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/s/ - Scat

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Food in various states of digestion
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File: 1621821523218.mp4 (2.74 MB, xraygirlpoop.mp4)ImgOps

and here's an animation i did of it


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That's beautiful. How did you do that? LIVE 2D??


it was made in Flash

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I love editing scat pictures using photoshop to make the shit bigger. You can post your requests and I'll edit them.
44 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


If you're not so sure on the idea but want to do a test, do what 4chan did for their new boards. They did trials for every new board that they put out, if the board does well, it will stay around. But if something goes wrong or another concept turns out to be better, they'll close down the board and/or redirect people to the replacement.

Simple, do a test, give it like a year or less and see if it works out.


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Request for 3 massive load and possible wetting


Not my fault the first thing you see in Fur right off the bat is Gore. Absolute Lunacy!


Just love how I asked for context and got zero answer.
You just know it's likely something stigmatic, in my opinion. I definitely know it's funny to stick it to furfags by cramming everything grotesque in one place as a containment.

If it's not a joke, better clear up and have a good reason why you dropped the idea instead of pitching it like 4chan does with their new boards.

and who asked you?
It's definitely not my fault users generally don't fucking use blacklists. It's annoying and can turn away people from using the board.


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Could you possibly edit this to have him take a larger dump? Please and thank you

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Got more like this?
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Im a fan of this. Shame that its so rare.


Sweet find!

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Time for a games thread. https://booth.pm/ja/items/2829209

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I love this combination
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What comes in, must come out.
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what's the source on this?


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M2H! is that you?

I was supporting you on Fanbox until the site rejected my card! I'll try to keep supporting you soon! You're one of my favorite artists!

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Locking this thread, because it lacks any subject.

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I was looking for a game from quite long ago, using this image as one of its CGs. I can't remember what game is it. If anyone remembers or have played the game before, I would love to know what game is it. Thanks!
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well, i'm not quite sure if it would help, op anon, but i do have some recollection on the details of this game
the sprites of the game are reminiscent of those from this publisher: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/2887717 (but i may be mistaken)
additionally, i am certain the artist for the CGs is nikuman (肉名) on pixiv. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/1339823

cheers, most likely it's of no use to you but that's all the information i can offer


I thank you from the bottom of my heart, stranger. I have been looking for the thing for a long time


I have seen the Pixiv, and it is indeed the CG from the game. Can't find any other details from the game on the Pixiv tho, so might just be someone using his pics without premission. I knew of the game from the vid posted above actually. After inquiring to the vid poster, it appears to be game abandonned during development or something along those lines. Haven't found any other leads since.


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i've found a game possibly worth grabbing, dlsite link here: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ314927.html
anyone willing to take one for the team and grab it for all of us?


here's a rapidgator link if y'all have a premium subscription: https://rapidgator.net/file/df0268c187d3434765472ae6d09d86cd/RJ314927_20210227.zip.html#
(probably not malware)

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posting for the request anon


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I've seen this thread a million times, refreshing /s/ to see if there's any new material on it, and every time I thought it was Amy Rose

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