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/art/ - Artwork

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File: 1667818951678.jpg (4.63 MB, 5000x5600, yz3.jpg)ImgOps



Cute style, post more if you draw

File: 1667735317677.jpg (1.55 MB, 2968x900, 1578491997428.jpg)ImgOps


>i think i can do... a million more of these now
Lets go
11 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



>>31396 updated version i guess https://anonymfile.com/VpkQx/.rar

wanted to sort it into a singlr jpg but it end up to hundred MBs file somehow



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Not so good results but ok


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Ai is bad so posting whatevrr i addedbas refs and move on to drawing

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In my boredom, I've been trying to explore the limits of how NovelAI understands guro content.
This research may be critical when SkyNet takes over, because I want it to be creative when it ends humanity.
I'll just be posting pretty clean renders here, I'd imagine AI content would quickly become spammy. The number of posts under the NovelAI tag on Pixiv is growing by almost 10,000 images a day. Ew.
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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These are actually very, very nice. Good, high res renders and really pretty models.

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just my drawings
2 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Good work


Nice sketches!


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Nice, great one.


Sorry if this is rude or pushy but do you take requests?

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Oops, looks like some played with they're yo-yo the wrong way

Thanks for requesting me! I choose her classic design since her newer one was too hard to draw ;_; and in sorry for not being able to shade it


File: 1661788679617.png (154 KB, 768x1024, Untitled338_20220829165726.png)ImgOps

I forgot some things, here's the fixed ver


That's awesome


Can you please scroll down a bit down the page and kindly keep all your stuff to one thread? This is a slow moving board, there is no reason to start a new thread every time you post art. Learn proper imageboard etiquette, please.



Please keep your work in a single thread. Thank you.

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I hate this so much I could've done better. also it's the postal dude

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hiiii ive never used this site before but i draw gore and occasionally tcc stuff so if ur into that plz give me a follow!!

my twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/beachslaughter
my instagram https://instagram.com/beachslaughtered?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

ask for my discord!

i can also do requests if anyone is interested


>i can also do requests if anyone is interested
If you want there are a lot of requests in the drawthread


File: 1661679748616.png (328 KB, 681x534, 1660326574473.png)ImgOps

I can tell what art style you're going for, so honestly I think you should try your hand at drawing on /kaki/


Seconding >>30417, I request you to draw something on /kaki/ and link it in this thread

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Hi! Just began to draw guro and want to share!
10 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1663528038635.jpg (145 KB, 796x878, color.jpg)ImgOps

Hi again!


Nice drawings.


File: 1664123157641.jpg (426 KB, 1080x1876, Legless.jpg)ImgOps

Thank you :D


Cute drawings


Can you do girl in a coffin acter the hanging?

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Here's a onepage piece I did for a costumer. Called "Madman" :)
PLease feel free and contact me for commissions.
/ Slasher


Can you please keep your content to one thread? That is the netiquette around here

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