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Searching for the artists or names of these mangas, will be eventually updating this post with more manga and doujin images requests. Feel free to add yours here too :)
44 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Where's the sauce? ???


I know the ladies, it's the "Gunsmiths cats" manga.


No, it was previously described as an old short comic by the artist of Geobreeders.
But the title is not known.


[伊藤明弘] Release the catch!



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He deleted almost all his guro painting on Pixiv.
Did somebody save them before he deleted it?
Please share if you happen to have it, thank you!
31 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Please, can someone share pokers old art via MEAG or some other service?


Please, can someone share pokers old art via MEGA or some other service




Do someone have an idea, where we can find the old archive of poker ?



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Where to find Fushigi Hunter Scans/Leaks?? does anyone have one?

I've been trying to search it all over the internet… nothing shows, unless you buy their book which I can't..


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here are some sample panel… where's the others


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I'm not sure, but I think it's a different manga.



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This is from a different manga:
[増田晴彦]生体融結 バイオガーダー Vol. 1
There are digital versions, you can find these pages in free read samples.

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Name and/or artist?






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Yokai senso Vol.2

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Can anyone help me find full version of this work? Thanks in advance.

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Does anyone have the uncensored version of this picture?

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Has anyone else seen this? I'm looking for more if there is some. From what I could gather the artist is "matsuda k" any info on them would be appreciated.


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I'm trying to find a different POV, from the audience, of the same girl.


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Like the title says, im lookimg for these because im planning to use them for comm references, so would be extremely appreciated if you guys can share what you have!, thanks in advanced

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Requesting the full, uncensored, 3D debreasting comic by Red Pixie.







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