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Hanging / F/F


When I stood at the door to Emily’s workshop, my heart threatened to jump out of my chest. I couldn’t think of a person that would enter such a place willingly, and yet… here I was. About to enter a world people don’t tend to walk out of.

I straightened out my skirt, adjusted my hair for the second time. I knew I was delaying, but the thought of things that might await me there was enough to freeze me on the spot.

Finally, I knocked on the door, and after a couple moments, the bolt slid to the side, and the door parted. A short girl in jeans greeted me, in her hand an iron bucket.

“Good morning,” I said, doing my best to stay professional despite the fear. “Miss Emily? I am the help you ordered.”

“Okay, great. Just in time. Come on in,” Emily said, and nudged the door further. “What’s your name, sweetie?”

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Great work.


Aaaah, I was hoping she'd spare Jane, and I'm so glad she did! The other girls' deaths were so satisfying, and keeping the more innocent one of the lot around made me smile. Hopefully Jane sticks around longer, but I'm excited to see what Lena and Emily get up to next!


You say that there will be 1-2 more chapters before you end the story, which begs the following questions. Do you have a sequel planned? Do you have another completely original story planned or envisioned? Liked this ep and glad for the protagonists choice of survivor.


Thank you so much. It makes me smile to read your comments.

I'll be honest. I think after Lena's story ends, that will be the end of my adventures in this genre.

I need to go back to the writing I do for a living, and the issue with that is, I never really get to hear from the 'other side of the page' - people rarely leave reviews or discuss your work if you're not a very popular author. This place, however - this board - has stood in for that, in a way, for me. It's hard writing for years without ever really hearing if it's any good; just watching arbitrary sales numbers.

And it's difficult to say this, but I want to be honest: writing here is like a drug. It's dopamine, it's social praise, it's, well, attraction, all of the nice things. But it's not helping me, and I'm realizing this. I have to examine myself and see if I'm willing to write for a living, even if I never ever get to hear from my audience again. I don't know the answer to that question, but I'll think on it seriously.

Please don't take this the wrong way, I don't dislike any of it, I don't think it's 'worse'. In fact, I think it's fun. Sometimes it's more fun than my other writing, and that's the real issue.

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As an audience, we're privileged that you share your thoughts about writing, with us. I would imagine that while the feedback is rewarding, writing stories with this level of visceral intensity, must be quite mentally and emotionally draining. I can undertand why you might take weeks or even months between "episodes", even if one didn't take into account the fact that you have earning a living, and an everyday life, to attend to.

I don't think your style of writing could ever become formulaic, and I think the concept of Emily's facility and Lena's predilictions is vastly imaginative, and could support an entire series of stories, each one filling in a few intriguing details, and raising tantalising new questions. The character, already incredibly vivid, get an opportunity to grow and take on real pesonalities.

To that extent, it would be a crying shame to foreclose on the possibility of building the series over time, even if you can't be sure at the moment whether that creative effort could ever fits into your life.

Might I diffidently suggest that you continue to enjoy writing any sequels you feel inspired to, whenever it gives you pleasure to do so? Thus keeping your options open, and your readers' hopes alive.

I know I have been vocal about wanting you to write more, but I hope that doesn't feel like pressure, because I do understand that this kind of writing can never be a chore. I genuinely mean my shouts of "encore" to be a cheer of appreciation, rather than a demand that you produce more!

Other options might also occur to you, usch as collaborating with another author of like mind, or just a muse. They could take on any part of the task that helps you, whether it's suggesting / fleshing out a storyline, giving feedback midway through development, or just editing / proofing. There are a number of ways to skin a cat or hang a girl! :)

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[Preggo, guro, ghost, mystery, horror,belly bursting]
I've read a really nice horror short story from a guy, but it was in my language, he just isn't confident enough to write them in English, so I helped him. :)

Original writing in Thai by https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/5286100
Translated into English by me as a collaboration work. :)

If you like this and want to support this writer please contact him there, he can communicate in English, he is still learning to write but is not hard to talk to.

Heavy breathing sound followed by wet clacking of footsteps echoed through a dimmed alleyway, the sky was a pouring thunderstorm. The girl with shoulder-length brown hairs was running away from something, all-out, an adrenaline-rush speed, her hands were carrying her near-birth offspring. It was today that she is due to give birth to this child, if she can run away from this “that thing”, it would be a reality.

Sadly, “Ouchh”
“Not now, my babe, not now.”
She started to feel pain in her womb and slowed down her steps, it was almost walking speed in fat, but for her, it was a sprint. She clutched her belly tighter and with all energy left, she ran again.

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I came


Another story for one of the members of the board, this time Lyza: >>21013

Birthday Girl
“Well there’s the birthday girl, looking pretty in her new dress!” announced my dad as I walked into the kitchen, all smiles.

I twirled around to show off the present I’d found by my door that morning. It was a pretty yellow sundress, long and flowy just like I like them. “It fits perfectly, thank you!”

“Have a seat, honey, breakfast is almost ready,” said my mom. I sat down at the breakfast table between my dad and brother.

“Once you’re done with breakfast, we’ve got a really big birthday surprise for you,” dad said, winking at me. I didn’t dare hope—I’d been dropping hints that I wanted a car for months, but I didn’t really expect them to get me one.

“I can’t wait!” I said. I had really good feelings about this birthday.

Breakfast was amazing, French toast and bacon, but I didn’t take the time to savor it. I was eager to find out what my big present for my special day was, so I wolfed it down.

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Stories about Disney princesses and Shonen female characters getting snuffed


You have some or you want some?


Just thought I'd share this one of mine (in two parts) as it's seasonal. Anyone got any others that take place this time of year?




This was written with one of the forum's illustrious members as the central character: >>20877

Off Shore

Ironically, I was fantasizing about the security force when they came knocking on my door.

I’d arrived at the tiny nation-state earlier that day and there had been several of them working at customs, and they was always one or two hanging out in any public spaces. To maintain my cover, I’d spent the day checking out the touristy spots, browsing the market, a little sunbathing in my tiny bikini on the beach, and all through it I just couldn’t stop thinking about them.

So I’d just gotten to my room and settled in for the night, clothes off, vibrator on, and was having a nice, pleasant fantasy about all of those men dragging me into some tiny back room, kicking and screaming, ripping off my my clothes and their uniforms and systematically raping me in every hole to teach me a lesson about what happens to nosy reporters when they try sneaking into an authoritarian country, when my reverie was interrupted by the metallic thud of someone pounding on the door to my quarters.

Groaning in an entirely non-sexy way, I turned off the vibe and quickly threw on my glasses, skirt, and a tank top so I could answer the door, only to find two members of my previous fantasy staring down at me when I opened the door.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Miss Johnston, the Director would like to see you. We’ve been instructed to take you to him.”
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That is amazing! Incredibly hot and at the same time humourously written! Kudos!


Author’s Note: This is a story set in the Star Wars legends (expanded universe). It’s a story I’ve wanted to write for a VERY long time, yet never got around to. Now that I’ve gotten around to the first chapter of the first episode, I realize that it probably should have stayed in my head until the day I died. This seemed like a MUCH better idea before it was transcribed. I actually have no idea who this story even appeals to, as it’s got a lot of stuff in it that doesn’t even appeal to me and I’m writing the thing!

If I ever get around to writing all 10 chapters of Episode 1 (and that is a very big if) then this story will have way too many different fetishes to conveniently list all at once. As for this first chapter, it includes (spoilers ahead skip to next paragraph if you want to be surprised): decap, necro, non-con, and some minor cutting and burning.

Also, as an aside, I’d like to point out that I am fully are of the fact that the premise of my main characters is extremely similar to the recently released game Jedi: Fallen Order. This is completely coincidental. The general idea for this story came about a very long time ago (you might be able to guess when I first got this idea based on the planet I chose to start the story on) and I didn’t even know of Jedi: Fallen Order’s existence until 3 weeks ago, after I had already finished the outline of Episode 1 and started drafting chapter 1. Believe me, the obvious similarities almost made me rage quit and throw the idea away forever, but then I thought “Fuck it, Star Wars already rips off Star Wars. Who cares if it looks like I do it?”

Anyway, Chapter 1: The Sword in the Scrap


“I sense,” the young woman paused, her goggle covered eyes squeezed shut as her outstretched arm strained against empty air. “this way!” She swung her arm about in a quarter circle and pointed to a heap of recently dumped starfighter skeletons, the light gray mass standing out like a bullseye against a backdrop of brown, yellow, and yellow-brown. “Yes, something of great value is buried beneath those wrecks.”

“So, scavenge the wrecks that haven’t been scavenged yet, yeah? Such insight The Force offers you!” The hulking reptilian humanoid replied, extending the fingers of his right hand while vibrating the same wrist dramatically.

“Humor is often borne of fear, and feaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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That was… definitely worth the wait.


If that's genuine, thanks! If that's sarcastic, I'm sorry to disappoint and I hope the next chapter is more to your liking.


No no! That was completely serious! You're extremely good at this!


This chapter contains, spoilers: melting, disintegration, bone breaking, falling, decap, necro, nullification

Chapter 6: Loose Ends


Diffused through the perpetual mugginess of Raxus Prime, the sun did not rise so much as it oozed over the horizon, orange light pouring slowly into the empty streets like syrup. As the waves of light lapped their way up the door of the “Pach-Up Walk in Clinic & Augment Emproium”, the doors abruptly slid open, and two figures briskly stepped out. One was a woman of unremarkable height, unremarkable build, and unremarkable features, dressed in a clean if well worn bathrobe, cargo pants, and a fashionable pair of ivory white boots a size too large for her feet. The other was a 6’10” lizard with a bionic neck brace, wearing what appeared to be four hospital gowns designed for average sized men crudely cut and sewn into a one piece jumpsuit, and a pair of filthy black boots with one sole worn more than the other. Both shared a 1000 yard stare and a posture that screamed… it just screamed.

“Well.” The young woman said, taking a deep pull of filtered air from her mask. “At least-“ A finger was placed firmly but not forcefully against her lips, a sharp black claw poking the underside of her nose.

“Jedha. Shut up.” The lizard said, before removing his finger. Jedha Kraz obeyed, not from fear but a general agreement that anything she could have said would not have been worth the breath. She’d been ‘gifted’ two weeks worth of breaths in filters and oxygen tanks, along with two weeks of food and water, all at an exorbitant cost to her self respect, ability to make eye contact, and soreness in her jaw, hands, knees, feet, and all three holes below her beltline. These breaths were hard bought, and should be spent only on the essentials.

Essentials like “Cabe, where are you going?”

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Three weeks again. Damn. Well, at least I can say with confidence that even if I weren't so lazy the next chapter wouldn't come out in two weeks, as it be long and it be requiring a lot of adjustments so that it's not a massive boring infodump. Expect the next chapter in not 2 weeks, but whenever it happens to get done.

Yay, over halfway done. Soon I can stop posting these and start a new, smaller, more focused projects.


I'm into consental hanging stories does anyone have an recommendations.



This thread also has a bunch of nice ones:



Thanks these are a good read!


The Claw
(Extreme genital mutilation, g, molestation, rape, snuff)

I used to go by the name Scolex. Doctor Scolex. But that is as past long gone. Today, and every day, my identity is tied to my hand. The hand in which I wear an iron fisted, serrated fingered, claw. I am now – Doctor Claw.

For years I have been fighting my arch nemesis the Inspector named Gadget. Yet, just like in all things scientific, once you know all the variables, can control the environment, and know the results you want – you can control the situation. Yesterday, I killed my arch nemesis. Yes, ladies and gentlemen in my head, I am a victorious Dr. Claw. Muhahahahaha. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Ahem, excuse me. That is not what is in store today, no. Today I have also captured his little niece – Penny. I have her tied up in my dungeon, full of the devilish toys I use to torture and kill my victims. Like the late Inspector Gadget.

The dungeon, although I call it that, is not actually a murky dark, dank, desolate place full of cobble stone and horrible lighting like one might envision in a 90s children's TV show. No. It is a laboratory, bright, sterile, and full of contraptions that make the walls turn red.

Penny's cell was particularly large, but that didn't matter for I have her tied up in a chair at the center of the well lit room. The white padded tile lining it. Mind you, all the tile can absorb liquids and is easily replaceable to keep things sanitary after messy experiments.

As I entered the room, the little girl's muffled screams hit my ears as a beautiful symphony of defiant noises. The little ten-year-old had quite a spark of rebellious fire within her. She didn't know her uncle was dead yet. How absolutely delightful this was going to be!
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>For years I have been fighting my arch nemesis the Inspector named Gadget.

Jesus Christ PusKiller, you had me right there. Bravo.



I only wish Penny had been upgraded to a teen as Loli isn't my thing. But great story nonetheless, hilarious and well written!


Glad you liked it! I loved the request :)

This was a conscious choice, as the 2015 show, and the movie version had Penny as a teen versus the TV show which had her as ten.
I went with the show as it's dear to my heart.
And I like loli. >.>;;


^_^ thank you!


Wow! Love the crazy diversity of settings you've got going on


Anyone know or link interactive scat stories, preferably on girls using the toilet?


This guy has several choose your own story with panty pooping girls and plenty of scat.

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