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/s/ - Scat

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Where'd this panel come from?


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>Where'd this panel come from?
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean
Volume 5


Thanks for the sauce!

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anyone the source for this one?


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is this a find this image thread for this one pic or can others request looking for things

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My favorite shit

I also made an discord channel for scat
9 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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By Ohigetan


fuck that guy holy shit
the more we ignore him the faster he will disappear


It's better that no one remembers who made this.



Why's the guy so despised, though?


Attention whore that fishes for compliments with the bread-and-butter "My art is bad" or "I should stop posting" statements. Looks the other way when given advice and would rather make excuses whenever someone points out flaws in their art, all the while claiming that they are improving despite not having changed since they've started.
Their art and anatomy is all-around bad, so it's just annoying to see it and the small handful of white knight desperate folk that actually find it actually acceptable. It's a damn shame because the artist has REALLY good concepts, but has horrible execution.

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I hope someone would buy this and scanlate it for us.


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I am looking for a real hot hyper scat roleplay on discord, piss and vomit included if you ask.

FUN FACT: if you play a shota it adds +10 to me wanting to rp c:

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Are you still doing this? Would love to play a shota on it.


i doubt he is still doing it
but i would be more than happy to roleplay with you
wanna do it over discord? im into just about everything so whatever fetishes you wanna include im fine with



Sure! What's your discord?


my discord is gurdes#4634

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Does anyone have this: [Little mantis] ニオイスミレ2 のDL情報?

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This is just a typical scat thread for whatever you have with the only exception that the drawings have to follow a model of anatomic correctness. This means no stupendously oversized (or undersized) asses, tits, thighs, or superdeformation unless the rest of the character is also that fat. Perspective and foreshortening is a different matter.


Shouldn't abnormal amounts of shit be on the blacklist too?

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h t t p://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ204286.html
I think I found a decent game
But i can not get this game
Please help me


Apparently it's not actually a game but a CG set

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Hi, I launched similar thread to Requests but let's continue here also. My main fetisch is pissing with mom. So do you have any pics, art, comics etc where's shota and his mom (aunt, teacher, random MILF) who shows little shota how girl pees?

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