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Any good combat/battle 3D shit out there? Saw some decent stuff on Deviant art before they went all pg-13 but never saved anything sadly...


File: 1649356186493.jpg (184 KB, 1280x608, df0c198-1c4c7a22-beb0-4721….jpg)

I'm more interested in what you would do with the defeatees.
Such as taping her mouth & shoving a hose up her ass and letting gas flow until her guts burst.


When I was a kid I found this incredibly hot 3d anime gif on funnyjunk of two girls fighting, but very quickly, it turns brutal, and I watched this poor girl get her entire body broken and folded down piece by piece while she screamed.
It was the hottest thing I'd seen in my life at the time.
I could never find the source though.
By some miracle, later in my life, I found someone on 8chan upload the artists entire collection. It was almost like it was fated.
I loved those videos so much.
And I even made backups.
But once again, fate had other plans, and every backup I made failed.
I remember I had a translator help me track down the artists nicovideo account and I started following the artist on nicovideo as a precaution, because I had already lost all my backups of these videos before, but when I checked my account after I lost all my new backups, my followers were completely blank/cleared. I assume their account was deleted.
I no longer have any lead on tracking down this artists work, and I no longer am in contact with the translator who helped me.
It's heartbreaking to me that once again, It's up to fate whether I get to see those videos again, and I don't think I'm getting lucky again.


Originally posted by Lolicullus!bCnX24C0rI

A sad story, indeed. But what is/was the name of the artist? Got it lost too? That wouldn't be sadness but dementia - which would also be sad. ;)

(Future tripcode: !nbnRck3qVw)


The artists name was Japanese, I never knew it because I couldn't even read it.


Originally posted by GuroPrince

There is the complete collection of games from Bloodiba posted on the game thread with reviews made by an anon a few posts below:




Originally posted by Lolicullus!bCnX24C0rI

And your post is related to this thread in which way? I'm afraid I have to consider this as spam.

You wrote "When I was a kid", indicating a long time passing since then - unless you are "only" a teenager now. About which year are we talking?

(Future tripcode: !nbnRck3qVw)


Originally posted by GuroPrince

Well Bloodiba games have only females fighting to death as subject and they are 3D! If you had a little guro culture you would have known this! Just trying to help the dude!

On the other hand a thread asking for "3D shit" without posting anything is a request at best and should be moved in /req but to me looks like a spam thread!^^ You have the wrong adress here pal!


This thread was originally created on /3dcg/, but I saw it appropriate to move here.


Well, GuroPrince, this point is yours. OTOH you shouldn't assume, that everybody knows everything - even with a lot of "guro culture". Anyway, I hope your hint leads the OP to some helpful information.

(Future tripcode: !nbnRck3qVw)


Didn't mean to sound so harsh, I generaly poke around to help people around here when I can, but was having a bad day then:P and since u are a loli fan you become by default a man of culture as well!^^


Accepted - and I appreciate that promotion. :D

After rereading the old thread I'm sure the OP was an one-day wonder and the story was told by an different Anon. He/she/it posted because the thread was bumped after ten months by the second poster, who likes to inflate the defeated. So while the OP may have spammed (although I think not) was the girl-fight-addict probably genuine.
However, it entertains us. ^^


I almost forgot this thread, I will post one more message.

About my current age:
I recently turned 21 years old

About my age when I first discovered the gif on funnyjunk? I have no clue.

It was an unknown number of years later that I discovered an unlabelled mega folder posted to 8chan (insanely lucky)
Then I lost those files (bad luck)
Then I rediscovered them (once again from the mega link on 8chan. Which was quite difficult still, and quite lucky the link was still up at the time)
Then sometime later I asked a translator to help me find who the artist was from text in the video.
This led me to a nicovideo page which I then followed as a safety net in case I lost the files again.
Then I lost the files again which was the final time. (awful luck)
I checked my nicovideo account, and the artist was gone from my follows (insanely awful luck)
I think it has been... 5-6 years since I last saw the videos.

Sadly my description is likely too vague to be useful, I don't expect anyone to be able to help me, I'm sure the videos are lost forever. I've kinda lost hope I'll ever find them.
I am just very emotional because these videos were very important to me, and yet my backup attempts all failed :(
I tell this story as a way to vent my sorrows, and as a warning for everyone to make as many backups of important files as possible, more than you think you need.


artists like waraji, namatawaji, panini, kneebone, tuna, wkldick, madcat etc?

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