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/req/ - Requests

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I'm looking for a video of many nude sex trafficked women and girls being corralled into a semi truck by businessmen. All appear white in race, and the video was taken outside in a parking lot surrounded by trees, and maybe a building or two above the treeline, on a cloudy day. A fat businessman near the truck kicks at a scared little girl who hesitates to go up the ramp, and a woman comforts her. After they close the door, they take a tube from the exhaust and put it in a hole in the side of the truck. I saw the video at the end of December, 2022. Whenever I search for news articles about it, nothing comes up, but I want to find it for reference so that it's not forgotten. The screams and cries of the women and children as the truck starts making figure eights haunts me.

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Looking for artists with similar 3d art style and taste. Links are appreciated.(The author of this one is III Mantis S)

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Does anyone has these set of pictures of peach hanging herself in better quality? art by agathaimogen


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Thanks to the ass burgers of the subject the thread will be dedicated to rectify a glaring lack of bowels.
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Can you tell me more about this site you've heard it from?




That exists? Man I wish live leak was still a thing so I can check that out


Update: a girl by the name Ellinsia has indeed pop her intestines and survived only to inflate again months later.

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I guess they're requesting more pics of the series?





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Looking for a free download of the visual novel Murder House ~Guro Ryona no Yakata~, I think I saw a download link for the game a year ago on this site but I’m pretty sure that thread’s gone


crazy dance.


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Giving it another try now that gurochan is a little bit more populated, and since the first thread 404d.

I've been looking for the last 2 issues of Turupeta Research report. It is a comedic guro/snuff series by diferent artists mostly focused on loli guro.

Most issues are available on exhentai, but issues 10 and 11 seem to be lost media at this point.
I'd buy the magazines from Japan if I was able, but importing any kind of pornography is illegal in my country for some idiotic reason.
If anyone can offer any help on tracking these numbers and scanning them or if there is any way I can help anyone else that might be looking for them, please let me know.
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exhentai ratings are usually bad when there is guro without warning at cover. People click on something that isn't aimed at them, don't like it, then rate it 1/5 -_-


It's a mix of the loli hating faction rating it low, the guro hating faction rating it low and the fans of Tsurupeta research also rating it low because it's the most poorly drawn of all 10 issues.


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Bumping for a miracle on issue 10.


why I can't open exhentai my account's age is more than 1 week in
e-hentai plz help


Not sure why you would ask this in a random request thread, try asking in /dis/.

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Requests Mahouka koukou no rettousei Guro and Ryona
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If anyone is taking drawing requests, I really want to see Barbie and her friend Teresa nude and making out with shit in their mouths and on their faces, please

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