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/g/ - Gore & Death

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 No.47581[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Using knives to slice off cunts.
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what's the source for this?


Uziga Waita, looks like Mai-chan's Daily Life


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Dead or alive women with hot objects in their anuses/wombs/throats
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I've been looking for the source of 59124, but to no avail.


wow source?



its an hentai anime called slave market. This image is from episode 2 out of 3 episodes total


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Post all guillotine related content here. This is the sexiest way to behead women.
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Not just any redhead. It's girl Ranma. The artist did at least one more with the Ranma characters. Ranma and Nabiki getting noosed on horseback with Akane already swinging.


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That's a different style.

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There's this artist called O-M-Y (I think that's what he goes by?) and he makes this super hot art and I want to find a good collection of his work but I only find stuff very scattered on his twitter (twitter.com/o_m_y_orz) and it seems he has an account on some japanese art site. Can we gather some stuff in this thread?


>and it seems he has an account on some japanese art site

You mean pixiv? Better get used to that site if you are into niche hentai.

He also has a fantia page, basically a japanese version of patreon. Much of it is available for free there but give him a few bucks if you like his art.



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 No.83055[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

hisashiburi, /g/. Let's have an animated thread.
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 No.86943[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Old thread is locked
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I love that game!


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meat party


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> [Kuroni] Shoujo Nikusen Monten

Anyone know where I can find an English translation of this?

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Anyone have some inflation bursting pictures? Furrys welcome.
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is this an edit or there is a sauce?




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Dead video game girls. I'd especlly love to see Rosalina, Malon, Dawn, Samus, Luciana, Vanille, Aqua, Ellie, Lara, Elena Fisher, Tani, Morrigan and Bhadra.
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Angels, fairies, demons, etc. getting their wings broken, severed, torn off, or otherwise removed
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Took a bit to track down, but all On's paper stuff is up here:


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 No.83657[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Old Thread died.
Lets start anew.
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I fucking LOVE this kind of brain fucking! We need more obedient sluts letting men shove their cocks into their skulls like this. The through the ear stuff is just too goofy for me. I wish I could draw.


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