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/3dcg/ - 3D CGI

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Slammed (updated)
Animation links.. let me know in the comments which you like the most!

1. Partially clothed: https://files.catbox.moe/sarpbn.mp4

2. Naked: https://files.catbox.moe/hkmzuv.mp4

3. Long/short: https://files.catbox.moe/vlorcq.mp4

4. Another nude: https://files.catbox.moe/dchbrm.mp4


#4 is definitely my favorite.


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Well, haven't do new works for 10 months.
Here's the new one.

It's about some hot slut agents got brutally tortured.
Enjoy it~
10 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Seems you always like cutting nipples and cunts……Cruel.




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 No.15882[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The thread is back.
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 No.39544[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Somebody really needs to make more images with these two girls!


It is time for somebody to make more are with these 2 girls!







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 No.28754[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Would anybody upload some stuff similar to this?
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 No.26930[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Another year, another non-bumping thread.

-First Thread: https://www.gurochan.cx/3dcg/res/1931.html
-Second Thread: https://www.gurochan.cx/3dcg/res/5180.html
-Third Thread: http://archive.li/5t2Wv (thread seems to be gone from the last downtime)
-Fourth Thread: https://www.gurochan.cx/3dcg/res/13299.html

Poison Sting
After losing a battle to a wild beedrill, a young trainer awakes to find herself at the mercy of the insect that bested her. Unfortunately for her, the bug has decided her rib cage would make the perfect incubator for it's next generation of offspring.

Angle A: https://my.mixtape.moe/upujes.webm
Angle B: https://my.mixtape.moe/uknfqd.webm
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any willing seeds for gurochanOP_2019-09-02 torrent?


he was one of th ebest artists on this site.

What ahppened? did you get bored?



Oh he uploaded something new yesterday


We don't know if that's really him idk if I remember corectly but before he left he said someone was impersonating him on pixiv watch out!

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Just wanted to share what I've done and learn stuff from people. I wanted to see more hard vore, and decided to try my hand at rendering some.

I downloaded Daz Studio cause it was free, and now that I've been doing it, the hardest thing is finding a place to put it!

https://erolair.com/gallery/authors/predatory.2110/ is mainly where I post. I'll put some stuff here, and would appreciate feedback, good or bad.
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What happen with your pixiv acount???


what happen to Predatory?





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Hey, this is Guroshin.
I've been posting 3DCG art for almost a year now making characters in Koikatsu and exporting them over to Blender to do various various ryona/guro scenes.

I started a series called Fatal Shoujo which was a tournament of fighter girls finishing off eachother where the outcome of each face off would be determined by the audience and the series was very entertaining to make.

Since then I've been creating more characters and expanding the Fatal Shoujo universe, introducing my other series, Fatal Company into the mix with more permanent characters with a unique story.

And now it is time to begin the next chapter of the Fatal Shoujo tournament, Season 2!

I plan for every execution in this series to be animated, with you, picking the victim for each murder machine, so let's have some fun together and see who makes it out alive in one piece, go vote now!


You can also find more of my works in Pixiv, I'll make sure to provide updates through this board as well ;)



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Round one is finally done and uploaded, I hope you enjoy this release!

Watch it here:

Vote for Round 2!


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Round 2 Part One is here!

Watch the whole and voiced animation here!


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Round 2 Part 2 has also been recently uploaded

Watch it here!


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I would say LCFVSJSS (Lucifer vs. Jesus)


>>49575 It does seem to be their style.



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Cinderella and the Prince
The full version of "Cinderella and the Prince" (160 pics) is available on Gumroad:


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Cinderella and the Prince
The full version of "Cinderella and the Prince" (160 pics) is available on Gumroad:

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Anything to do with exposed bowels / spilling intestines.
45 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




WTF Paint style 1998

please stop this posting here. Manip pics of real people are not allowed.


Thanks MAO, they've been removed.


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Cinderella and the Prince
The full version of "Cinderella and the Prince" (160 pics) is available on Gumroad:

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