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This is a new story I'll be adding


The Hero stormed the demons den. His sword at the ready he reached the double doors and opened them slowly. There he saw the Orc Queen Zamanthe a tall broad woman dressed in her regal Black robes sitting on her throne looking bored.

"So you have managed to reach my castle" she gazed at him slightly amused. Zane the hero stood a little taller and gathered his courage "you will die today Orc queen" he spit back and got in his ready position.

He was fairly confident he could take her especially when she was without guards all being slain by his hand. Not to mention he was 6'2 and chiseled what could she possibly do against him.

"WAIT, before you attack hero I request a trade." The Orc queen stood up.

"What could you possibly offer me you have nothing your kingdom is falling" the Hero smugly shot back.

The Orc queen smiled wildly. "I know your secret the stuff you wish to do to women your dark side you hide from your country"

"How? How could you possibly know that" The hero paled his country looked down on those who would harm women especially in sexual acts. If they found out they would strip him of his hero's status.

The hero lowered his sword and looked up at the Orc queen "What's the deal".

She smiled brightly and raised her hands as if to present some great thing "me or more accurately my virginity and life in exchange for you to promise to protect the Orc kingdom".

The Hero's jaw dropped. You would sacrifice your life and let me fuck you as long as your kingdom is protected". The Queen nodded once while stepping away from her throne.

"All you need to do is become king and snuff me, I don't care how you do it just promise that you won't let this war continue".

The hero was still having a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that his most hated enemy would offer herself up on a silver platter to save her kingdom.

The Orc queen stopped her explanation as she reached the Hero and leaned her hand down towards his erect dick.

"The minute you kiss me by orc law we become husband and wife and you own me" she gripped his dick and looked him in his eyes sultry smiled. "Wouldn't you want that" she continued on rubbing his dick up and down.

The hero decided in a instant. Kissing her and squeezing her breasts. "I accept".he gripped her ass as she gave a soft gasp.

"What shall we do first husband" she said his new tital in mocking tone as she pulled away from him.

She walked towards her throne rooms left wall and pushed a button revealing many sex toys and torture devices.

This is when the hero realized she'd been planning this for quite a long time. "Well bitch before I execute you I want to spend some time with my wife" he walked over to her and spun her around she opened her mouth for another kiss he spit in it. She reached away gripping her throat.

"Ahem what do you think your doing". She glared at him "I am the Orc queen I should never be treated to such a thing as spit.

The hero smiled flashing all his teeth. "Yes and I am your husband now I own you." He reached for her and grabbed her by her hand pulled her back gently. "You are mine" his hands grabbed her face.

As he softly pushed her down she summoned a pillow for her ass to sit on. Still gripping her face he grabbed her bottom jaw and opened it up and put his right hand on her too jaw pulling them apart.

He swishes his mouth around and opened his mouth up letting a long line of drool enter her mouth. She glared but didn't resist as she closed the line of spit with a kiss.

He released her mouth and let her speak "human I am sorry for my previous outburst you are right." as the Orc queen bowed her head in apology she couldn't help but feel a little aroused that for the first time a man was bossing her around.

Zane smiled he wasn't done with her not by a long shot.he paused and sniffed in the air " do you smell that" he pulled her off the cushion and picked it up and took a long whiff of it.

"This smells disgusting". The Orc queen looked down blushing no man would ever be brave enough to question her hygiene. Zane turned back to her holding the offending object.

"Wife did you wash your self today" he casually stated. Truthfully it didn't matter to him but any way to humiliate her was going to be taken.

She shamefully looked down "I was planning for today to be my last day I didn't think it woul-" she stopped mid sentence as he stared at her.

"Even if today is your last day as of right now you are my wife and right now your ass stinks"

she bit back her fury at being embarrassed and looked at her husband "and what should I do oh great orc king" she said still mad with a bit of sarcasm.

"As your king I order you to turn around" The queen did slightly worried what action he was going take. "Spread your ass" As soon as she did he took another long whiff.

"Hmmm you smell like warm shit". The queen gritted her teeth in her position. He stood her up and saw the shame and hurt on her face and kissed her.

As he pulled away she looked pleasantly surprised. He pulled her close and whispered "I know your secret your a dirty pig who wants a man to take charge" the queen scrunched up her nose at being called a pig but couldn't deny he was making her feel so horny.

She summoned a bed using her magic Zane pushed her on it and when she'd try to sit up he'd push her shoulders down.

With her dripping wet pussy and ass exposed to him he explored her body. As he ran his hands from her pussy to her thighs and finally to her stomach he stopped"

"You're a fat bitch aren't you" he gripped her love handle. This time however he was mostly lying her curves were amazing probably because due to the benefit of being royalty and having the best food and personal trainers.

"Shut up bastard my weig-" he stopped her with a kiss and as he leaned back punched her in her stomach as hard as he could. The queen grunted seeing as how much bigger she was than him it probably didn't hurt her Orc physique very much.

But being beat on and unable to retaliate was another blow to her pride as a proud Orc woman.

"Your like a pillow" Zane jokingly mocked as he rested his head on her belly. The bed was centered in the middle of the throne room and Zane could still look at the torture device by slightly craning his head. He looked at everything that could be used. He got up and choose a very specific item a ball gag.

The Orc woman rubbed her pussy vigorously trying to get off. Zane slipped the ball gag in her mouth. And pulled her hand away from her pussy as he clasped it.

Truthfully he was planning on torturing her before murdering her. But that was before he knew what a submissive bitch she was. She wa s clearly enjoying it as her drool leacked out her mouth.

Zane leaned down and sipped it off her cheek leaving small kisses. The Orc queen thought to herself that this isn't so bad and he was almost treating her like a lover not someone who is about to kill her and take her throne.

Her heart beat loudly and he leaned down to listen to it. As he rose up he pulled the ball gag from her mouth and licked it. "My queen how are you feeling".

The Orc queen moaned "I love you" he smirked "really now" she nodded. She had never met a man let alone a human man who had the courage and power to stand up to her and humiliate her in those moments she realized he was the only one for her. And if he didn't kill her this very night she would gladly stand by his side.

"If you let me live I will bear your kids they would be the strongest in the kingdom." Her mind was wild with lust as she thought about experiencing that humiliation everyday.

The Hero thought about it for a second. "Naw and truthfully I an starting to love you too. But what's keeping me from shoving my sword in your ass and killing you right now.

Lost without the queen raised her ass in the air. "Do it let my ass stink and shit stain your sword."

Zane laughed at her pathetic look and pushed her off the bed. As he sat her on her knees he put his dick in her mouth and commanded her to suck. "I want you to die today in the most painful way possible" as he took his dick and jammed it in her eye. If she had the strength to scream she would have but it was quickly over taken by her lust.

She gave a smile and gasped as he eye fucked her. She summoned a dagger in the heroes hand and as he grabbed it she pulled his dick out her eye socket and wobbly stood up.

"My king you have clearly bested me. Murder me and take your true place" with one eye she looked at him ad she rubbed her pussy trying to reach a orgasm before she died.

Zane took the dagger and sent it straight through her chest no longer able to stand she collapsed back on the bed. Zane took his dick and lined it up with her entrance and roughly fucked her. "I love youuuuu" she shouted as she died smile on her face.

Zane was the new king.


Zane the new Orc king. As he watched his wife body let out a steady stream of piss he sighed and pushed her pudgy body of the beds edge.

No sooner as he had done that, Orc women entered his chamber. Orcs were a big race of women and rarely were men born. They had green skin and were taller than most people the smartest orc was appointed queen cause usually they were pretty dumb.

As the Orc women walked into his chambers he questioned them.

"Where were you as your queen was humiliated and snuffed". One Orc answered for all of them.

"She ordered us out and to wait until the new Orc king was appointed" The Orc girl who answered look tough and big much taller and stronger than her queen.The stronger a orc the dumber they were. Zane was not the first human to realize this but he was the first human to see how submissive orcs can be.

"Can you clean up her stinky ass off my floors then". The Orc girl grunted and leaned down to pick up the dead body of the smaller woman. As she leaned down a stench wafted down from her ass crack.

Orcs naturally stunk and the bigger they were the worse they smelled. This was quite evident as the biggest Orc girl smelled like utter shit. As the bigger orc girl walked away with the body he stopped her.

"Wait bring her back here" the Big Orc lady turned around and brought the former queen back. The Big orc set her dead body on the bed.

"Spread her checks" the Hero sat back slowly rubbing his dick. "Yes my lord" the Orc lady did but with gritted teeth.

"Smell her asshole" the Orc lady looked flabbergasted even in death she could not disrespect her queen and violate her body.

"My majesty out of respect for the queen I cannot do what you are asking of me" Zane got off the bed and circled around her "your queen asked before she died her body be violated for my pleasure".

The Orc woman dumb as a brick of rocks nodded her head at everything that came out the kings mouth.

She spread her queens ass checks apart. "Put your head in between them and don't come out till I'm done fuxking your ass.

The Orc warrior gritted her teeth as her friends watched behind her. And stick her head between the dead queens ass. Zane spread apart her smelly checks and started to stick his dick in her dirty ass hole.

Oh he was going to have fun in this kingdom


Zane pulled out of of the Orc girls back side. "What's your name" he asked

"Azula" she replied panting.
"You're my new queen" he let his hand drop to her cheek and smiled at her.

She looked elated he leaned down to her ear "choose any girl in this room and kill them any way you see fit"

Azula pointed at the smallest orc and called her over. All Orcs are completely loyal to their monarchy they would even die if they asked.

"As Your new queen I command you to use your sword to split you stomach open" the Orc girl looked absolutely terrified but didn't try to beg for her life she just obeyed the order.

Using her knife to split her stomach was so painful she didn't even try to stop her guts from spilling out as she died.

Zane was so turned on by watching his new wife order someone to die he started masturbating. Azula gazed at his dick and started using her hand on it.

She was immersed with how long it was and how it belongs to such a brutal man.

As soon as he was close to cumming Zane started thinking of new ways to get off. "Azula I want to watch you die as I cum" she understood and sticking his fingers in her nose pulled up to expose her green neck, using his knife he slit her throat and kissed her while she was still gurgling. She pulled back slowly light fading from her eyes as he came in her.

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