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/3dcg/ - 3D CGI

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new pictures which are not on my deviantart.


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who's the artist and where can we find more?

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Wayfarer is one of my favorites. Can we share some of his work?
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A hot slut was captured by terrorists.
Enjoy it~
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You are Iras Cadmus?







A couple of young amazon cattle raiders from the bronze age. Somewhere in the sunny Aegean around 1200 bc.

Can you protect your flock of sheep from them? Will they get away with your sheep (and possibly your head), or will they be slain?
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Look where we are… it's Gurochan, one of the sites where extravagant fetishes can have a place.

So, in my case, I like the style of goreba's art. I like the guts come out with stabbing, like he's showing us in his pictures. The plug-thing in this combination is like an
unique selling point.

Why are you interested in this? :)


I always imagined hunting events where the girls wear different plugs and the hunters collect them for competition.


How it's going?





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Since there's weird stuff happening with my r/guro account I'll post it here.
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This is really good, the lighting, the setting, incredible. Makes me wish more of that mentioned footage was leaked, *wink wink*



Glad you liked it! ;-)

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This is my first attempt. Please give comments or ideas.
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Could people that have other series please post Krogue's other series on this board as well? Like Lolita Island, Mean Girls and the like?


I love Krogue's work. You have to jump through hoops just to be able to see it on Lolicit.


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I've been collecting all the animations of the old gurochan and even though the contents of this pack are at least 8 months old, i think unfortunately not much new quality content that was to my liking has been released lately.

Nonetheless here it is, the ultimate gurochan animations with sound collection:


Please download this pack and upload it to different hosts and regularly share those links so these quality guro animations will be available to the guro community.

It would also be cool if we could set up some sort of github type collection that continuously gets updated and contains only quality animations with sound.
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I can't download any of the .rar files, and even when i can i wont let me load them to the conversion program can someone give me alternate links?


Since the holidays are just about upon us, I seem to remember a set with Hinata encountering Krampus, getting skewered on his talon through the mouth, and then humped in many ways. Can't seem to find a working link to it anymore.


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Bump these great videos with a gif


Anyone still have this stuff?


Any chance of a reupload?

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what software do you use ?




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Hi there! I'm TheHornyRock(tm) I've been OP's fan for a long time and I like to fap at the rythm of lots of kinds of music (Mainly dubstep and metal), even meme music themes. I hope you love the aberrations I've been doing. I'll begin uploading one of the first ones I made.

See ya around, young fella! :D

Deadly Rain Music Video:

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By any chance still around? lol


is OP still around and making videos?


Hey, so what happened with the links? They're down.


Here's a MEGA link that should have all of TheHornyRock's stuff


thanks <3

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There have been repeated requests to see 3D cgi featuring gory evisceration, the kind 2D guro art regularly wallows in but is difficult to achieve in 3D modeling apps with satisfactory results. Here's a sampling of requests:
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I kind of put a few together. For some that I want to pose, I use a tentacle prop that I can put the way I want. For the kind I want to just flop or dangle, I use a primitive and apply dforce to it and let the program simulate gravity.

The texture is in a pack that I recolored to look more pinkish. I put a decal over them to look bloody or smeared.

The new posable intestine I got doesn't really have a great "fresh" intestine color or texture, but the "bloody" one does look really good! When I get more time, I'll be able to mess with it.

I also want to go back and retouch my older stuff after learning more and more. Maybe I'll make a thread here and start a pixiv or something…


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I'll post older stuff that I like


Hey Prey, amazing old piece. I love It. Here did you use Fluidos or Splatter props for the blood?




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