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/g/ - Gore & Death

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Where women are impregnated with some form of parasatoid creature that kills the host when it's "born"
One of the rarest types of guro it seems, but opening the thread up with a classic.
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That is from The Incal comic series by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Jean Giraud. I think that specific page comes from the Final Incal.


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Same image as the OP, just upscaled with one of those fancy AI enhancers.


Sauce of these pls.



That would be from 千年凛. You can view his stuff on his pixiv



Bloody amazing work. Care to share the name of the tool? Could come handy

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Tearing/damaging anal penetration and just torn/bleeding assholes in general. Not sure if it's gory enough for this board tho. I hope it suits. Because I love this stuff and can't really find much of it. Girls/boys/dickgirls all goes.
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All guro images are from the past. Everything you know of is.


Was that meant to sound deep?


I mean like at least 5 years ago haha


Neither deep nor shallow, I'd hope simply self evident.


you're a fag

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Any picture of someone connected on something with wires and stuff?
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just realized this isn't a machine, sorry for getting off-topic


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 No.26776[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Translations into English from other languages
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Just google search for free fonts and you'll find a lot of them. I generally prefer to use a comic book font for this type of artwork. Choose the ones you like and then open them and drop them into the windows fonts folder.



Thanks man your translations did help a good amount. I also really appreciated the copy pastable kanji because it let me copy it into RomajiDesu which is what i use over google translate.

If you want to get into typesetting, what I did when i started was downloading the wildworlds font pack and then using photoshop to edit


Can anyone translate this?


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Can someone translate this doujin I recently had scanned?


Sorry, I will take your head.
No people around here,best time for action.
[Moving quietly]

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gonna bump this if anyone's got anything XD


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From the drawthread


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From the drawthread


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Also from the drawthread


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Last one

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Cynthia's death #2


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I come with a proposal, make your best drawings of cynthia, be it beheaded, crucified, drowned, cut throat, burned alive, impaled … I don't know … Let your imagination run wild


A better proposal would be to pay an artist


I can't pay :(

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I hardly see anything related to it. Sure, I see guro of pregnant women. But you never see what happens to the fetus. It's never really the focus. That's what I'm looking for.


because it's not sexy. It's just heartbreaking.



Point taken. But that could be said about all the stuff on this site, so I still don't understand.

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A thread for images of human trophies, mounted up on walls.

Preferably female, preferably deceased, but since it's kinda hard to come by I'm fine with male/still living trophies.

Sorry if there's already a thread for this, but I had a brief look and couldn't see it on the first couple of pages.
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Not sure if this counts since she's literally turned into a trophy, but I came across this on an old Japanese blog. The artist drew mostly body modification stuff but hasn't updated anything in years.

She's a princess that gets turned into a trophy by the enemy nation after her country's defeat.


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Same source. Again, not really a "trophy" but turned into an onahole after she failed to pay her debts. According to the text, each product comes with a recording showing the woman's last moments on camera.




These are amazing - do you have the source?

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 No.62956[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Another iteration of Gurochan. Another version of western comics. Since the old one obviously autosaged.
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You are asking in the wrong thread. /req is up there.


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hulk v3, 51-52


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Keep 'em coming.

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