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File: 1576497629276.jpg (179.01 KB, 500x644, 140907364643.jpg)ImgOps


Does anyone have more by this artist? I vaguely recall there was one with the boy from this picture kissing a girls head (presumably the same girl beheaded on this picture) which is impaled on a man's dick (presumably the same man who's jerking him off on this picture). But I can't find it anywhere now.


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Presumably the same artist

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Does anybody know where these are from? Where to find more?


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Looking for a choose your own adventure story i had read online. Title was something along the lines of the magic brothel. It was a NBM based and most choices revolved around what tool you used, with green handles being standard nbm rules and red handles being guro nbm rules.

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Looking for new artists to work with, 2D,3D,SFM, whatever. Please post here or email me! Image unrelated.


Feels like I'm about to be invited to the Mason's cult. What's up?

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I was hoping if someone could edit her shirt and turn it into one that shows off her midriff.


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If it helps, here is another panel that shows her bare midriff. I would appreciate it if the original post could be edited.

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Any out there


What's a loli astronaut?


>>13842 something illegal in most countries im sure

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These are from Biorg Trinity from what I saw in a /g/ post, but what volume and chapter are these from?


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Ultra Jump 2013-09 Ver


Any idea where I could find them online, raws of any kind? Tried looking but those scenes seem to be censored out


Nevermind, found them, many thanks

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Would love to see some Dead by Daylight guro

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Theres a game about 3 girls pooping in swimsuits over a squat toilet and I cant find any info on it. Any leads?

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So far this is all I could find. The series has a lot of potential with it plot and amount of hot female characters.

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