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/g/ - Gore & Death

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File: 1411450470491.jpg (137.5 KB, 994x709, 126751841540.jpg)

 No.1720[Last 50 Posts]

Victims being killed with projectile weapons.


File: 1411450555169.jpg (84.09 KB, 643x800, 133320499673.jpg)

I guess they don't have to be killed, maiming is fine too


File: 1411450562694.jpg (346.85 KB, 832x1200, 134200605334.jpg)


File: 1411450572543.jpg (171.62 KB, 1200x1200, 135273956961.jpg)


File: 1411450587215.png (646.03 KB, 1500x1056, 135592325916.png)


File: 1411450624626.jpg (197.17 KB, 1600x1300, 22063109.jpg)

not so graphic, but still sexy


File: 1411450655149.png (2.53 MB, 1600x1200, 40081506_p4.png)



File: 1411450674723.png (2.67 MB, 1600x1200, 40081506_p5.png)

...and climax


File: 1411450690195.jpg (1.66 MB, 2239x1600, 120331227881.jpg)


File: 1411450909595.jpg (299.62 KB, 688x1128, JapaneaseCop.jpg)


File: 1411450929208.jpg (146.93 KB, 614x867, he_knows.jpg)


File: 1411450938927.jpg (91.96 KB, 567x821, carl 1191147456703.jpg)


File: 1411450954692.jpg (111.65 KB, 624x1021, a1d5a5cd37de1d438a4f89b42f….jpg)


File: 1411450970527.jpg (90.8 KB, 743x605, 1399839154142.jpg)

allah akbar!


File: 1411450987776.jpg (191.7 KB, 600x844, 1248447783973.jpg)


File: 1411450995737.jpg (186.37 KB, 724x1024, 1311397261705.jpg)


File: 1411451009812.jpg (149.66 KB, 675x900, 136970311977.jpg)


File: 1411451044340.jpg (414.29 KB, 1600x1200, 132886075714.jpg)

need more suicides


File: 1411451087642.jpg (644.54 KB, 1200x900, 36517283_p1.jpg)


File: 1411451098590.jpg (147.95 KB, 768x1280, 42355254.jpg)


File: 1411451142798.jpg (89.13 KB, 700x673, The_Execution_by_hopelessf….jpg)


File: 1411566106864.jpg (339.84 KB, 595x638, c6cc35159a6f77a05334eabb11….jpg)


File: 1411741590714.jpg (223.05 KB, 849x1200, 32691956_p0.jpg)



File: 1411741688704.jpg (266.95 KB, 849x1200, 32691956_p1.jpg)

2/2 and bang!


File: 1411744124186.jpg (175.71 KB, 450x600, 10565111_m.jpg)


File: 1411901362739.gif (3.99 MB, 533x300, 1411844262859.gif)

Kind of a humourous one.


File: 1411928267858.jpg (37.19 KB, 548x600, 3fd3794695732801107358805b….jpg)


>>2037 source please


>>2076 Sabagebu! although I forgot which episode.


File: 1411961956612.png (569.95 KB, 800x800, 45016092_p2.png)


Is this by tlaezotilli? I cant find it in his pages though..


File: 1412594861641.png (324.61 KB, 640x480, 1362043548282.png)


File: 1412617045617.gif (3.91 MB, 232x174, shooting.gif)


File: 1412617347969.gif (281.55 KB, 634x472, shot.gif)


File: 1412617932214.jpg (191.96 KB, 850x640, masturbation6.jpg)



File: 1412659432278.png (259.43 KB, 860x1000, 46408096_p0.png)




File: 1412815900082.png (347.66 KB, 1000x725, 46440744_p0.png)


File: 1412824449607.png (1.56 MB, 1325x1350, Fuzilada3.png)


File: 1412824676498.png (1.34 MB, 847x915, loira metralhada2.png)


File: 1412874866202.jpg (531.16 KB, 1200x1200, 44538149.jpg)


File: 1412876681900.jpg (187.63 KB, 1000x757, 32149799.jpg)


File: 1412901988236.png (258.43 KB, 614x1000, 46460068_p0.png)


File: 1413661985093.gif (5.79 MB, 480x272, 0shoot.gif)


File: 1413695424303.jpg (170.03 KB, 709x853, 12675303366.jpg)


File: 1413695487073.jpg (99.13 KB, 582x682, 12675323223.jpg)


File: 1413695817177.jpg (420.39 KB, 744x886, 126753025921.jpg)


File: 1413695884509.jpg (63.05 KB, 360x367, 126753077066.jpg)


File: 1413695920688.jpg (414.48 KB, 708x613, 126905700088.jpg)


File: 1413696144465.jpg (48.63 KB, 950x941, 126872660638.jpg)


File: 1413696262058.jpg (679.24 KB, 1326x1442, 126905725656.jpg)


File: 1413696320927.jpg (219.9 KB, 995x720, 126905664060.jpg)


File: 1413710135776.jpg (74.64 KB, 612x869, 2014-10-10 16_50_23-pw.psd….jpg)


File: 1413710185895.gif (44.82 KB, 636x900, kl.gif)


File: 1413721718817.jpg (47.02 KB, 568x401, 12.jpg)


File: 1413744403650.jpg (236.5 KB, 638x1026, 126839236188.jpg)


File: 1413796126675.jpg (596.56 KB, 1000x676, 46632236_p0_master1200.jpg)


File: 1413797192836.jpg (626.31 KB, 1000x676, 46632236_p1_master1200.jpg)


File: 1413833540982.png (3.19 MB, 1700x2338, gun in the belly1.png)


File: 1413834253778.png (3.44 MB, 1700x2338, gun in the belly4.png)


File: 1413834429208.png (3.45 MB, 1700x2338, gun in the belly5.png)


File: 1413834645296.png (3.22 MB, 1700x2338, gun in the belly6.png)


File: 1414260795509.jpg (272.76 KB, 600x800, 1070570.jpg)


File: 1414260807915.jpg (69.48 KB, 600x800, 1294662.jpg)


File: 1414260827450.jpg (374.68 KB, 860x1181, 33981007.jpg)


File: 1414260846895.jpg (492.03 KB, 1049x896, 45831867_p5.jpg)


File: 1414976149591.jpg (164.41 KB, 1200x1120, 25508893.jpg)


File: 1414977023357.jpg (165.73 KB, 1342x1200, 32167912.jpg)


File: 1415139256718.jpg (46.52 KB, 400x400, 13851320.jpg)


File: 1415142197421.png (2.1 MB, 1600x1200, 40081506_p3.png)


File: 1416201391895.jpg (471.63 KB, 2480x3507, morena shot2.jpg)


File: 1416201606305.jpg (545.37 KB, 2480x3507, morena shot3.jpg)


File: 1418497142385.jpg (91.09 KB, 926x801, shoot final.jpg)


File: 1418508982539.jpg (93.93 KB, 926x801, shoot final 2.jpg)


File: 1418754150739.png (1.72 MB, 1024x1448, ArmorGuro1npS.png)


File: 1424048183038.jpg (265.72 KB, 800x1131, 48059318_p1_master1200.jpg)


File: 1424048778509.jpg (247.13 KB, 800x1131, 48059318_p2_master1200.jpg)


File: 1425607246467.png (1.78 MB, 1024x1449, shot_boobs___art_trade_by_….png)


File: 1425922962911.png (1.43 MB, 1000x919, f3d23b09bc685345b7a182c78f….png)


File: 1425929975022.jpg (79.23 KB, 495x700, 132369435857.jpg)


File: 1425930564399.png (56.82 KB, 350x350, 25.png)


File: 1425931365203.png (252.81 KB, 560x548, 34999645_p35.png)


File: 1425932057313.jpg (363.89 KB, 600x900, 1416556688.hitori09_bucket….jpg)


File: 1426012734536.gif (66.28 KB, 989x1280, 42597866_big_p0.gif)


File: 1426016109636.jpg (132.08 KB, 708x1000, 14696719_big_p2.jpg)


File: 1426021646670.png (206.92 KB, 900x900, 33545465.png)


File: 1426021743878.jpg (240.84 KB, 1200x960, a6439360d2c9435c3697ec636f….jpg)


File: 1426021858924.jpg (82.76 KB, 341x548, e839e81e03143007073a178058….jpg)


File: 1426021871105.jpg (427.77 KB, 1080x600, f2fd993331bec30c91d7fb3d0a….jpg)


File: 1426033056398.png (187.25 KB, 500x625, 13401582774.png)


File: 1426033769002.jpg (132.15 KB, 595x1283, 1175669623534.jpg)


File: 1426335972755.png (961.37 KB, 1100x883, snowpatrol.png)


File: 1427485314660.jpg (1.37 MB, 726x2969, Aline Execution.jpg)


File: 1427750143908.jpg (261.33 KB, 800x1132, Latex-girl-15.jpg)


File: 1427904868731.png (241.54 KB, 900x564, tumblr_nk96x2Fqt61r7ww6io1….png)


File: 1428189236819.png (2.24 MB, 1700x1318, cat and supergirl.png)


File: 1428189381039.png (1.33 MB, 1700x1085, Cat and supergirl 2.png)


File: 1428738580538.jpg (69.38 KB, 513x800, shot1.jpg)


File: 1431003915616.jpg (256.45 KB, 1472x1656, 126764955238.jpg)


File: 1431955378581.jpg (217.85 KB, 589x1200, ad1.jpg)


File: 1431955414999.jpg (298.38 KB, 941x1200, ad2.jpg)


File: 1431955440740.jpg (378.21 KB, 994x1200, ad3.jpg)


File: 1431955468365.jpg (339.62 KB, 1200x1187, ad4.jpg)


File: 1431955497255.jpg (221.28 KB, 1200x645, ad5.jpg)




File: 1432322154124.jpg (209.55 KB, 548x351, 2977414953.jpg)

She will fall any second...


File: 1432598276674.png (420.73 KB, 700x809, tumblr_noxikvK3Kp1r7ww6io1….png)


File: 1432749910164.jpg (39.3 KB, 680x383, valvrave-15-42-nobi-marie-….jpg)


File: 1432749943221.jpg (25.57 KB, 680x383, Valvrave-the-Liberator-Nob….jpg)


Shot in the back


File: 1432788359061.jpg (386.45 KB, 950x1308, sniper armless.jpg)

Here's one I made myself for my guro/hentai account, it's part of a series to accompany a brief short story I wrote.


His pixiv is private.
Does anyone know who that was?


File: 1433515024814.png (440.53 KB, 1000x598, firing.png)


I've never seen any of these before... is Carl active again or something?


Canvi get he pixiv for this


File: 1435831498068.png (648 KB, 640x1246, tumblr_nqu4k0aXLd1r7ww6io1….png)


Source please?


File: 1437937658863.png (120.63 KB, 800x800, 1437627971014.png)


File: 1440118145206.jpg (76.56 KB, 572x800, 1247996554468.jpg)


File: 1443255160113.jpg (1.23 MB, 980x9034, 001.jpg)



Which anime is tihs?


Triage is the Name of the Anime


File: 1446180446196.jpg (683.06 KB, 800x1135, 53119451_p0-2.jpg)

The artist goofed, 1911's aren't double action.


File: 1447874800567.jpg (1.98 MB, 833x7186, 135342413527.jpg)


File: 1447874880306.jpg (2 MB, 780x9688, 135342431657.jpg)


File: 1447875180637.jpg (315.58 KB, 1541x851, 139828809289.jpg)


File: 1447875222513.jpg (416.28 KB, 1400x1080, 139828813341.jpg)


File: 1451334674468.jpg (79.27 KB, 638x482, carl_1191147723837.jpg)


File: 1451334751901.jpg (248.62 KB, 614x862, 1230042627664.jpg)


File: 1451334758422.jpg (54.59 KB, 548x600, 1230060064568.jpg)


File: 1451334830201.jpg (71.02 KB, 340x555, 1219495535005.jpg)


File: 1451334879820.jpg (108.77 KB, 709x583, 1219513204973.jpg)


File: 1451334914215.jpg (59.89 KB, 331x407, 1219249584853.jpg)


File: 1451335023353.jpg (48.8 KB, 288x425, 1219181262785.jpg)


File: 1451335033383.jpg (207.51 KB, 665x580, 1218703873043.jpg)


File: 1451335128081.jpg (65.22 KB, 440x567, 1217997603252.jpg)


File: 1451335142671.jpg (75.63 KB, 283x480, 1217997663245.jpg)


File: 1451335182845.jpg (68.77 KB, 574x758, 1217991129555.jpg)


File: 1451335326227.jpg (283.98 KB, 886x694, 1217997927417.jpg)


File: 1451335337127.jpg (96.12 KB, 632x427, 1217997226926.jpg)


File: 1451335673110.jpg (179.73 KB, 468x850, 1217989300626.jpg)


File: 1451335695443.jpg (643.05 KB, 1039x1476, 1217988600436.jpg)


File: 1451335704418.jpg (97.43 KB, 454x651, 1217911218313.jpg)


File: 1451335714990.jpg (62.18 KB, 440x514, 1217910780204.jpg)


File: 1451335729918.jpg (848.79 KB, 1042x1476, 1217910810045.jpg)


File: 1451335808266.jpg (46.12 KB, 372x522, 1217910061506.jpg)


File: 1451335815049.jpg (57.45 KB, 378x539, 1217910049353.jpg)


File: 1451337694553.jpg (153.87 KB, 1200x868, 1217909746674.jpg)


File: 1451337923080.jpg (350.75 KB, 810x913, 126881974827.jpg)


File: 1451337934231.jpg (759.14 KB, 1476x1068, 126957627831.jpg)


File: 1451338527745.jpg (51.21 KB, 490x555, 1229784792589.jpg)


File: 1451338844358.jpg (210.1 KB, 609x839, 1229882692887.jpg)


File: 1451339110552.jpg (255.18 KB, 886x758, ca1index.php.jpg)


File: 1451339116429.jpg (323.68 KB, 568x886, index.php(46).jpg)


File: 1452331349504.gif (1.19 MB, 600x400, giphy.gif)


File: 1454559608928.jpg (249.79 KB, 700x937, 49457220_p0_master1200 (1).jpg)


File: 1454559678933.jpg (386.48 KB, 700x933, 49457220_p1_master1200 (1).jpg)


File: 1456299291553.jpg (364.74 KB, 1030x1415, 53319987_p0.jpg)


File: 1456380996442.png (799.85 KB, 954x910, smShotgun.png)

A Commission.


File: 1456402864311.png (391.66 KB, 800x685, tumblr_o2w3ecNo9L1r7ww6io1….png)


File: 1456481294294.png (782.51 KB, 680x960, 55495055_p0.png)



Is there a source for this?




File: 1456559341293.jpg (215.35 KB, 1000x756, IMG_20151011_221205.jpg)


File: 1456559416542.jpg (125.74 KB, 758x865, IMG_20151011_221010.jpg)


File: 1456561022208.jpg (254.85 KB, 993x639, IMG_20151006_182620.JPG)


Carl has been posting on Dolcelttish lately



To me, this one is just perfect: the pose, the expression, the fact that she got killed so effortlessly.


File: 1457143316022.jpg (520.7 KB, 900x1200, 53091971_p10_master1200.jpg)


File: 1457143363733.jpg (484.99 KB, 900x1200, 53091971_p14_master1200.jpg)


File: 1457143433553.jpg (588.2 KB, 900x1200, 53091971_p26_master1200.jpg)


File: 1457593374459.jpg (376.55 KB, 1489x2048, 138932850230123.jpg)


File: 1457593444681.jpg (519.73 KB, 1489x2048, 139023951251245.jpg)


File: 1457593490468.jpg (516.69 KB, 1489x2048, 139339354325941.jpg)


File: 1457714467053.jpg (246.07 KB, 800x600, 136347642622.jpg)


File: 1457715123403.jpeg (671.29 KB, 1000x1376, ca4de2374a0fb9365bdef9fcb….jpeg)


File: 1457715650684.jpg (604.53 KB, 1920x2373, 136463993824.jpg)


File: 1457716390177.jpg (51.25 KB, 800x480, 136435277368.jpg)


File: 1457717288125.jpg (243.6 KB, 600x800, 136783330948.jpg)


File: 1457718098974.jpg (121.27 KB, 1200x995, 136695347170.jpg)


File: 1457718138112.jpg (141.49 KB, 735x800, 136344640172.jpg)


File: 1457718177858.jpg (231.02 KB, 735x800, 136345091286.jpg)


File: 1457718382255.png (636.61 KB, 758x999, 136331508654.png)


File: 1457718507914.png (636.34 KB, 758x999, 136331512187.png)


File: 1457718692137.png (637.49 KB, 758x999, 13633151456.png)


File: 1457718959750.png (681.1 KB, 758x999, 136331518449.png)


File: 1457719134372.png (705.34 KB, 758x999, 136331523861.png)


File: 1457719432855.jpg (527.5 KB, 1058x1600, 135281486472 (2).jpg)


File: 1457719518638.jpg (318.79 KB, 890x1308, 13528361925.jpg)


File: 1457728260594.jpg (206.66 KB, 1000x1000, 34930769.jpg)


File: 1457731024985.jpg (1.41 MB, 1300x1960, 135283625477 (2).jpg)


File: 1457773490624.jpg (157.48 KB, 1384x1800, 136518390658.jpg)


File: 1457773644757.gif (1021.66 KB, 500x281, 135147460446 (2).gif)


File: 1457773918822.jpg (211.58 KB, 777x1200, 135274006093 (2).jpg)


File: 1457774682709.jpg (357.02 KB, 692x1565, 135283630011 (2).jpg)


File: 1457775300093.jpg (135.58 KB, 754x755, 136189736667 (2).jpg)


File: 1457775340846.jpg (166.58 KB, 1713x1200, 136779925953.jpg)


File: 1457775375281.jpg (169.9 KB, 800x1070, 135337528523 (2).jpg)


File: 1457810632751.png (911.9 KB, 850x1057, 25fbce12c92e2ceb7f2a3c8c80….png)


File: 1457812160883.jpg (412.53 KB, 897x1279, 136138012937 (2).jpg)


File: 1457812338833.jpg (870.39 KB, 1700x2338, 136867268057.jpg)


File: 1457820050558.jpg (373.23 KB, 887x663, 1368535812495.jpg)


File: 1457820972917.jpg (954.61 KB, 1600x976, 40593084_p0.jpg)


did the artist have a Pixiv Site?? would be nice to see more from him or her....


I think it's shopped...


File: 1457854297466.png (1.57 MB, 1325x1350, 131709961872.png)

Artist is 'JTR' I believe. He posted some earlier in this thread. I have a few more.


File: 1457854448996.jpg (404.68 KB, 1489x2048, sketchC.jpg)


File: 1457854580133.jpg (380.65 KB, 1489x2048, sketchC2.jpg)


File: 1457856154965.jpg (147.7 KB, 819x1024, 36424760.jpg)


#25515 Source, please


File: 1457892376015.jpg (921.15 KB, 1600x1080, 40338953.jpg)


File: 1457914706717.jpg (670.62 KB, 1200x900, 36517283_p0.jpg)


File: 1457917192238.jpg (186.56 KB, 850x855, 126872710448.jpg)


File: 1457918099573.jpg (247.21 KB, 700x963, KURVÁK-HÁBORÚJA-1.jpg)


File: 1457918677772.jpg (660.74 KB, 1000x1000, LC_32.jpg)


File: 1457919332470.jpg (168.63 KB, 503x708, 1283009994879.jpg)


File: 1457919450295.jpg (111.08 KB, 801x1315, 1283008323948.jpg)


File: 1457927388046.jpg (204.44 KB, 771x1054, 128328157481.jpg)


File: 1457927429162.jpg (193.34 KB, 771x1054, 128328161750.jpg)


File: 1457927734092.jpg (182.33 KB, 723x800, IMG_0009 (2).JPG)


File: 1457927775594.jpg (172.58 KB, 708x1000, IMG_0010 (2).JPG)


File: 1457928921417.gif (1.4 MB, 250x188, jg_shooting.gif)


File: 1457932566934.jpg (86.15 KB, 566x800, IMG_0004 (3).JPG)


File: 1457932596562.jpg (89.79 KB, 566x800, IMG_0005 (2).JPG)


File: 1457932628425.jpg (101.33 KB, 566x800, IMG_0006 (2).JPG)


File: 1457932656201.jpg (84.34 KB, 566x800, IMG_0007 (2).JPG)


File: 1457932684613.jpg (103.08 KB, 566x800, IMG_0008 (2).JPG)


File: 1457932808725.jpg (226.17 KB, 794x1024, 131588401112.jpg)


File: 1457943082866.png (78.07 KB, 600x591, 130303676245.png)


File: 1457943188062.jpg (321.14 KB, 786x866, 131814595165.jpg)


File: 1457943300298.jpg (192.64 KB, 1440x810, 131899123577.jpg)


File: 1458182151108.png (181.38 KB, 600x700, 980.png)


File: 1458246462573.jpg (20.49 KB, 600x364, DieHard~0.jpg)


File: 1458247877306.jpg (186.14 KB, 720x480, 1257748505144.jpg)


File: 1458248431431.jpg (556.04 KB, 2000x1800, 1259428515301.jpg)


File: 1458249499071.jpg (132.73 KB, 829x1200, 5004.jpg)


File: 1459122842304.jpg (147.29 KB, 575x800, 1 (80).jpg)


File: 1459133715993.jpg (984.66 KB, 1273x1103, SHOTCOLOR2.jpg)

I was just waiting for the right opportunity to post this


File: 1459159831891.jpg (101.09 KB, 612x869, IMG_20151016_093456.JPG)


File: 1459542288627.jpg (780.9 KB, 1692x1267, 75b48ddfa06bf343c2161adcda….jpg)


File: 1459542331567.jpg (389.47 KB, 800x1045, a2587c89268e73b8cbadfb2eed….jpg)


This playback mush have look interesting! xD Also source?



File: 1459696071697.jpg (536.42 KB, 1301x544, xyuio.jpg)


File: 1459696234436.jpg (1.22 MB, 1358x1221, xyfio.jpg)


Source please!


You bastards!


File: 1460787424647.jpg (251.23 KB, 848x1200, lara gun -2-2_调整大小.jpg)


File: 1460787478790.jpg (273.85 KB, 848x1200, lara gun -3_调整大小.jpg)



File: 1464705773831.jpg (449.28 KB, 636x848, 57161619_p1_master1200.jpg)


File: 1464783434773.jpg (439.76 KB, 1000x1000, Pocahontas.jpg)


File: 1464863902579.jpg (346.32 KB, 1920x1080, joel-kilpatrick-this-belon….jpg)


File: 1465185384543.png (400.04 KB, 583x900, 19316639_p0.png)



Wasnt there a post here yesterday about two sisters become slaves, trying to escape, and the older one gets shot? Or am I just going crazy?


File: 1465904559540.jpg (558.06 KB, 960x696, 57036098_p5_master1200.jpg)


File: 1466624549693.jpg (810.12 KB, 1378x1879, 43261103_p0.jpg)

Anyone got a sauce for this?


Who is this artist and is there more?



File: 1467980766887.png (696.39 KB, 595x840, 52867324_p0.png)


File: 1467980821192.jpg (169.26 KB, 768x600, 1163193844784.jpg)


File: 1467988215714.png (745.08 KB, 1200x1000, サブラ戦死13.png)





File: 1468998322812.jpg (110.28 KB, 881x576, tumblr_oahgnvsBgX1u6gwm0o1….jpg)


File: 1472466420162.jpg (131.61 KB, 735x1024, 7803.jpg)


File: 1473325641514.jpg (169.01 KB, 683x1026, 765a59f2a11e1ff2ed75ea3fce….jpg)

I've seen the few this thread has, but does anyone else have any more pictures of girls with guns in their mouth/licking them suggestively? (Actual shooting optional)


File: 1477590511646.jpg (107.76 KB, 750x812, tumblr_oep9pnRNlC1u6gwm0o1….jpg)


File: 1477591062719.jpg (76.46 KB, 700x866, tumblr_ochmyllu6Y1u6gwm0o1….jpg)


File: 1477591470089.png (583.09 KB, 742x958, tumblr_nw6lcr2Bmp1r7ww6io1….png)


File: 1481865696414.jpg (473.35 KB, 1000x4000, gp1.jpg)


File: 1481865731279.jpg (477.53 KB, 1000x4000, Gp2.jpg)


File: 1481865758848.jpg (519.78 KB, 1000x4000, gp3 .jpg)


File: 1481865776080.jpg (411.29 KB, 1000x4000, gp4.jpg)


is there last picture?



That's look like Youdamn's works. He is back? I hope. He is a talented artist.

He is doing commissions?


This really does look like youdamn.

Do you have a source?


File: 1483876457048.jpg (119.97 KB, 1041x666, lastblast.jpg)


Source of this one?


Has anyone found a source for these?



Source? Google fu is weak.


File: 1486444766848.jpeg (191.63 KB, 1200x698, Cn9FN0OVMAEaUwT.jpeg)

The Ruger Mini-14, beloved of mass shooters the world over, yet the AR-15 always gets the blame.


File: 1486444962174.jpeg (208.46 KB, 849x1200, CyaVbtfVEAAWzwM.jpeg)

The Saiga 12 gauge semi automatic shotgun.
For when you really need some 00 buckshot down range, quick.


File: 1486625867322.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1705x2500, voodoosquad.jpeg)


File: 1486791838262.jpeg (506.08 KB, 800x900, 57899055_p0.jpeg)


File: 1486791931199.jpeg (473.39 KB, 800x900, 57899055_p1.jpeg)

Nothing like large calibre revolver paizuri


File: 1486792005953.jpeg (502.4 KB, 800x900, 57899055_p2.jpeg)


File: 1486792103184.jpeg (424.8 KB, 800x900, 57899055_p3.jpeg)


File: 1486792202454.jpeg (506.56 KB, 800x900, 57899055_p4.jpeg)


File: 1487492506594.jpg (459.98 KB, 1800x1200, f316a9358454e480bb9dec1ebe….jpg)


File: 1487835615117.jpg (138.69 KB, 636x900, v1.jpg)


File: 1487835635089.jpg (143.6 KB, 900x636, v2.jpg)


File: 1488584062860.jpeg (202.25 KB, 1920x1080, 61712649_p0.jpeg)


File: 1488685839727.png (28.51 KB, 547x754, e244170281.png)

The classics.



>That's look like Youdamn's works

any idea where i can find them?

I'm a noob at deviant art but it looks like he only has a few pictures on his account there


File: 1489001188485.jpg (132.11 KB, 500x660, hs.jpg)


It's awesome! Souce pls!


File: 1489078732685.jpg (624.55 KB, 960x1200, 60158282_p17_master1200.jpg)


If you want to shoot some anime school girls. Here you go, I recorded my gameplay and download link is in my description.


File: 1489449253080.jpeg (274.93 KB, 1780x2618, 46112356_p0.jpeg)



I know it's a bit late, but anyone got a source on this one?


give me a shotgun blast to the face, please?


File: 1489549833050.jpg (118.37 KB, 1000x752, shot.jpg)


File: 1489557609078.jpeg (181.83 KB, 849x1200, 45567395_p8_master1200.jpeg)


File: 1489557650581.jpeg (219.96 KB, 849x1200, 45567395_p10_master1200.jpeg)


File: 1489679450000.jpeg (280.86 KB, 577x900, 53159834_p0.jpeg)


File: 1489866753936.jpeg (293.3 KB, 702x1303, 59954573_p1.jpeg)


File: 1489866869188.jpeg (375.69 KB, 655x1194, 59954573_p2.jpeg)


File: 1489866921935.jpeg (485.05 KB, 716x1231, 59954573_p3.jpeg)


File: 1490806420070.png (733.35 KB, 600x840, 62143923_p0.png)


File: 1491101845260.jpeg (273.81 KB, 532x1200, 8413.jpeg)


File: 1491101907246.jpeg (289.95 KB, 848x1200, 8404.jpeg)


File: 1491634119560.png (727.74 KB, 2000x1009, 62298204_p0.png)


File: 1492672743744.jpeg (356.22 KB, 1200x919, 62478727_p0.jpeg)

Ruger 10/22. Unfortunately the angle of the BX-25 magazine is incorrect.


File: 1492738806436.jpg (867.82 KB, 1490x1920, shield-colored.jpg)


File: 1492738856720.jpg (79.6 KB, 650x1000, double_tap.jpg)


File: 1492738879910.jpg (80.06 KB, 650x1000, burst_fire.jpg)


File: 1492738912784.jpg (99.77 KB, 650x1000, Mozambique_drill.jpg)


File: 1492738938609.jpg (80.58 KB, 650x1000, Rapid_fire.jpg)


File: 1493508339046.jpeg (36.13 KB, 700x350, C96qkduU0AA1FYy.jpeg)


File: 1493624317373.jpg (69.36 KB, 513x800, 39B51F3.jpg)


File: 1493735004432.jpeg (961.98 KB, 1799x2242, 48006168_p3.jpeg)




File: 1496561055486.jpeg (84.21 KB, 1170x827, C-5wb4SWsAA18Rp.jpeg)


File: 1496775388492.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1358x1889, 63234239_p0.jpeg)


File: 1496775431058.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1358x1889, 63234286_p0.jpeg)


File: 1496775482343.jpeg (386.5 KB, 1447x2048, C0shxTtVEAABrAm.jpg_large.jpeg)



I don't suppose you know it's source?



can i know the source plz?


File: 1496894233781.jpg (435.92 KB, 1073x1650, WZEdgOHc3k4.jpg)


File: 1496899538100.jpg (110.87 KB, 600x800, QwDmWVv-oaA.jpg)


File: 1496900429351.jpg (98.61 KB, 600x800, 56tu-YMKrfk.jpg)


File: 1496900618817.jpg (36.43 KB, 799x479, bCKepEvJVfs.jpg)


File: 1496900654933.jpg (27.65 KB, 799x479, 8hBE65ws9Oo.jpg)


File: 1496900757671.jpg (29.11 KB, 590x419, Yo6Pe77d7qU.jpg)

Temptress from Wicked City anime, after getting a hole blasted through her stomach


File: 1498148255102.png (292.04 KB, 900x1000, 2615589.png)


File: 1498151237531.png (710.84 KB, 2053x1028, 56782931_p1.png)


File: 1498151351923.jpg (1.71 MB, 2000x3000, 63511383_p0.jpg)


I like this. Any more scenes where they get a clean hole blown through their stomach?


File: 1498225434608.jpg (55.97 KB, 480x759, 4c8664ee7d4c0d30f79413e9d9….jpg)

what comic?


File: 1498277006187.png (580.09 KB, 630x890, 56048253_p1.png)


File: 1499272473207.jpg (111.86 KB, 512x682, 63513859_p0.jpg)

the only good zeek is a dead zeek.


File: 1499272497845.jpg (99.13 KB, 512x852, 63620795_p0.jpg)


File: 1499272549925.jpg (113.75 KB, 512x910, 63672121_p0.jpg)


File: 1499356084194.jpg (74.31 KB, 512x512, 63643710_p0.jpg)


File: 1499356786241.jpg (61.44 KB, 512x688, 62774526_p0.jpg)


File: 1499358596424.jpg (60 KB, 512x512, 62404524_p0.jpg)


File: 1499358777423.jpg (69.13 KB, 512x688, 63066775_p0.jpg)


File: 1499358961869.jpg (67.04 KB, 512x688, 63208058_p0.jpg)


File: 1499359016258.jpg (70.86 KB, 512x688, 63069821_p0.jpg)


File: 1499359114399.jpg (65.21 KB, 688x512, 62211647_p0.jpg)


File: 1499359159324.jpg (68.45 KB, 688x512, 62190118_p0.jpg)


File: 1499360957776.jpg (90.6 KB, 512x688, 62195350_p0.jpg)

it's a shame this guy uses the paintchainer meme gimmick coloring software, his lineart is pretty damn good, and paintchainer just muddies the lineart a lot.


File: 1499361149517.jpg (66.4 KB, 512x688, 61895290_p0.jpg)


File: 1499361253938.jpg (79.87 KB, 688x512, 62189572_p0.jpg)


File: 1499361348000.jpg (84.95 KB, 512x688, 61913267_p0.jpg)


File: 1499361477406.jpg (100.98 KB, 512x688, 61956648_p0.jpg)


File: 1499361529312.jpg (67.73 KB, 512x688, 61942701_p0.jpg)


File: 1499361602010.jpg (85.28 KB, 512x848, 62055551_p0.jpg)


File: 1499361729651.jpg (292.22 KB, 1205x1418, 5455941_p0.jpg)


File: 1499362219341.jpg (65.65 KB, 688x512, 61880818_p0.jpg)


File: 1499362570783.jpg (109.67 KB, 512x688, 62100023_p0.jpg)


File: 1499362661575.jpg (1.79 MB, 1000x1412, 63666711_p0.jpg)

that's that for the gundam gore


File: 1499362726952.jpg (156.99 KB, 1200x848, 63733643_p1.jpg)


I've found this tool for convering pixiv animations into GIFs, so here's one of my favorite shooting gifs...



File: 1499564502000.jpg (101.07 KB, 512x681, 63759790_p0.jpg)


File: 1499607953431.jpg (263.59 KB, 1062x1156, 63787005_p0.jpg)


File: 1499646357590.jpg (207.7 KB, 778x1200, 63790543_p10_master1200.jpg)


File: 1499646408081.jpg (134.7 KB, 512x910, 63790619_p0.jpg)


File: 1500263747923.jpg (187.04 KB, 400x300, 63611326_p1.jpg)





File: 1500417945063.jpg (1.25 MB, 4390x1600, 63939817_p0.jpg)


File: 1500795507000.png (284.22 KB, 800x1000, 59641456_p24.png)


File: 1500795524129.png (298.61 KB, 800x1000, 59641456_p25.png)


File: 1500795543896.png (255.97 KB, 800x1000, 59641456_p26.png)


File: 1500795577089.png (444.02 KB, 800x1000, 59641456_p0.png)


Did this user just delete all of their guro?


File: 1501141986951.png (313.81 KB, 586x813, tumblr_o8ng3mAi3O1vthcj9o1….png)


File: 1501142021046.png (1.23 MB, 1200x859, tumblr_orxcoqctwJ1wqj73ho1….png)


File: 1501142048958.jpg (119.72 KB, 1041x666, tumblr_orxcoqctwJ1wqj73ho2….jpg)


File: 1501478304757.png (171.24 KB, 327x750, tumblr_nmeyc2cJOP1rvnfido1….png)


who is the artist? does he do commissions?


File: 1501582948825.png (818.39 KB, 1275x1380, joannadshot.png)


I doubt he even draws any more, all his stuff is probably more than a decade old now



File: 1501735587448.jpg (111.22 KB, 1024x1290, action2_by_luckyfk-d6dgm8u.jpg)


File: 1501735655078.jpg (467.1 KB, 795x1000, no_second_chances_by_lucky….jpg)


File: 1501735728780.jpg (812.14 KB, 1000x672, end_of_the_line_by_luckyfk….jpg)


File: 1501735758732.jpg (722.89 KB, 1200x641, target_by_luckyfk-d8jmpgz.jpg)


File: 1501735787830.jpg (140.06 KB, 1024x707, target_____eliminated_by_l….jpg)


File: 1501796813944.jpg (624.09 KB, 1200x513, Shooting1.jpg)


File: 1501796844939.jpg (645.63 KB, 1200x513, shooting2.jpg)


File: 1501796876673.jpg (625.61 KB, 1200x513, shooting3.jpg)


File: 1502737003340.jpg (826.31 KB, 1890x1811, 64420102_p0.jpg)


File: 1503043428991.png (793.21 KB, 1275x1550, joannadshot2.png)


File: 1503079769057.png (700.92 KB, 1280x800, 64497924_p0.png)


File: 1503079936887.jpg (89.14 KB, 627x885, 64375037_p12.jpg)


File: 1503106340049.jpg (148.5 KB, 627x885, 64117154_p5.jpg)



Looks like the hunter has claimed a trophy in the form of a cute loli! What will he do with his prize?


File: 1503254391976.jpg (78.31 KB, 750x1000, 63142333_p8.jpg)


File: 1503276328460.jpg (208.07 KB, 600x834, 53392175_p15_master1200.jpg)


File: 1503276409007.jpg (100.68 KB, 600x776, 53392175_p7_master1200.jpg)


File: 1503439024467.png (406.91 KB, 1550x2120, 64571913_p4.png)


File: 1503439041297.png (470.2 KB, 1550x2120, 64571913_p5.png)


I want to see the girls from Totally Spies like this


File: 1503891833353.jpg (202.6 KB, 600x817, 64657304_p0.jpg)



File: 1503891871070.jpg (2.67 MB, 1200x1600, 64644989_p0.jpg)


File: 1503945854469.jpg (93.91 KB, 860x600, gunwound.jpg)


File: 1504483894741.png (2.01 MB, 4000x4000, 64776051_p27.png)


File: 1504484452538.jpg (707.85 KB, 1200x1743, 64770096_p0.jpg)


compliments for your draw
You from?


Nice , compliments!
You from?


File: 1505689191227.jpg (2.23 MB, 1600x1200, 64996407_p1.jpg)


>>46384 Wow, this is SO hot. PLEASE more, and THANKS!!!


File: 1507605800855.jpg (582.38 KB, 3600x2400, 65295901_p0.jpg)


File: 1507605884815.png (351.38 KB, 680x962, 65292593_p0.png)


File: 1507857247633.jpg (157.83 KB, 720x960, 65408806_p0.jpg)

Yoko from TTGL shooting herself with a Russian ASh-12.7 battle rifle.


File: 1507857267834.jpg (161.06 KB, 720x960, 65408806_p1.jpg)


File: 1507857408561.jpg (220.15 KB, 720x960, 65408806_p2.jpg)

As expected, the 12.7x55mm projectile creates a rather large exit wound.


this is super hot


File: 1508091531731.jpg (39 KB, 720x720, 111.jpg)


File: 1508181716819.jpg (49.7 KB, 720x720, 112.jpg)





File: 1508643979142.jpg (444.99 KB, 1266x2150, 1508522348487.jpg)


Haha, they animated inuyashiki


File: 1508888072667.png (190.95 KB, 600x640, bullseye!.png)


File: 1508918355529.png (30.7 KB, 640x480, KIWAMI_HIGHLOW_23.png)


File: 1508918366202.png (25.51 KB, 640x480, KIWAMI_HIGHLOW_24.png)


File: 1508950433798.jpg (892.71 KB, 1254x1771, 73592034-p1.jpg)


File: 1508950447782.jpg (777.81 KB, 1254x1771, 73592034-p2.jpg)


File: 1508950557077.jpg (313.91 KB, 1447x2046, 37264951-p1.jpg)


File: 1508950569569.jpg (268.07 KB, 1447x2046, 37264951-p2.jpg)


File: 1509207397546.jpg (57.95 KB, 686x634, 118.jpg)



File: 1509373588215.jpg (183.31 KB, 800x1000, sample-1b1ece9ae2103b37fd4….jpg)

Any idea where this is from?


File: 1509486249748.jpg (77.14 KB, 850x850, 120.jpg)



File: 1509493673961.jpeg (161.64 KB, 600x848, BDD64B55-6D90-4839-83CA-B….jpeg)


File: 1509551458231.jpg (1.29 MB, 1500x1125, 65701128_p1.jpg)


File: 1509572633869.jpg (43.44 KB, 502x720, 121.jpg)

hottest target




File: 1509613761274.jpg (126.44 KB, 900x689, russia_1979_by_hetaliasse-….jpg)

The ol' TT still doing its job in Afghan War


File: 1509774365283.jpg (470.84 KB, 894x1280, 63453350_p0.jpg)


File: 1509774428801.jpg (617.76 KB, 894x1280, 63453350_p1.jpg)



Demon beast resurrection


File: 1510258156696.jpg (1.15 MB, 4093x2894, 65489112_p0.jpg)


File: 1510661007657.jpg (83.22 KB, 600x595, tumblr_osn3fpxTr61u6gwm0o3….jpg)


File: 1510765320391.png (675.24 KB, 779x1100, 65902122_p1.png)


File: 1511118359722.jpg (82.8 KB, 765x792, 127.jpg)


File: 1511167093626.jpg (108.06 KB, 700x866, hostage.jpg)


File: 1511167162197.jpg (146.63 KB, 896x608, IMG_20151006_093713.JPG)


File: 1511197558412.jpg (279.13 KB, 900x1200, 8645.jpg)


File: 1511263114462.png (63.61 KB, 500x500, 1511009142522.png)


File: 1511264906214.jpg (218.4 KB, 1200x800, 27216830_p0.jpg)


File: 1511264932172.jpg (424.1 KB, 1200x2000, 28367295_p0.jpg)


File: 1511264947923.jpg (424.1 KB, 1200x2000, 28367295_p0.jpg)


File: 1511343710848.jpg (122.13 KB, 630x1064, 128.jpg)

big boobs. small caliber.


File: 1511669304530.jpeg (155.15 KB, 893x1326, ED285044-01BF-4BA6-9054-9….jpeg)

Here is some OC I recently drew up. Hope you enjoy!



Anyone know who this artist is?


File: 1511939206102.jpg (101.78 KB, 1200x649, 66035634_p0.jpg)


File: 1512057964427.jpg (85.08 KB, 250x354, 65328484_p2_master1200.jpg)


File: 1512363365062.jpg (101.78 KB, 1200x649, 66035634_p0.jpg)


Nice job reposting something that was posted only two posts earlier.


Odd usually it stops reposts


File: 1515110118932.jpg (317.16 KB, 463x652, shadling_sick_twisted___35….jpg)


File: 1515823698718.jpg (617.22 KB, 1129x1908, 63072435_p0.jpg)


File: 1515823716222.jpg (653.26 KB, 1129x1908, 63072435_p1.jpg)


Please English translation


File: 1516595330948.jpg (550.08 KB, 1029x1200, 55177528_p3.jpg)


File: 1516927421366.jpg (336.64 KB, 1120x1868, 66901643_p0.jpg)


File: 1516954426601.jpg (355.29 KB, 750x960, 66895213_p1.jpg)


who is artist?


who is artist?


File: 1517710318527.jpg (812.67 KB, 1000x750, 66300572_p1.jpg)


File: 1517712978231.jpg (2.4 MB, 1653x1890, 64782716_1453907463_1.jpg)


File: 1517713000243.jpg (2.28 MB, 1748x2362, 49283980_1407768799_1.jpg)


File: 1517713014242.jpg (1.09 MB, 1200x1600, 35230506_1370194759_1.jpg)


File: 1517713369615.jpg (1.11 MB, 4959x1890, 76964926_1494232907_1.jpg)


File: 1517721173480.png (122.67 KB, 832x798, 65407067_p14.png)


File: 1517721185000.png (160.11 KB, 833x1025, 65407067_p17.png)


File: 1517721220838.png (140.98 KB, 946x1115, 65407067_p20.png)


File: 1517721232816.png (1.53 MB, 2893x4092, 62359677_p2.png)


File: 1517721610027.jpg (682.23 KB, 2480x3507, 65459108_p1.jpg)


File: 1517890302564.jpg (119.88 KB, 1000x563, 1517827635995.jpg)

Oh shit!


File: 1517890353286.jpg (120.4 KB, 1000x563, 1517867791461.jpg)

Thankfully, .45ACP blows holes straight through gooks, even if they're mecha musume.



File: 1518322570721.jpg (1.8 MB, 2480x3507, 67183266_p0.jpg)


File: 1518322623900.jpg (885.91 KB, 1737x2456, 67184939_p2.jpg)


File: 1518322637307.jpg (887.37 KB, 1737x2456, 67184939_p3.jpg)


File: 1518322650285.jpg (1.15 MB, 1737x2456, 67184939_p4.jpg)


Source please!!!


File: 1518801218710.jpg (1.41 MB, 2097x1184, 67241022_p0.jpg)


File: 1519437983878.jpg (1.04 MB, 1553x1929, 81867813_1517318691_1.jpg)


File: 1519438026180.jpg (344.01 KB, 700x910, 67317537_p1.jpg)


File: 1519438048763.jpg (197.63 KB, 700x797, 67317537_p2.jpg)

12 gauge mouthwash


File: 1519438347742.jpg (260.52 KB, 669x1024, 8707.jpg)

pew pew


File: 1519438374688.jpg (85.55 KB, 400x400, 24672897_1328610447_2.jpg)


File: 1519438404375.jpg (81.89 KB, 300x400, 24672908_1328610488_1.jpg)


File: 1519438427422.jpg (575.11 KB, 840x1190, 46024305_1398175481_1.jpg)


File: 1519438439042.jpg (494.48 KB, 770x770, 48663496_1405949474_1.jpg)


File: 1519455342557.jpg (536.33 KB, 768x1024, 1517277822322.jpg)


File: 1519455358145.jpg (626.12 KB, 768x1024, 1517277934301.jpg)


File: 1519455434791.jpg (514.57 KB, 1075x1518, 67207717_p1.jpg)


File: 1519455454802.png (502.3 KB, 1120x800, 67325852_p0.png)


File: 1519455519130.png (32.43 KB, 500x500, OB1502002870160.png)


File: 1519494782716.png (284.66 KB, 900x957, tumblr_p0z7x50Gf11wl36qbo1….png)


is that carl doing a toon style, or another artist getting in on carl's style?



There was a bit of discussion about this in a thread on mass killings.


I'm fairly certain its just Carl doing some more stylized cartoony drawings. The lady has his standard pouty expression and the usual slender legs, arms, and torso he likes so much.






File: 1519675730304.png (396.71 KB, 640x785, tumblr_p0z7uhAmTK1wl36qbo1….png)

found another one


File: 1519724063531.jpg (67.03 KB, 400x316, tumblr_p2swc1TSgX1vthcj9o1….jpg)


File: 1519774179870.png (440.61 KB, 1200x828, 67443481_p0.png)


File: 1519774195875.png (641.81 KB, 1200x828, 67443481_p1.png)


File: 1519774209286.png (574 KB, 1200x828, 67443481_p2.png)


File: 1519774333355.jpg (85.41 KB, 400x300, 49792534_1409150307_1.jpg)


File: 1519774366645.jpg (87.18 KB, 400x300, 43037153_1389972369_1.jpg)


File: 1519774407932.jpg (126.91 KB, 400x300, 43037653_1389973123_1.jpg)


File: 1519979877423.png (296.12 KB, 1000x840, tumblr_p4j4cmHjUy1u6gwm0o1….png)


File: 1520462666161.png (560.21 KB, 1800x1600, 67625143_p0.png)


File: 1520462700632.png (607.58 KB, 1800x1600, 67625143_p1.png)


File: 1520487422257.jpg (140.21 KB, 720x720, 31.jpg)


File: 1520487435638.jpg (185.7 KB, 720x720, 32.jpg)


File: 1520487450056.jpg (171.82 KB, 720x720, 33.jpg)


Do anyone have the whole pack that include this and many others works of this guy? I mean this one https://teqnos.booth.pm/items/254259?utm_source=pixiv&utm_medium=promotion&utm_content=work-item&utm_campaign=pixiv-promotion


And who is he? sauce pixiv or something?



You can also click the big P next to his name in the previous link. :)


File: 1520635950670.jpg (868.98 KB, 750x1883, 340953405983458c.jpg)


File: 1520637993625.jpeg (677.25 KB, 800x1280, 234´0'394908shottt.jpeg)


File: 1520733319571.jpg (574.25 KB, 1000x750, 67642341_p1.jpg)


File: 1520786798171.jpeg (475.74 KB, 930x1406, w4r'948r9fjishmerry.jpeg)

atheism reference?


File: 1520834683304.png (304.64 KB, 1239x1310, 67676211_p0.png)


Never did like Shadman, the guy just seems to coast on his rep as "the edgy dude", and his art hasn't improved in years.


File: 1520858844826.jpg (76.9 KB, 567x952, tumblr_oekv42MbMI1uhwl76o1….jpg)


This scene has so much potential. If the art somehow more than up the snuff (pun intended).


File: 1520950917680.jpg (324.27 KB, 800x800, totallydead.jpg)


File: 1521018243943.jpg (74.76 KB, 340x555, tumblr_m26vmo2JkM1qhb0uqo1….jpg)


File: 1521099453318.jpg (82.74 KB, 603x757, tumblr_p5kyf5masY1u6gwm0o1….jpg)

don't know if it counts


File: 1522287920503.png (404.14 KB, 686x1260, 1522077821463.png)


File: 1522358839670.jpg (254.7 KB, 768x1024, 67980103_p0.jpg)


File: 1522359299581.jpg (257.52 KB, 768x1024, 67980103_p1.jpg)


File: 1522359312113.jpg (240.36 KB, 768x1024, 67980103_p2.jpg)


File: 1522359377069.jpg (327.35 KB, 768x1024, 67980103_p3.jpg)

BLAM! One 12.7x55mm round punching through firm flesh and bone.


File: 1522359392549.jpg (300.01 KB, 768x1024, 67980103_p4.jpg)


File: 1522359413975.jpg (286.73 KB, 768x1024, 67980103_p5.jpg)


File: 1522359545645.jpg (293.19 KB, 768x1024, 67980103_p6.jpg)


File: 1522359577243.jpg (269.34 KB, 768x1024, 67980103_p7.jpg)


That's some excellent art right there, and just my style of execution. Thanks a ton, anon.


File: 1522457176594.jpg (420.99 KB, 950x772, 37425988_1375721493_1.jpg)


File: 1522879188596.jpg (1.83 MB, 600x5091, 1522759293162.jpg)


File: 1522879205753.png (4.35 MB, 2732x2048, 68059182_p0.png)


Sauce on these?



Maybe its late but here it is

gurochan dot ch/ req / res / 9812 dot html


File: 1522991487363.jpg (268.28 KB, 1055x1500, 254.jpg)


File: 1522991531276.jpg (322.69 KB, 1200x1705, 461.jpg)


File: 1522994827351.jpeg (94.29 KB, 559x900, C3KwsBUVcAA5srx.jpg large.jpeg)


File: 1523078441766.jpg (189.25 KB, 800x600, 65946341_1457450199_1.jpg)


File: 1523078488290.png (1.42 MB, 900x1440, 62633059_p0.png)


File: 1523078551487.jpg (294.98 KB, 750x1000, 62871476_p4.jpg)


File: 1523078563920.jpg (420.27 KB, 1000x750, 63142333_p0.jpg)


File: 1523079196514.jpg (283.25 KB, 1200x861, C3EaoGsUkAAYcXo.jpg)


File: 1523079566270.jpg (64.1 KB, 634x1024, DZ-TC2dVMAELn_P.jpg)


File: 1523079584665.jpg (782.06 KB, 833x1000, 1523028319536.jpg)


File: 1523080241213.jpg (87.29 KB, 778x1200, DBdLZWTUwAA-njV.jpg)


File: 1523080458322.jpg (557.45 KB, 1000x750, 59058038_p0.jpg)



Source plz?


File: 1526183510105.png (654.93 KB, 1104x1440, 56782931_p0.png)


File: 1526183532020.png (710.84 KB, 2053x1028, 56782931_p1.png)


File: 1526189506474.png (416.77 KB, 600x846, 1526041679586.png)


File: 1526189518338.png (572.17 KB, 600x846, 1526041687213.png)


File: 1526189532277.png (367.55 KB, 600x846, 1526041718691.png)


File: 1526189554820.png (37.79 KB, 500x600, 1526096661470.png)


Interestingly enough, I found the first two images as part of

But where is the third image that you posted? Was it deleted by the author?


Source please; saucenao didn't turn up anything :(


File: 1526215148982.jpg (399.82 KB, 1200x1200, 68551662_p0_master1200.jpg)


File: 1526215244147.jpg (540.93 KB, 1200x883, 68551662_p2_master1200.jpg)


all these bullet riddled bodies and barely anyone ever thinks to shoot them in the pussy. :/



Anyone know the source on this, or a name, or anything? Used to have this set but I've lost it.


Any more from this ever elusive artist?


File: 1526398334977.jpg (64.9 KB, 660x880, 1526386901253.jpg)


File: 1526485083008.jpg (203.93 KB, 600x847, 1526434471220.jpg)


File: 1526485100873.png (270.63 KB, 800x600, 1526455759187.png)


File: 1526489551948.jpg (223.11 KB, 700x985, 1526025592790.jpg)


File: 1526591401372.jpeg (97.39 KB, 600x984, DdGnWyuU0AAhAd4.jpg large.jpeg)


File: 1526919822556.jpg (2.11 MB, 2480x1754, 68856763_p0.jpg)



Source or name of the Manga would be nice.


It isn't a manga but a pixiv image



thanks in the end i found it.....but at that time i cant remember the name of this search engine....
found it in another post and so i found the source of this pic.
again thanks that u used ur time to look for it.



Seems to be an homage to a certain scene in "The Hateful Eight"


File: 1527399634115.jpg (4.2 MB, 2497x3507, Agent1.jpg)


File: 1528020507999.jpg (184.29 KB, 1200x1264, resistance.jpg)


File: 1528399854227.jpg (120.5 KB, 1131x800, DfBJnpOU0AAOuBO.jpg)


File: 1528399867345.jpg (107.9 KB, 1131x800, DfBJqH5U8AE5pqv.jpg)


File: 1528400889379.jpg (575.11 KB, 840x1190, 68939403_p0.jpg)


File: 1528401378693.jpeg (122.32 KB, 996x1021, DYGx-oiU8AE46YL.jpeg)


what manga??


Anybody has the source?


File: 1528579807743.jpg (287.06 KB, 771x1081, those_who_follow_pigs_by_t….jpg)



Eden: It's an Endless World! by Hiroki Endo.


>> №57016

Here is complet

//imgur.com /a/ ma9D9Hf


File: 1528704489234.jpeg (124.17 KB, 905x1280, DdvG8PpVAAEVR30.jpg large.jpeg)


File: 1529344714437.jpg (111.29 KB, 800x1129, Df1pZioVMAA8b8f.jpg)


Изготовлениесветодиодных табло для спорта, бегущих строк, табло для АЗС


File: 1529779784618.jpg (543.79 KB, 1278x1120, 18.jpg)


File: 1532055702691.png (851.61 KB, 1200x1200, 68551662_p0.png)


File: 1532055744610.png (744.21 KB, 1200x1200, 68551662_p1.png)


File: 1532055807471.png (5.37 MB, 3400x2500, 68551662_p2.png)


source please


File: 1532709333736.jpg (136.88 KB, 379x535, 69880739_p0.jpg)


File: 1532709415256.jpg (508.17 KB, 1920x1357, 1532675452131.jpg)


File: 1533051739911.jpg (1.14 MB, 2788x2149, 3 shot.jpg)


File: 1533051833024.jpg (3.61 MB, 2149x3035, meat shield.jpg)


File: 1533051877679.jpeg (481.02 KB, 1450x2048, DjQCj6qVAAA38xj.jpg large.jpeg)


File: 1533051943960.png (3.08 MB, 4053x3000, hookers guard killed.png)


File: 1533052011618.png (3.48 MB, 3541x2089, bloodiba black army 03.png)


File: 1533052070829.png (1.32 MB, 2000x1382, shooted behind.png)


File: 1533052190854.png (709.3 KB, 768x950, shooted death.png)


File: 1533053845066.jpg (5.29 MB, 3035x2149, arrowed.jpg)


File: 1533053907126.jpg (2.91 MB, 2199x2149, arrowed archer girl.jpg)


Is there more?


File: 1533402745829.jpg (478.91 KB, 871x1200, 67827323_p5.jpg)


File: 1533402771824.jpg (542.78 KB, 960x1280, 67827323_p7.jpg)


File: 1533402864898.jpg (429.18 KB, 960x1280, 67827323_p9.jpg)


File: 1533402885439.jpg (608.95 KB, 960x1280, 67827323_p12.jpg)


File: 1533402903138.jpg (579.12 KB, 903x1256, 67827323_p14.jpg)


File: 1533402949216.jpeg (261.74 KB, 2048x1450, DjiB7vlUcAAT1Pa.jpg large.jpeg)



File: 1533477855069.jpg (232.83 KB, 1600x688, 70016929_p0.jpg)


File: 1533477891744.jpg (960.15 KB, 1522x1200, 70038642_p1.jpg)


had this in my research history, hope it will be back again


you beautiful human


File: 1538317321740.jpg (610.85 KB, 723x1023, 70839915_p0.jpg)


we have shootings thread back again :3



File: 1543786781228.jpg (67.41 KB, 845x1165, 36cc9328b7adc7e27f7f5ecaa2….jpg)


File: 1544231339003.jpg (756.79 KB, 1200x789, 70884805_p0_master1200.jpg)


File: 1545776895192.jpg (2.47 MB, 2550x3507, Brook Secretary Midnight c….jpg)




File: 1560982188986.png (1.12 MB, 1800x887, 2018y08m24d_0810017dabr27.png)


File: 1560982244881.png (2.09 MB, 1964x1044, dscicvovpvpicocvavs.png)


File: 1577711668136.jpg (125.5 KB, 380x599, 2194431245e09cf42097b8.jpg)



File: 1577711683224.jpg (125.68 KB, 380x448, 10900700345e09ce3958f01.jpg)


File: 1577711755564.jpg (146.17 KB, 490x570, 1360334025e09cec233fe2.jpg)


File: 1577711873291.jpg (151.72 KB, 440x649, 20531926025e09cefb25c72.jpg)


I like this, do you know the sauce?


File: 1577991707635.jpg (119.78 KB, 707x1000, photo_2019-03-26_20-50-05.jpg)

Wooow the old thread is back!!


File: 1577991723855.jpg (117.86 KB, 707x1000, photo_2019-03-26_20-50-07.jpg)


File: 1577991802470.jpg (136.18 KB, 826x1000, photo_2019-03-26_20-50-11.jpg)


File: 1577991817043.jpg (129.06 KB, 757x1000, photo_2019-03-26_20-50-13.jpg)


File: 1577991845796.jpg (121.83 KB, 707x1000, photo_2019-03-26_20-50-16.jpg)


File: 1577991879271.jpg (3 MB, 2512x3507, Widow execution color1.jpg)


File: 1577991900932.jpg (3.05 MB, 2505x3507, Widow execution color2.1.jpg)


File: 1577991932181.jpg (3.06 MB, 2550x3507, Widow execution color3.jpg)


File: 1577991956780.jpg (2.99 MB, 2550x3507, Widow execution color4.jpg)


File: 1577991976947.jpg (3.47 MB, 2550x3507, Widow execution color5.jpg)


File: 1577992003250.jpg (4.44 MB, 2550x3507, Widow execution color6.jpg)


File: 1578484781349.jpg (3.45 MB, 3507x2480, 78330288_p0.jpg)


File: 1579817267703.jpg (1001.31 KB, 2437x1441, 2020-01-18_120849.jpg)

(look me up on furaffinity if you wanna see more. its mostly furry and pokemon stuff tho. hope its ok to plug that here)


Visage has tape gagged shot in the head as well as a little girl


File: 1580101921126.jpg (1.16 MB, 1558x2196, Catwoman old color.jpg)

a old comic


File: 1580101947140.jpg (997 KB, 1574x1060, Catwoman Tit destruction.jpg)



File: 1580751810400.jpg (925.22 KB, 2400x2394, Hibiki Colored.jpg)

The flood error is really annoying


I haven’t watched Symphogear; does anything like this happen in the actual show?


File: 1581166015994.jpg (4.61 MB, 2000x3427, 78734509_p0.jpg)

I can't remember if Hibiki ever gets a gunshot wound to the chest, but Symphogear does have some guro scenes in it, particularly the first and last season.


I don’t think Hibiki gets shot, since she’s supposed to be the main character. I was just wondering if any other characters get a hole blasted through their torso.


In the second season Hibiki lost an arm and in the last one a little girl gets an hole in the chest.




File: 1582133042810.jpg (4.2 MB, 3307x3508, 79586585_p4.jpg)



File: 1582133487841.jpg (4.75 MB, 3307x3508, 79586585_p5.jpg)


This one is really good. Goad to see that it’s a new artist too.


File: 1582414643937.jpg (950.18 KB, 2529x1882, 79668571_p0.jpg)


File: 1582414886294.jpg (1.82 MB, 2480x3770, 79396469_p0.jpg)

bam bam bam


File: 1582469543751.jpg (113.05 KB, 578x910, Pan.jpg)


sorce pls


Very nice image, though her attacker should have aimed at that exposed tummy.


File: 1583134915694.jpg (3.49 MB, 2894x4093, 78923098_p0.jpg)

One to the head.


File: 1584946084784.jpg (5.28 MB, 2497x3507, Lyin Last Scape5.jpg)

scape from execution


Can you give me the source for that? >>79411


Please, can you post Picture 1-4 for a complet story and the end of Lyin after the scape


1-4 only appears to be rough sketches.


>> 81276

these are all the images he made with Black Widow, you can find more works by the artist here (crowtheliar):

>> 81266

I was the one who made the art with lyin, there is no story about this scene of the escape from this Lair (not yet) but I already made a story with her here:

My Profile: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/42412662


File: 1585154231521.jpg (157.54 KB, 600x827, 406c80586df9338265c0ae5210….jpg)

It was just a dream.


This is amazing work! I’m actually a big fan of escaping restraints, especially cuffs and chains while mortally injured so it’s nice to see someone do such a rare thing.



hehe, thanks




Please tell me there is more to these scenes! How many bullets can they take??


File: 1585630746268.jpeg (173.58 KB, 804x994, 0710DFB0-1E8E-413E-B926-7….jpeg)

You draw good stuff!
Your work reminds me of the work of this guy https://www.deviantart.com/mcquade1933

I also personally prefer clothed stuff too.


That Tea Break comic is amazing… Is there more to it?


File: 1585667394833.jpg (4.18 MB, 2520x3477, Black Widow Injuried color.jpg)


my profile on Pixiv is this: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/42412662

there are more arts with Catwoman there, but not much of Black Widow (yet)

I don't know how much they could take, I like to make them stand for as long as possible in the stories, with the most varied excuses (my Catwoman for example has 9 lives, my Natasha has the super soldier serum) but I have already drawn stories where they took many dozens of shots (but in the end, they always survive)


File: 1585667617258.jpg (44.14 KB, 509x717, old old3.jpg)


I've been drawing scenes like this for a long time, since I was a teenager, but I had a little inspiration from artists like this to decide to show

Thank you for the compliments



Not yet, but follow my Pixiv


I love your Catwoman stories on the pixiv. Hope to see them continue!


Thx I will. Looking forward to see more.


File: 1586710229955.png (100.84 KB, 532x640, oD7mx0pl.png)

Dick Cheney'd


But, admittedly, it was a little harder to explain why you fucked her still twitching corpse, and then field dressed her carcass and brought it home, mounted her head, and butcher her for cutlets.



Is that one of Carl's newer artworks? If so, where is he posting his new art now?


I know this artist's deviantart and pixiv, but that artwork isn't anywhere. Care to help me with the source?


File: 1587868921850.jpg (3.61 MB, 2550x3507, Aline Boobs Destroyed colo….jpg)

Aline Home Invasion


File: 1587869164506.jpg (4.47 MB, 2550x3507, Aline Boobs Destroyed colo….jpg)



File: 1587869277167.jpg (4.26 MB, 2497x3477, Aline Boobs Destroyed colo….jpg)

Aline Home Invasion 3


File: 1587869387731.jpg (4.23 MB, 2550x3507, Aline Boobs Destroyed colo….jpg)



File: 1587869424873.jpg (3.92 MB, 2550x3507, Aline Boobs Destroyed colo….jpg)

SAline Home Invasion 5


File: 1587869514588.jpg (5.76 MB, 2527x3507, Aline Boobs Destroyed colo….jpg)

Aline Home Invasion 6


File: 1587869561022.jpg (6.82 MB, 2520x3507, Aline Boobs Destroyed colo….jpg)



File: 1587869688601.jpg (6.22 MB, 2505x3507, Aline Boobs Destroyed colo….jpg)

Aline Home Invasion 8


File: 1587944333766.jpg (485.9 KB, 818x1200, 80880376_p0.jpg)



It’s an ongoing series


Wrong number, sorry.


File: 1588297510754.jpg (5.1 MB, 2550x3507, Jennifer shooted and boob ….jpg)

Jennifer groped after shot


File: 1672306072159.png (2.37 MB, 2047x1447, 103980942_p1.png)


File: 1672480941230.jpg (968.19 KB, 2896x4096, Fh3WMnNUcAEC5Pl.jpg)


File: 1672858333399.jpg (2.07 MB, 2400x3000, 2ea4e44a-2dcb-4044-b75a-6a….jpg)


File: 1672858928256.jpg (1.94 MB, 2400x3000, 845e00ba-d22c-4b93-b87a-b9….jpg)

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