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File: 1426639298073.png (445.86 KB, 861x927, rouge_mwuah_by_astrinova-d….png)ImgOps

 No.1215[View All]

Furries with detachable heads, or other detachable parts.
854 posts and 699 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Another gal brushing their hair headless.

How sweet...


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Looks like another gal joined in the headless brushing craze.


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Another cute kitty decides to use their head as a ball. How adorable... ^^


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Wow, she must really have it bad to do it in the bare fur.

Oh well, she looks better that way anyhow. ;)


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The sexy cheetah joins in the fun as well. Now that is hot.


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It appears two more decided to join in the headless fun. Nice...


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I don't know whether to find this cute or sexy.

Eh, maybe a little of both. XP


The calico just can't help herself here. Her head is too much fun to play with. LOL


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The calico just can't help herself here. Her head is too much fun to play with. LOL


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Headless furry gals FTW!


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I won't lie. Them touching their neck stumps is VERY hot.


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It appears another three gals decided to touch their neck stumps.



And another two join the neck stump touching, them being sister no less.

How hot is that? ;)


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And another two join the neck stump touching, them being sister no less.

How hot is that? ;)


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Speaking of sisters, here another two having headless fun together.

How adorable... ^^


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Holding one's head can be elegant, yet sexy at the same time.


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Another three decided to hold their head in their hand.

How nice of them... ^^


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Honestly though, this is the hottest way for a bunny girl to hold their head as far as I'm concerned. ;)


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Even though this bunny isn't holding her head by the ears, it's still super cute. ^^


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Holding one's head by your hair can be sexy I must admit.


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But yea, this one is the one of the most sexy ways to hold one's head. ;)


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Another three join the fun. ;)


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Tired of your head, but don't want to do away with it entirely?

Why, mount it to the wall of course. These gals know how to do it. ;)


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Another fun thing to do with your head is use it to balance your body when leaning.


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If you want to find a way to spice up using your head, then just sit on it like a cushion.

How comfy is that? XP


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Oh, looks like I forgot a gal when it came to holding their head.


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Using one's head as a hair decoration?

Now that is creative.


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Another creative thing to do with your headless body. Nice... ;)


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The headless mannequin craze continues...


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Two more join in the fun.


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Make that another three.



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But yea, one of the sexiest things a gal can do headless is walk away from their head like that.

Especially one as gorgeous as this. ;)


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Another three posing headless. ^^


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Headless selfies FTW!


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Aw, how cute is that?

The chao decide to play with the girls' heads. ^^


Another four decide to play with their heads like a ball.

Nice... ;)


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Another four decide to play with their heads like a ball.

Nice... ;)


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Looks like the chao got rid of the girls' heads.

Oh well... they should stay headless anyway. ;)


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Is it just me, or is that cheetah's powers of persuasion so good that even the tiger male decided to have some more headless fun with a couple of beautiful girls?


Another mother and daughter cuddling headless together. How sweet... ^^


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Another mother and daughter cuddling headless together. How sweet... ^^


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Another girl playing with her head like a ball and smoking hot one to boot.



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Four more decide to relax headless on the couch and a male one joining as well?

Now that's cool... ;)


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Five lovely ladies mounting their heads to the wall?

What could be hotter than that? ;)


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What do you do when you have a doggie girl, but not ball to play fetch with her? Why, use her own head instead.

They sure look like they're having fun. ^^


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What a sweet headless couple. ^^


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You know a girl's in love with a guy if she throws her own head into the trash just cuddle him more intimately headless.

Lucky son of a gun...


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Another girl playing with her head like a ball and smoking hot one to boot.



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What's better than one couple tossing their heads into the trash to enjoy a headless? How about two of them and together no less?

Aw, what a wholesome moment. ^^

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