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It looks awesome


Its easy, i read this recently XD


Do you have any non-exhentai links? I tried several methods to access it, but I always get sad panda.

I really want to read this one



And for your informtion, i know how to get into exhentai without getting sad panda (always doing it and it works like a charm)
- clear your browser cookies (its a must) and login data (just in case)
- open e-hentai.org
- login to e-hentai.org (no account, you can just register one :D)
- after you login, you can finally open the exhentai.org

Trust me, it works
And also, if e-hentai.org is being blocked in your country, try to use VPN before doing the second step, after you finish login and finally entered exhentai, you can browse to exhentai without using any VPN ;)
Hope that helps ^^b

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I've got a few ideas on how to "enhance" this picture.It would be really amazing if some photoshop wizard could implement at least one of them.

-remove piercings and straps from her,make her encased in one solid piece.
-recolor her suit to turn it from latex into solid metal,perhaps add some welding lines as well.
-shorten her stumps,give her pillow shape. (change background?)
-age reduction.(up to you how much)
-add anything else that you think would enhance this picture.



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If you have it, please PM me on dolecettish.com. Thanks, Regis


Still interested.

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Any good burning alive photos? I would love to see some hot naked girls burning alive.

(Excuse the random photo)


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Does anyone know the source of this animation? Who is thiis cumslut nad why was she killed?


heartwork ep1


Thanks anon! Just finisshed the episod. It was terrible, but thats what i expect from hentai. terrible scripts :-D

That gif does'nt do that scene justice.

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It was in the style of the other picture attached here, but on the image I'm looking for, it said something like "Show and tell: The amazons" and it featured a girl standing in a classroom environment, pulling one of her breasts from her body while cutting it off.
I can't find it anywhere, so I'm hoping someone still has it saved.


Sounds familiar..... I'll have to see if I can find something. I've been looking for a full n dofline achive as well with very little help. I got a link to a small set once, but nothing fancy. Anyway. Show and tell sounds kinda familier. I'll look through what I have and try to be back in a day.


Sorry anon. I don't think I have this. I'll try to keep this in mind and post if I stumble on it or somethng but I didn't find it.

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Anyone has a link to Salamanders artwork? Higher quality than provided would be awesome but I'll take anything.


try desadov.com :)

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Has anyone saved a good amount of it? e.g. a 7000 page PDF was posted on /p2p/ some years ago, but that is now dead
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Id like the model bus story back


Someone who had this, please help us here ^^


I don't know if anyone would want them, but here are some really old stories that I believe I found on Gurochan a long time ago, and that I haven't seen online in quite some time.



I'd love some free use universe stories like rosie's


Do you have a link to any of that authors stories? I love free use stuff

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Lookig for more pics from this artist. I have the rest of this comic but I remember him doing more with gargoyle theme.
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Do you have the whole comic this one?
Or any other his work about girls killed in office suit


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There are also a few shorter series I'll post later.



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A bit of a bump (I'm a bit busy at work)
But, I've been playing around with DesignDoll. Here's some teasers and stuff I've created with it.
First, our protagonists...


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I'm continuing this on its thread, The Adventures of Fantasticgirl (redux) on /art/.

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