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/g/ - Gore & Death

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The site was updated to be a lot faster. Some things are still being updated. If you have questions or suggestions, see this thread

File: 1491264696708.png (1.05 MB, 1401x1061, x0xz.png)


Lava, molten metal, boiling liquids, etc.


File: 1491282684408.jpg (205.87 KB, 789x1013, Face melted off in lava.jpg)


File: 1497627098901.jpg (453.38 KB, 1098x644, x0y4.jpg)


File: 1504935248374.jpg (30.65 KB, 384x512, a60f57309b424719e75154eb8e….jpg)




File: 1505177881463.jpg (290.74 KB, 500x700, 7741237_p0.jpg)


File: 1505285745979.jpeg (115.16 KB, 600x849, makkana silk elf guilded.jpeg)


File: 1505285789593.jpeg (142.9 KB, 1000x707, makkana silk girl guilded.jpeg)


File: 1505285852851.jpeg (121.69 KB, 800x752, makkana silk girl silver ….jpeg)


File: 1505285891144.jpeg (82.6 KB, 900x512, makkana silk gold dipped.jpeg)


File: 1505285976526.jpg (128.21 KB, 566x800, makkana silk metal plants.jpg)


I now give you permission to activate the Varia Suit.


The magma ones are good shit.


File: 1506135979351.jpg (1.22 MB, 800x4000, Rae Comic 1.jpg)

Relevant concept art for a scene from the "Cracked Mirror" guro visual novel project.
While standing at the edge of a volcano, the player, as Alice, is given the option to push Rae in.
Rae is a witch who has made herself immune to lava. Alice is not.


We need more of this.




File: 1507006643561.jpg (127.99 KB, 650x900, pixiv]65243139_p23.jpg)


File: 1507006660503.jpg (146.82 KB, 550x700, pixiv]65243338_p27.jpg)


Any magma ones?


Bring this back to life!






File: 1517791859682.png (1.29 MB, 900x1125, QueenOfJuice-314905-Ifrit_….png)



File: 1517791883536.jpg (889.31 KB, 1200x960, aka6-366111-Flunked.jpg)



Any other ones?


Bp up


Someone should make more for this. It is sad that there isn't enough here.


need some more of this



File: 1561237440290.jpg (902.62 KB, 999x994, Diamond_Dusted.jpg)


There's a british TV show called Spooks where this happens in about episode 2 or 3 of the first season.


Eyy. This is a good one!


File: 1563131540844.jpg (320.14 KB, 1200x933, VDSD-2016-Heatwave.jpg)


File: 1564629423443.jpg (121.55 KB, 1200x860, C-ZhQ-OVoAEWbcq.jpg)

Pouring molten metal into the chest cavity, looks pretty painful.


File: 1564703652926.jpg (412.61 KB, 800x800, 1222745994102.jpg)


File: 1564703701646.jpg (161.96 KB, 1152x1496, 1461064674179.jpg)


File: 1564703733314.png (763.86 KB, 878x896, and_then_she_burns_by_cres….png)


File: 1564703808452.jpg (186.52 KB, 878x1104, emma_frost_gets_her_butt_b….jpg)


File: 1564703886494.png (94.26 KB, 1027x778, hot_babe_by_pandoramail-d3….png)


File: 1564704019366.jpg (130.53 KB, 1024x768, teen_fire_and_frost____hea….jpg)


File: 1564704103894.jpg (4.99 MB, 4000x3006, torturedtits001_by_mariusz….jpg)


File: 1564704485642.gif (461.45 KB, 746x564, 1.gif)


72871 - the great picture.


File: 1565219141684.png (368.4 KB, 800x800, 76132591_p0.png)


File: 1565219186849.png (405.39 KB, 800x800, 76132591_p1.png)


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File: 1565219297942.png (512.62 KB, 800x800, 76132591_p3.png)


File: 1565219348567.png (481.7 KB, 800x800, 76132591_p4.png)


File: 1565219453052.png (323.8 KB, 800x800, 76132591_p5.png)


Damn. Some good ones here were lost.


File: 1672431684712.jpg (997.27 KB, 1413x2080, boil5.jpg)

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