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 No.23064[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I will also adjust my pictures here!
You can also find me here: aryion.com/g4/user/BoeserWolf
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After catching the elf, the goblins try to decide who can have which piece of her!
Only goblins are not particularly good at archery, so it can take a while to finish!


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After catching the elf, the goblins try to decide who can have which piece of her!
Only goblins are not particularly good at archery, so it can take a while to finish!

All pictures individually and without markings!
Und in original bese!


Will she be cooked next?




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This is my first drawing in this vein, I want to continue with the self harm theme. I'm also considering stitches, cannibalism, rotting. If you have suggestions similar to what I named I'll be happy to draw that.
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You are improving a lot


goddamn that's quite a level up congrats man, you seem to love pain and suffering but would you be willing to draw anything where the victim is already dead? Maybe as followup to another pic?


Sounds like a cool idea. I'll try drawing that some time.


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Not too proud of how this turned out but might as well post it here. I'm going back to drawing guro again, slowly..


I'm very proud of how this turned out.

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I’m opening commissions! Hmu on discord if you want us to go into further detail<33
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Draw some dead butts!
Just a lot of butts! xD


Because she is smol and cute


You won't draw loli. I understand.


>Lose 20 pounds with this one weird trick!



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 No.34607[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Had a bunch of stuff drawn and I thought, "Whatever, I'll just post it here".
Will take suggestions as long as it's Touhou, though I'm pretty much just doing this as a hobby anyways, so don't expect anything.
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You see, that's the problem. I don't have discord.


bruh here's my alt Twitter @house_burn123


I followed you. Send me a DM.


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WIP gonna add some heads to the Oni's waist


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Hi! I love drawing snuff, and I'll upload new snuff to this thread! I'll keep uploading as long as people keep commenting.

I do a lot of furries right now, but I hope to do more humans. I hope you guys can be inspiration for me to do that. Lemme know what you think of my stuff!
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A present then, you posted this and I colored it for you.


Oh! Well im flattered, dont ya know? Hope you had fun!


No problem. I am trying to improve my skills in Fire Alpaca


So cute


Any chance to see hangings one day?

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Anybody has the full animation?

Its so hard to find it, especially the sound one



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I did this in Corel painter classic several years ago. I think it's one of better works but I don't feel comfortable posting it to my social media pafes


Apparently I can't type for shit today!


damn, that's awesome. you should do more!


>>18079 Damn! So detaiIed. I love it

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I have found this awesome AI Art by this artist


Do you have any hints which Model/Checkpoint and LoRa has been used?

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вот еще


Dus anyone know ware this artist is posting now?

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I'm amazed you were able to do it.

what tags did you use for the hanging?


(Did some Photoshop editing to try and assist the Ai)

female with blonde long thin hair ponytail and blue eyes, noose around neck, rope around neck, hanged, hanging rope neck, lifeless, dead, corpse, crying, tears, scared, beautiful, s-3057433102


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(AI) Sexy Squat Snuff Execution | 8feet 's Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/102049846 <@&564529147012186123>


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PIXIV (26 pages) -> https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/103211561
Been a good bit... While I haven't finished on the next Ai-Snuff-Art (including a gun, but with 3 different perspectives)
I was inspired by 船上的老鼠
To make a side project about wrapping sexy ladies in body bags and fapping to them as they asphyxiate to death.
So this was fun to work on :D



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