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Does anyone have Waldo 3d pics they would care to share. There are a few in the 3d loli thread, but the huge Waldo thread is dead, looks like for everybody. Mod hasn't gotten around to it, and may never. Reposting would be appreciated by many. Thanks


I saw this black and white picture with several girls (maybe two) hanging and another girl being delivered to the scaffold in a wagon. I think her name was Wendy. She was naked, tied, and had a noose stuffed into her cunt.

Cannot find it to save it. Thought it was a Dean_(NL) on chan.sankakucomplex, but I can't find it. Not under Dean_(NL) though it looks just like one of his. It has a kind of scratchy look to the sketch, not smooth at all.

it's a longshot;I looked in Gurochan Hangings 2.0, executions, asphyxiation, mass executions, etc. Gelbooru doesn't have it, couldn't find it on Rule34.xxx. Those are the places I normally go.

The noose stuffed in her cunt makes it unique.

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how about an adult morgan geyser on the toilet having a shit?


where can i order hiquality guro commission for about 52 chapters x 30 pages?

email/PM tx


Haven't seen anything from this anime on here.

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I want a drawing of Harukasan getting grilled and then eaten.


More with Bleach would be cool
27 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Source plz, I'm dying to know!




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Damn, who is making these great pics!?

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Sadly, I have forgotten the source...
If my memory is clear, the artist draws more guro art...



Nic 中国机器猫


a thread for alternative endings of stories or more juicy detailed drawings artist didn't make or publish


can someone make a more detailed ending for the story: a tale of chinese slavery.
I like the ending but would like to see how meimei ended up.


Long shot but would anyone have lying around a now probably ancient DOS era, turned based snuff game in which you shot, stripped and raped women of dubious art quality? Looking for it out of interest, not quality.

I know there was a nearly identical thing done on some forum (that I can no longer find) using 3D models and a Windows application. That’s *not* what I’m looking for.

This was 2D art and a distinctly DOS era UI and exe.


This sounds interesting. I wouldn't mind seeing this myself.

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