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Helper Tag:1girl, spread legs, bound, bdsm, box, in container, in box

Strength:0.55~1.0(0.7 is optimal)

It can be combined with other character LoRa.

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Korra please


Android 18 in a box?


Yunaka from Fire Emblem Engage could be fun


BotW Zelda please


Rapunzel (Disney version) please

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Just an attemp


Looks pretty good as a first-time. Are you going to post more of your art here? I wanna see more.


Thank you, and yes, i'm willing to

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GUROchan needs a mascot! Through GUROchan's history, many characters were featured as unofficial mascots, such as Nevada-tan or Bikko. This is why we must have our own homegrown Guro-tan.

These are the only requirements for submissions:
1-Must be an original characters
2-Must be safe for work - blood, bruises and wounds are fine as long as it doesn't feature nudity
3-Must be a 2D illustration

All submissions will be preserved in a special gallery. The winner will have their character featured on the front page, will represent GUROchan and the artist will of course be credited for it.

Post your submissions on this /art/ thread. The contest will last for 3 weeks from this day on till the end of August 2021.
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These three feel best so far for me


so many amazing submissions ITT


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not sure if this counts as nsfw but anyways here's my girl :) (reposting because i fixed something in the image)


Thank you so much everyone for participating and providing such amazing submissions. You guys really made picking a winner a tough task.

As mentioned in the first post, the contest ends by the end of August, which means that the thread has to be locked and any further submissions are not accepted.

Only one girl (and artist) will win it all! Expect the winner to be announced during the first weekend of September.


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anyone had any luck with gunshots/stabbing in NovelAI V3? The model is the best its been in depicting some violence, but I still can't get consistent gunshots or stabs….

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Sharing some of the images I created with Bing Dall.E 3.
Sadly now it's censoring everything, I hope it'll return so permissive.
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Today it works quite well.


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please share prompt


Honestly I was simply lucky with, the prompt was something like "dying on the ground with a hole in the chest"

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anyone know which game is that? any patreons?

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Who has this set of pictures?

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prompt:severed head,
Helper Tag:metal rod, empty eyes
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For some reason it was trained on a very specific set of faces. Works very bad IRL and with other LORAs. Probably a bigger data set is required.

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This is why it's dangerous to hang out with mutants…
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I tried too recolor some old Dolcett images with AI for fun, and made a little face swap.



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Post your best art of girls getting their brains blown out plz

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Important announcement!

Normally I hardly ever speak, but I would like to change things here…
I've been away for a long time, inconsistent, but I'm more motivated than ever this year.
I'd like to change my style and way of drawing a bit, to be faster, more spontaneous…

For that I would like to set up a universe based on backrooms, which would allow me to draw regularly all possible ideas.
The ideas come partly from my discord and my patreon, where everyone is invited to participate of course.
I hope that many people will follow me in this new style, this new story, and that I will stay motivated for a long time.
I will try to do at least 3 per week to start.
If you want to support or participate to the ideas, don't hesitate to join my patreon or to contact me.

Background story :

Everything will happen in a particular level of the backrooms, this level attracts masochists, increases their tendencies and takes away their desire to escape.
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I'm glad you like my work.
New sketch, as I'm sometimes asked for futas…

The sounding :

Things aren't static in backrooms, places are constantly evolving, and this room is one example.
It was a place where the maso was captured by the balls, sounded, and had to fill her bladder herself by pressing a screen at regular intervals, until the organ exploded. It was the only way to escape.

Things have evolved since. A camera appeared, with a connection to the outside world, and interactions with viewers were activated.
Things have gotten considerably tougher since then.
Every minute a warning sounds, the maso has 5 seconds to touch the screen, with the quantity injected every minute, it generally takes 3 hours for a bladder to explode if no mistakes are made.
If the slightest hesitation is detected or the time is exceeded, the bladder is emptied almost instantly and refilled to its previous level brutally. The pressure and speed make it feel like a huge internal punch.
At the first error, the bladder is emptied and refilled once, at the second error, twice, etc., with no limit to the number.

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A quick sketch for another idea I had in mind…

Double trouble :

This is a room that attracts maso in pairs. In the middle are two perfectly symmetrical setups, with two large spiked dildos, electrodes for the nipples, clitoris and collar.
Behind each setup, there's a large articulated metal whip.

To get out of here, the two masochists have to fuck the dildos for 6 hours without stopping, being perfectly sycronized and symmetrical.
They can choose their rhythm together, but this will determine the whip on their backs. If they go slow, the whip will be extremely brutal and fast, if they go fast, the whip will remain a challenge but will be more bearable.

The rest of the setup is there to make them fail. Spiked dildos can blast burning water into their holes, grow brutally, send out huge electric shocks or start spinning, reducing their asses and pussies to a mess.
Electrodes on the rest of their bodies also send out huge discharges.

All this is activated at random, sometimes all at once, and on just one of them. If the one being tortured reacts and breaks the symmetry, the other is punished. She suffers 100 times what the other has just taken. Then the timer resets to zero for a new trial.

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Illustration in progress (not finished) on the universe of backrooms


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another room idea…

The burning room :

This is a room where the masochist is invited to tie her hands, and once in place, the floor heats up until it becomes red-hot. Soon, the air also reaches an unbearable temperature, it becomes extremely painful to breathe and the skin is on the point of permanent burning.

Shortly after, several flame-throwing arms are activated, controlled by people connected to this room. They can use them as they wish, wherever they want, and the power can be adjusted to burn an entire body in a minute, or to concentrate on areas of less than a centimetre.

Victims' ability to regenerate is considerably increased in this location, as skin regenerates quickly enough not to burn permanently, and flame-thrower wounds heal in a minute or two.

For a long time it was thought that there was no way out of here, the victims stay for years and there's almost always someone connected, night and day, to play with them.

The only person to come out was an extremely talented pure white masochist, who spent 24 hours here playing without showing the slightest sign of pain. On the contrary, she had a provocative attitude the whole time, ostensibly offering the parts of her body that people wanted to burn… her ass, pussy, tits, even her face, mouth or eyes.

After that, the handcuffs came off, but she stayed there for another 3 days, asking people to keep burning her and fucking her with the flamethrowers.


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Hello everyone and thank you for your attention.

First of all, I'm sorry for my absence, I've had some big problems in my life and I didn't have the time to draw anymore.

But now I need your help, because I've had serious health problems for the past two years, and I can't pay my medical bills anymore.

So I'm opening up my commissions again, with quite attractive prices I think. I don't mind working a lot, but I need money fast. (For example, a sketch like this is around $15/20).

Simple sketches start at $5
Shaded versions at $20
And color illustrations at $50

Then the price will depend on the number of characters, the presence or absence of a background or complex elements, I can also make prices for people who order a lot…

Don't hesitate to send me your ideas, I hope to be flooded with work soon.

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