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What are the most horrific/disgusting comics you have encountered? (Western or Japanese, or whatever)

I enjoy horrific/depressive themes where there is a total lack of hope, like Crossed, Hellstar Remina, James Herberts' the City, especially when there is a lot of gore.. anybody else like those themes?


I love Hell. No one comic in particular, but the theme of eternal damnation and total depravity.


How about Attack on Titan?


At first, "Mai-chan's Daily Life" was what I considered to be most extreme, then the "-Kankan Hime/-Princess Violation" series was on my most extreme list. But as of now? Probably Uziga Waita's "Doku Doku Gravestone" is taking the cake.



Almost everything from Avatar/Boundless. Nothing is too disgusting for me.

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