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A previously untranslated collection of short stories from early in Maruo's career.

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Amazing, thanks! Hope you work on more Maruo.


Got anything that's left untranslated?


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There's Maruo Jigoku and Aries. But probably most of those stories have been translated already, not sure though. Here's a photo of Maruo Jigoku's Table of Contents.


The three-page color chapter in the beginning isn't translated.


Oh nevermind, I'm dumb. That's the table of contents, but MU says there are 14 chapters? I must've zipped two chapters together accidentally.

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I created a mod / fork for the Torture Game (v. 3.13) originally created by Granony and modded by Zmod, according to MIT licence.

It includes several new tools, characters, maps and new features (food and drink, belly and bladder, improved enema).

You can feed them until they pee / poo.

Some characters are super heroines, they have an higher endurance and cannot be harmed by normal tools but some tools are made with Kryptonite.

All the characters are fictitious and 18+ (or 21+ where required by local law).

Don't overwrite the old one, put in a different folder.

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This looks good but the file has expired, do you think you could upload it to a different file hosting site that will keep it up for longer? e.g. MEGA


why are their pubic triangles so distended?


I used a standing pose as reference, and it looked fine there. By the time I noticed this, there were already dozens of images using this shape and I was too lazy to refit every single one of them.


All your shit's expired. Can you update the links?


As a fat pussy enjoyer, I can't complain!

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3d animation swfs of a limbless girl and her lover having sex. A must-have for quadruple amputee fans!

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Hope someone can provide a new link, this one is really old and dead


The 4shared link should be working again. Just in case it goes down and I'm not around, can someone else make a mirror for me?




It's been a while since the last link died, so here's a fresh one: https://mega.nz/file/u2Z1wCiC#NhPL0ZevVBKPaMbQNbpkNNtdFFuGyLHTmbb_tQcDTQM

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A collection of nearly all the disturbing movie iceberg films.

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OP do you have Kik, discord, wickr etc?


I have discord and telegram
Drop @ and I will try and get around to adding you.


Not about disturbing movies but, is there a shock video torrent?
Btw, if you include Mondo Cane, then Africa Addio should def be included too


Is this torrent still active? Just added it, but getting 0 seeders


I thinkI still have it downloaded
I can see what I can do

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Anyone has old non-gurochan themes here saved?



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Hello ancapgenc. This is a warning message.

Sometime this month, we will be implementing a new HTML/CSS template for gurochan. This will speed up the threads and fix some bugs. This will render your CSS broken, and you will have to create a new one.

Thank you!


Could you perhaps add these themes to the site?

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265 pages, in English.


There is also a live-action film based on this manga from 2004:



This is absolutely awesome! Hino is a genius in my books and is so neglected. Thank you!! Thank You!! THANK YOU!!!


more Hino!

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This addition to Kago's other Godzilla parodies appeared in a magazine called Lemon Kids in the February 1991 issue. For some reason, it was not included with the other stories that were collected in "More Than Human".

16 pages, in English.



Hell yes!! More Kago is always awesome! Thanks Caterpillar


you got some fans asking for you, Caterpillar


The thread was archived by the time I saw the link, but thanks for sharing it anyway. Brought back some memories.


1991? 1991?

In an alternate reality Kago could have body snatched Shirow and we would not have witnessed Shirow's decay with all that fanservice. It could have been somewhat magnificent and dark.

Much respect again Caterpillar.


Thanks for everything. Been following your releases from when you would post on deadfrog too.

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Maruo's latest collection (published in Japan in late 2020) contains 5 loosely connected stories.


183 pages, in English


These stuff are priceless nowadays. Thanks for sharing


Freaking wonderful!! Caterpillar posting is the start of every good day


This is great! Thank you.


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Wonderful, thank you very much Caterpillar. I post without regrets, I have bought in paper everything published by Maruo in Spain, which is quite a lot as many of you probably know.

My deepest respect and gratitude for your work, Caterpillar

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I started releasing this on a chapter-by-chapter basis on the p2p board of a previous incarnation of gurochan. The whole thing was completed a while ago, so here it is:


16 chapters (I think I shared 3 of them previously), 168 pages, in English
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Awesome. Here is the old thread btw: https://archive.guro.cx/p2p/res/1661.html
Time to study some history now


Freaking awesome!!! Now gurochan is worth visiting!!


Thank you, fingers crossed for more Shintaro translations.


Thanks Caterpillar! :)


Thank you so much! You are amazing, Caterpillar.

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