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/g/ - Gore & Death

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Any more pics,buddies?


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How about a thread for girls in glasses getting snuffed?
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moar plz


salsa plox


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Let's get an execution thread going for the little ones.
6 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It’ll be these one I guess.
>>84337 >>84338 >>84370. >>84454
>>84455 >>84484 >>84485. >>84486
>>84487. >>84627. >>84969. >>84970


Maybe these should be saved for loliboard which comes in... 4 days


Fair enough.


Did you get a chance to post them on loli board? I couldn't find them.


Glad to see this thread. Love it.

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This thread's for pics of dead girls with their eyes open....

Here's Asuna from Negima....
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Can you give the source?


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And other decapitated heads


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No.83973's after


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Bonus points if they're turning into said monster/are infected


there's a hard vore thread already up


More specifically by zombies/zombie like monsters. Not just a giant snake or something

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Last one.
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woo I love it, welcome back ^^


Man Ive been following this since the off beatr days,I'd gladly pay for a new set.

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What are some other good guro games like http://granony.r.ribbon.to/game/hanging/v1/play.html
or "Ministry of Population control?" Leave em here if you've got em!

Asphyxiation is preferred!
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It's a bit on the tame side of things, but if you like hanging there's Cinderella Escape and Huuma Mina.

Honestly all I want is a game with good breath-related stuff: hanging, garotting, bagging/sealing the nose etc and solid bondage options.



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Kitsune Loli Babaa Ryona trap Dungeon


Just in case anyone is wondering, if you use winrar to extract, you can use the hotkey CTRL + E in winrar to change the language to japanese. For getting the game to run in japanese, I find that Locale Emulator to be more reliable than switching windows locale. As for translations, someone made a guide that applies for all Sword and Execution(S&E) games:


I had to select Hard difficulty in order to start playing, but someone here posted saves that can be used to bypass it too. There are some parts in S&E3 that can get you stuck, so it is important to make use of the save slots.


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The Cutting Room seems to be finished. For those interested in castration, download it at:


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