to see an uncovered matress below her


File: 1615145066.png (5 B, 2560x1582, Max6 - Copy.png.png)ImgOps

"Chole?" Max asked


File: 1615145394.png (6 B, 2560x1582, Max7 - Copy.png.png)ImgOps

"Don't talk like that or I'll have to punish you


File: 1615145505.png (5 B, 2560x1582, Max8 - Copy.png.png)ImgOps

The man dropped his boxers


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File: 1614084169.jpg (120 B, 1280x720, Shiftop_Elizabeth_Lamb_of_….jpg)ImgOps


Seems to be a mostly ryona artist that occassionally do guro-ish stuffs. If anyone happen to have their (hopefully more extreme) patreon/fanbox stuffs


File: 1614084203.jpg (86 B, 1280x720, Shiftop_Elizabeth_Problems….jpg)ImgOps


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Wow this is great work. So beautifully done! I see you're using SFM.

File: 1613595274.png (473 B, 720x503, Screenshot_20210126-212839….png)ImgOps





nice work!

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File: 1613036140.mp4 (6 B, execution 1.mp4.mp4)ImgOps


File: 1612282663.webm (472 B, War Crimes Angle A WebM V….webm)ImgOps


Before the fall of past gurochans
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Great work and welcome back ^_^


Nice to see you here


Nice to see your work but I think you should not upload gigantic png files as they will waste server space and everyone's bandwidth and take quite some time to load.
It will be interesting to see what you will make next


Oh good!


I like your Package Retrieval

File: 1612214997.jpg (281 B, 1411x1080, Mooni_OPremake2.jpg.jpg)ImgOps


One of my fav works w/GurochanOP


File: 1612216473.gif (2 B, 800x450, necrofuck_prev.gif.gif)ImgOps



>dat ass



Sounds sus. Amogus?

File: 1612030137.jpg (128 B, 1024x554, Sarcophagus Ship preview.j….jpg)ImgOps


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File: 1615669872.jpg (241 B, 1600x1200, gremlins_by_mollyfootman_d….jpg)ImgOps

More hullbreach 3d.


File: 1616957551169.jpg (123 KB, 1024x851, air_lock_peril_by_chow11_d….jpg)ImgOps


File: 1617915927179.jpg (99 KB, 1024x534, EA43119A-66C6-4D01-B03E-06….jpg)ImgOps

More MorgueRBB’s space death arts. No longer on DeviantArt or Pixiv, stored them before.


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File: 1612006467.mp4 (4 B, GW5371j.mp4.mp4)ImgOps


MP4 support any better? ?


What game is this?


You can click on the webm link on your post to view


it's blade and sorcery

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