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/g/ - Gore & Death

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The site was updated to be a lot faster. Some things are still being updated. If you have questions or suggestions, see this thread

File: 1616141186161.jpg (516 KB, 2300x1293, hearts.jpg)


Anything to do with the heart! grabbing, ripping, cutting, abusing, worshiping, you name it.


File: 1616141275161.jpg (146 KB, 800x800, 1612063053.jpg)


File: 1616141726161.jpg (167 KB, 848x1200, 48633866_p0.jpg)


File: 1616141756161.png (453 KB, 1000x1300, 1612122433.png)


File: 1616141997161.jpg (1.02 MB, 2617x2996, 1612130267.jpg)


File: 1616142200161.png (1.01 MB, 863x1267, 1612153236.png)


File: 1616142227161.jpg (357 KB, 615x800, 1612156191.jpg)


File: 1616142271161.jpg (500 KB, 1200x800, 1612211333.jpg)


File: 1616142302161.jpg (497 KB, 1102x1600, 1612329894.jpg)


File: 1616142418161.jpg (239 KB, 800x680, 1612331902.jpg)


File: 1616142443161.png (516 KB, 1000x1140, 1612344172.png)


File: 1616142504161.jpg (82 KB, 640x902, 1612362680.jpg)


File: 1616142532161.jpg (59 KB, 640x902, 1612362738.jpg)


File: 1616142612161.jpg (189 KB, 800x1120, 1612384177.jpg)


File: 1616142642161.jpg (82 KB, 934x832, 1612398209.jpg)


File: 1616142686161.gif (1.51 MB, 620x700, 1612480965.gif)


File: 1616142762161.jpg (314 KB, 1159x1600, 1612548455.jpg)


File: 1616142782161.png (1012 KB, 1000x1200, 1612926686.png)


File: 1616142951161.jpg (277 KB, 900x703, 1613013254.jpg)


File: 1616142973161.jpg (294 KB, 800x767, 1613104558.jpg)


File: 1616143057161.jpg (117 KB, 900x1300, 1613112065.jpg)


File: 1616143133161.jpg (597 KB, 1280x720, 1613198981.jpg)


File: 1616143262161.png (1.36 MB, 1280x1804, 1613288101.png)


File: 1616143340161.jpg (373 KB, 900x700, 1613351135.jpg)


File: 1616143369161.jpg (411 KB, 800x1101, 1613449829.jpg)


File: 1616143435161.jpg (229 KB, 706x1000, 1613451579.jpg)


File: 1616143486161.jpg (134 KB, 1000x1000, 1613783557.jpg)


File: 1616143508161.jpg (370 KB, 1280x1662, 1614049393.jpg)


File: 1616143533161.gif (2.63 MB, 913x1100, 1614078327.gif)


File: 1616143851161.jpg (45 KB, 400x514, 1614368235.jpg)


File: 1616143915161.jpg (102 KB, 460x750, 1614397384.jpg)


File: 1616143966161.jpg (49 KB, 400x400, 1614397432.jpg)


File: 1616144012161.gif (1.9 MB, 250x272, 1614397507.gif)


File: 1616144088161.jpg (77 KB, 400x300, 1614397543.jpg)


File: 1616144105161.jpg (97 KB, 400x533, 1614397582.jpg)


File: 1616144190161.jpg (99 KB, 865x1024, 1614426816.jpg)


File: 1616144216161.jpg (79 KB, 865x1024, 1614426849.jpg)


File: 1616144333161.gif (469 KB, 865x1024, 1614426880.gif)


File: 1616144408161.gif (703 KB, 942x1060, 1614484079.gif)


File: 1616144723161.gif (164 KB, 263x414, 1614642227.gif)


File: 1616144758161.gif (166 KB, 640x800, 1614825818.gif)


File: 1616144974161.jpg (348 KB, 721x721, 1614853836.jpg)

By Sheharzad_Arshad


File: 1616145025161.gif (2.46 MB, 578x1100, 1615020852.gif)


File: 1616145289161.gif (1.97 MB, 500x720, 1615028055.gif)


File: 1616146845161.gif (6.11 MB, 600x712, 1615028096.gif)


File: 1616146879161.jpg (181 KB, 2000x1656, 1615235410.jpg)


File: 1616146907161.jpg (241 KB, 800x660, 1615346291.jpg)


File: 1616146930161.jpg (531 KB, 2480x3508, 1615518738.jpg)


File: 1616146995161.jpg (170 KB, 600x989, 1615831117.jpg)


File: 1616147032161.gif (544 KB, 640x480, 1615843816.gif)


File: 1616147059161.jpg (1.86 MB, 1900x2602, 1616006358160.jpg)


File: 1616147215161.jpg (347 KB, 1103x800, 1616060341160.jpg)


File: 1616147243161.jpg (239 KB, 1000x1621, 1616084554160.jpg)


File: 1616147546161.jpg (404 KB, 1404x993, 1616084639160.jpg)

And here is the last one, I recovered most of the lost images in the first thread, but there were few images impossible to recover.. I am deleting the other (corrupted) thread now.


File: 1616204754162.jpg (184 KB, 2039x1447, EhssmUlVoAEAQ95.jpg)


File: 1616377215163.jpg (854 KB, 1600x1200, 0A13ECF2-7EAD-44EE-AC86-7C….jpg)

Better quality of post 85541


File: 1616723869167.png (165 KB, 750x1060, Hinata_Colored_Thumped.png)


File: 1616782852167.jpg (445 KB, 1200x1085, 74294608_p25_master1200.jpg)


File: 1617597179175.png (165 KB, 750x1060, Hinata_Colored_Thumped.png)


File: 1617597285175.png (675 KB, 1130x966, 84353340_p0.png)


File: 1617638485176.jpg (361 KB, 1085x900, 1446315448386.jpg)


File: 1618110674181.gif (1.68 MB, 1013x986, tumblr_oux9jntev31v25ogvo1….gif)


File: 1618307402183.jpg (371 KB, 768x1024, 5AD7AA47-4035-4D59-9C22-72….jpg)

Here’s a nice piece I did a while back


File: 1618600270186.png (497 KB, 736x1312, 1572495972342.png)


File: 1619834663198.jpg (125 KB, 900x1200, Daisy_Request_1.jpg)


File: 1620053613200.gif (1.03 MB, 447x719, 131043321854[1].gif)


File: 1620053720200.gif (470 KB, 871x1319, 1437110122082.gif)


File: 1620053792200.gif (1.51 MB, 800x600, Cuteheart3.gif)


File: 1620053890200.gif (1.47 MB, 1128x705, Cuteheart8.gif)


File: 1620053932200.gif (4.44 MB, 1181x1748, HamakazeHB.gif)


File: 1620054004200.gif (1.36 MB, 381x494, Plug_into_my_Heart_by_Sino….gif)


File: 1620305725203.jpg (437 KB, 1093x1853, 9FA30D22-AECB-45D6-8702-56….jpg)

I have created another piece


File: 1620931016209.jpg (221 KB, 826x1169, 83915551_p3_master1200.jpg)


File: 1620967250209.png (5.95 MB, 3006x2878, 1.png)


File: 1621652146216.jpg (314 KB, 1159x1600, KristenHR.jpg)


File: 1621652575216.jpg (5.14 MB, 4134x5846, image2.jpg)


File: 1621652604216.jpg (6.18 MB, 4134x5846, image3.jpg)


File: 1621652649216.jpg (5.42 MB, 4961x7016, image4.jpg)


File: 1622843175228.jpg (272 KB, 600x2498, c27c456.jpg)


What's the source and context on these?


File: 1623487736234.jpg (848 KB, 1080x1920, Lucy.jpg)


Where did you find this? Who’s the artist?



File: 1625173170251.png (1.56 MB, 1869x1414, 83377208_p0.png)


File: 1625173212251.jpg (172 KB, 700x881, 136626396017.jpg)


File: 1626774034267.jpg (162 KB, 762x1000, Tumblr_l_157837828793173.jpg)


File: 1626876655268.gif (8.98 MB, 600x800, Fairy Knight Gawain.gif)

"Your heart belongs to me now, Fairly Knight."


File: 1627573896275.gif (11.52 MB, 586x576, fia.gif)


File: 1627980497279.gif (375 KB, 755x907, o-m-y_samurai_heart.gif)


File: 1628406009284.gif (5.47 MB, 720x900, alice-heartgrab.gif)

"I can feel her cute little heart struggling in my hand."


File: 1629177726291.jpg (471 KB, 900x1200, e91481fb56a6fbdc2780d4d01f….jpg)


File: 1630621841306.png (82 KB, 370x400, micaela_heart_torture.png)

made by me. she's the girl i designed for the guro-tan contest (you can request a small sketch of her if you want, i want ideas)


Search the author name, she looks awesome and her artwork ain't bad either :)



File: 1632249882322.jpg (146 KB, 800x800, 38061085_p0.jpg)


File: 1635393702353.gif (2.78 MB, 608x439, Heart_fuck.gif)


File: 1638134189381.png (656 KB, 1106x1364, 94422610_p1.png)


File: 1640239480402.jpg (188 KB, 1080x1068, 20211223_010413.jpg)

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