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/g/ - Gore & Death

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anyone know the name?


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I made this. Hope you enjoy, you nasty freaks (;


"Vampire girl shockingly looking at the man touching his left nipple near dead body"

Well… I dont understand


post it on /art/
this don't belong here

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 No.19354[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Apologies if this thread already exists. I didnt find it anywhere
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[Lass Lunatic] Midare Setsugetsuka Tsukiyo no Inbu, Kyouki no Chigiri


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If you played the Danganronpa games, did you enjoy the (female) murders and executions?

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The moment when danger is clear, just before guro is about to happen
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There's a ton here from
Poppy Playtime Foblox Rainbow Friends Doors fan animations

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For gore that looks like someone was filming it.
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Holy crap, got a source on that?



Check out vvindowsme on pixiv. Unf can be hard to find a comprehensive list of works.


source ?


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There is a Halloween story incoming!
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I believe he still has these commissioned through Linart



DarkTales here.

That is not LinArt. But the artist want to remain anonimus in this time.

I will post this story on the net soon. Maybe tomorrow. It was 6 month passed. Now maybe it's time. :)




Halloween Story

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There hasn't been a board of this that I've seen, so let's make it a reality :D
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Why she is soft if she is frozen D:

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Nuns being tortured / killed
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Any source? Looks like that one artists work, Lava-something.


Its CrimsonRed work


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Artist is
https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/66721014 they made a lot of her

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For those that want translations,And have translations
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These aren't exact translations - I'm editing liberally to enhance the flow.

"Reparations" by Yuna Ikewaga

<Panel 1>

Let me tell you about "reparation trophies". Historically, a kingdom that loses in war was forced to offer up their princesses to the enemy as a way of paying reparations. But this was not merely handing over a slave - the princess has all of her limbs amputated and then her body is screwed into a metal frame and presented as a sex toy. Because the princess herself becomes the means of reparations as a sex toy, she comes to be called the "reparation trophy". This is a tale of a country that lost a way and had to pay this price.

<Panels 2-4>

This is Princess Alice, the daughter of the defeated king. She had big beautiful eyes, delicate pale skin, and long silken hair - a true princess. She had no choice but to present herself as payment for her kingdom's defeat. If she tried to escape, there would undoubtedly be a massacre of her countrymen. So that night…

<Panel 5>
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translation to english?


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I always liked this one. So would be nice to know whats going on in it.


I found this Nanoha snuff imageset:


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Silky the Phantom Thief and some other girl shot to pieces.
It's not much, but I'm still interested in what that boxes say.

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