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 No.4631[Last 50 Posts]

I see women as fuckmeat, regardless of race or age, I just think every woman must be slave to males. Am I the only one?


You're not. That's how it was in ancient times. Men are meant to lead and provide. As we see today, women don't usually know what they want. That's because men don't guide them anymore.

What you're feeling is your biological hard-wiring about women. Some feel it stronger than others. It depends on genetics and social environment very much.

Wanting to own a woman is normal. It's in our very nature, deep inside, because our forefathers did it.


You are not only one, but I do not share your taste. Not because of some moral beliefs, but because this is simply boring, hard and not fun at all. Only if we speak about using woman as some advanced machine For sex I prefer that woman also take some initiative and do not act like piece of fuckmeat where I have to do all work as if she was some rubber doll.

Good woman has to be creative and constantly invent new kinky ways to have fun not just obey to whatever she is told.


I'm all in favor of equal rights between men and women. I'm not with you on just about anything you've said.

...but I do see everyone as meat with computers in their heads, essentially.


no, absolutely not. This is a fantasy that I find super hot, but it should only be a fantasy. Nothing more.


I'm with >>4635 and >>4637. It's a fine fantasy but for all that is holy let it not be forced upon the real world.



I also see women as only a hole or three to fuck, and as a birthing chamber, to be used, (and abused), as men desire.


Yea...In my fantasies they're just that, complete fuckmeat, cocksleeves, target bunnies, whatever my mind can think of.

In reality, however, I treat women with respect and think they're just as human as me. Sure...I might let a bit of misogyny slip into my consciousness and bias me from time to time, but my overall feel is that women should be treated with respect.


There are plenty of men who agree with you. There are also plenty of women who see men as fuckmeat, and plenty of men who see other men as fuckmeat, and plenty of women who see other women as fuckmeat. We collectively refer to these people as "psychopaths."


I see women as human beings worthy of respect and empathy.

I write stories about women who don't deserve to die. This is deliberate, because I don't feel there is a possible justification for ending another human life. I can't get off to a story or piece of art that attempts to make me feel for the attacker, or feel justified about what happened.

I mean, even then it's fine if that's your kink, but I would hope that it's just kink play. there are too many people out there that honestly think women exist solely for me to just assume. lol


The mere thought of seeing another person as a subservient, inferior, supposed-to-be-submissive slave against their will or wants makes me want to vomit. People are not toys for other people, regardless of gender, sexuality, lifestyle choices, etc. People are all unique and individual, so no one is vapid "fuckmeat".


Is this the real life?
or it this just a fantasy
a fantasy dude


go be edgy somewhere else, incel faggot


seriously, everyone that shares this idea is an incel from /reddit or some loser. Get a grip on reality.


Is unbelievable that some people really think that other human beings can be simple objects to use... As Onix said, comparing a woman as fuck meat is no diferent to use some in-animated object for the same purpose. For me there is a clear line between fantasy and reality. In fantasy nothing is prohibited, i can let my imagination get free and do whatever i want, no one is hurt, no one suffers... Reality is another thing, we share a world with other humans beings that have the same rights to scape from pain, suffering and other terrors... For me, if somebody lacks of empathy to understand the suffering of another human being and not suffer with them, is broken or sick... Really sad...


I think you are too fast with condemnations, because generally women also prefer to be fuck meat and act like advanced rubber dolls. If you treat them like humans you will not get sex in real world.


Generalizations isn't true neither... And perhaps most woman could prefer be the passive side in a sexual intercourse, but sex is just a part in a relationship... At least in my country, most women prefer an equal treat both in sex and in a relationship...
Of course, if someone who wants to treat a woman just as fuckmeat find an adult woman who choose be treated that way, it's fine. Everybody have the right to live the life the way they want... While there wasn't coercion...


For me it looks pretty universal in all world, because nowhere on earth women approach men invite them on a dates or take any initiative.
Even during sex they prefer to play dead.
Of course there are always exceptions, but that is general trend.
And even when woman is taking active role in relationships she will not likely take active role in sex.

Unfrotunately, equal relationships are just fantasy.



That is simply not true. Many women are very wild and kinky in bed and like to top their partners and be very adventurous.

Maybe you just fucked only "dead fish" chicks. They exist.



You must be one sorry loser...


Earth has 7 billion people so obviously there are many people that will fit any criteria.
Consequently, if we talk about something like that, we can only use general statistical numbers. (as how likely someone you meet at random is going to be like that.)

And if we take into account all issues, getting in such kind of relationship is same as winning national lottery.



What he said.



I've legit never fucked a woman who "plays dead." Either you happen to be really unlucky, or you're awful at sex. Protip: Try going down on her.

And if you're gonna start talking about "general statistical numbers," you're gonna need an actual source for those numbers.



Women (But people in general) seek things that they enjoy and want to do. I'm sorry that you have never experienced women seeking (wanting) to have sex with you, but maybe the problem isn't the women :V


I think it is not appropriate to use personal experience as proof or discuss my "sucess" with women.
This is even more ridiculous because we are on the site where people are not very normal and If my interest were just normal relationship and plain vanilla sex, I woud not be here.

As for statistical numbers, let's compare how much content is created by men and women here or on any other site.
Women can whine, but they rarely do something on their own.
Of course there are exceptions but this is like white crows.
Any woman who shows initiative will be drowned in attention and proposals from various men to become her friends.



According to you, I (as well as many of my female friends) am the sexual equivalent to winning the lottery. Simply because we don't simply lay there and take a dick like we're dead. That's pretty pathetic. I just don't believe most women simply do the dead fish act. They have to be moaning or whimpering or moving around or something. "Dead fish" chicks are very rare.

Hell, my current boyfriend has told me all about his past sexual encounters and only once did he fuck a chick who was completely motionless/non-passionate during sex. And he's quite experienced. An older man. He's been with many women.

I feel as though you simply have had bad luck.


This is not about being just passionate and moving your hips a little
Like I said it is about actually taking initiative and being creative.
Good woman should not only respond to what man does to her, but actually take active steps to initiate sex with man and make that sex interesting by putting it in different context.

This does not mean that woman has to be dominant bitch, but she must provide clues for her man on what he has to do to play along.
Men have to make great effort and take risk to bring woman into bed just to please her while women do nothing but maybe moan a bit.

How many women you know, who take initiative in relationships? like who of them invite men to the dates, make them aroused and then in the right moment brings them to her bed? How many of women you know who even care to do something as simple as wear sexy clothes or put appropriate makeup, or do some sexy acting? (also just doing something will not be enuogh because you need to do research and find out what this man wants, otherwise it may have opposite results)

You do not need experience in sex. All fun is exploring and inventing stuff and expectation that tomorrow it will be different. Being experienced in sex is actually bad thing because you have noting to do and everything is boring. This is why virgins are more valuable for long term relationships.


Amid all the gory fun, sometimes I forget what kinds of people these sites sadly tend to dredge out.






Funny thing is that you actually support my statements with that, because you use women as trophy figure for validation of man's self worth.



Who are you speaking to? Because I certainly don't think that way if it's me.


You say you agree. to the claims that are supposed to be insulting in a way to present someone as loser because of supposed inability to find woman wiling to have sex.



Uh, I never said I saw women as trophies. And neither did they.

Being unable to get laid or find attractive kinky girls is the fault of the guy. If a girl isn't interested you have to move on. And if a girl isn't reacting to your sexual stimulation EVER then you're obviously doing something wrong. Nobody but you called women trophies.


You took it from wrong angle. What matters that you present this "inability" as some kind of fault as if guy is not good enuogh and generally use it as form of insult while also using out of context unrelated to the discussion.

And girl is not supposed to just react to my stimulation she has to stimulate me herself just much as she expects me to stimulate her. This is the problem we are discussing here not on how girls respond to stimulation or how passionate they are during sex.

Also to make clear I do not blame women for anything, I am just stating the fact. Yes I don't like this situation but this is problem of the world and not of other individual people. I a not demanding women to change their preferences or treat me in different way.



I'm not sure what your point is. Mine is that women can be just as imaginative/stimulating/initiative/passionate etc etc so on and so forth as men. And that you seem to have had bad luck with your sex life if you've never experienced a woman who was just as interested in having a kinky and active sex life as you.


Then why the hell do you even bring up my luck with women or sexual experience here? I have no problems with women and never made any complaints.
My claims are based on simple common knowledge and some personal observations that prove this knowledge, not on my experiences in sex life while you are trying to make it personal

And this time my point has nothing to do with women at all, I am referring to the mere fact of you using insult " you seem to have had bad luck with your sex life " or "I'm sorry that you have never experienced.."
This is comparable to as if we were discussing fat people and I said to you "You seem to have metabolism problems if you can't eat all you want" or "I am sorry that you are so fat"



[Then why the hell do you even bring up my luck with women or sexual experience here? I have no problems with women and never made any complaints.]
[My claims are based on simple common knowledge and some personal observations that prove this knowledge, not on my experiences in sex life while you are trying to make it personal]

Nobody is making it personal, you're interpreting it that way because you don't seem to be willing to engage the perspectives of others. Look at your own two sentences above; We're pointing out that you're trying to use "Common knowledge" and "Personal observation" based on what seems to be limited personal experience. To assume something doesn't happen because you didn't personally observe it, and expect people who did observe and take part in it to agree with you, is incredibly egotistical to say the least.

You seem to have a narcissistic attitude which generally creates the circumstances for your exact experiences. It's hard to be thrilled around someone who quickly rationalizes your hinting lack of enthusiasm as a nonsensically evolved form of sexual dimorphism, rather than even acknowledging the notion that it could be anything they're doing wrong - even with considerable evidence to the contrary.


>>Nobody is making it personal
then why do you use derogatory language ?
"I'm sorry that you have never experienced women seeking (wanting) to have sex with you,"
(you refer to sex, when I said it several times already that this is not about sex at all)

And again this is not my personal experience, this is confirmed in all books, dating guides, TV shows, men and women magazines along with countless anecdotal evidence and testimonies.
Sure they use more polite language, but essence is same.

I personally did not noticed that all that information could be wrong
and also I did not ever seen any article which would try to deny that.
In fact I am surprised that you are trying to deny it. I expected some disagreement in interpretation, but not in facts.


>>4722 Most women can't orgasm from penetration, most men can. You absolutely do have to go further to "stimulate"" her than she does with you. Do women seem bored in bed with you? Maybe it's actually on you.

If you don't want to do anything but stick your dick in her and call it a night, then good for you. But don't try to come up with some ulterior reason for why they don't go out of their way to make it more "exciting" when there are plenty of men willing to give them what they want without demanding "sexy acting" or some bullshit.


>>Most women can't orgasm from penetration, most men can. You absolutely do have to go further to "stimulate"" her than she does with you. Do women seem bored in bed with you? Maybe it's actually on you.

This is absolutely irrelevant and also insulting.

>> But don't try to come up with some ulterior reason for why they don't go out of their way to make it more "exciting" when there are plenty of men willing to give them what they want without demanding "sexy acting" or some bullshit.

You came up with the reason yourself .This is precisely my point here. LOL
Woman can play dead (or even be literally dead) and she she will still get plenty of men willing to have sex with her and even preferring her to be that way.
While if you are man you must make great effort even to find dead fish woman LOL

The problem arising from this statistic is that effort required in relationship is asymmetric. And this is why it is practically impossible to find a women who will make same amount of effort in relationship as man.


no. so much no


Again, You're not basing any of your arguments on evidence. "All the books, all the movies" That is ... comically removed from reality. To the point you're basing your argument on fiction tailored to your idea of relationships that is deliberately fantastical and unrealistic.

That we mention your own experiences is not a personal insult (Well, maybe it is that also) but to tell you that you're denying reality and the experience of others by simply asserting your own as fact.

Your narcissism paints your own experience and narrative as a matter of absolute fact. When others try to explain that a world outside of your own exists, you simply imply that it is common sense that you are right. It's hopeless.


You say that all those dating advises in magazines, testimonies of various people on tv and radio shows and social studies are all fantasy?

You do not try to explain anything you are trying to present you own personal experience as universal truth while ignoring all remaining world.
and you do not mention your own experience you are trying to use derogatory terms to make me feel bad about my supposed inability and also show your superiority.
You only do that because you expect that am like you who validates himself though the ability to bring woman into the bed while you think that people who can't are miserable cripples.


Nobody here is denying anything except for you. Nobody here is denying that There is plenty of male dating advice, books, movies, and media depicting assertive and aggressive male protags. I am not denying the world you live in and surround yourself with -nobody is- you are the one denying the world outside of that.

We're telling you that your experiences don't match ours, and you are here vehemently denying that such a world exists. You're here denying the existence of media in all forms that depict women seeing partners, seeking sexual encounters, the hilarious advice from magazines for women seeing ways to proactively engage and enjoy sex as well as the actual advice. There is entire forms of media that simply vanish in your denial.


>There is entire forms of media that simply vanish in your denial.
What exactly I missed? It must be pretty rare if I never even seen any of that kind media anywhere besides comments from few people.
Find me at least single dating advice article anywhere which would approve your claims.

And do not try to present me as some idiot who takes all info from Hollywood movies or retard reality shows.



Dude, Onix, I like you. In other threads, I agree with what you usually post, or can at least relate to some degree. Even when I don't, it's usually a matter of preference, but here, you're clearly just wrong.

Media doesn't represent most women like cold fish, though it does understate and demonize female sexuality. From movies and music where a girls gets hot and wet over a guy and sing about cumming to porno podcasts, it's clear your vague allusions are at best incomplete.


I guess you did not even cared to read any of my posts because I specifically said several time that it is not about what women do in bed.
Action in the bed is just last stage of everything what happens. What really matters is how you get into that bed.
Text above is applicable to you too.
You are both talking about completely irrelevant stuff.
You think that those last minutes where man stuffs his penis into vagina is everything what matters, but this is not so.

As woman you should understand that when man tells you compliments invites you on a dates, when he gives you gifts or remembers your birthday this is equivalent to you dancing striptease in from of him.
Do you even imagine how much effort we need to do all that stupid acting just to make you pleased and get in the mood for sex?
Compare all that to how much effort woman has to make, which is limited to providing a clue that you are available.

Media does not understate female sexuality neither it demonizes it.
Most of the media is just fantasy which represents not what reality is, but what we want it to be. When you see those movies and music where a girls gets hot, or when milkman get to bang every housewife in the block it is what men dream about, and what will never happen in real life.
Of course women have their own equivalent - romcoms and those movies represent what women dream about.

Another kind of media is all those dating advises and family psychology which is main source of data here.

In fact i highly doubt if you will even disagree with men on facts except that you may not like my interpretation.



No offense but your faulty logic and bad English make you sound like you have no idea what you're talking about. If you seriously think women are that frigid and can't understand what I and others in this thread have been trying to explain to you then you're honestly a hopelessly lost cause.

Also, you shouldn't do nice things like buy flowers for a girl or remember her birthday just to get in her pants. And no that's not comparable to a striptease. A striptease requires talent, stamina, sexual prowess, etc. Remembering a simple date out of the year and having ten dollars in your pocket to buy a rose is not even halfway the same thing.

You don't seem to understand that your limited and unsatisfactory experience is not worldwide fact. That's what everyone keeps trying to explain. But you don't seem to have the mental capacity to listen.

And if women have it so easy when it comes to pleasing men (in YOUR mind at least) then how do you believe lesbian relationships work? Two dead fish doing nothing to stimulate each other? No one aggressively pursuing anyone? Neither party going out of their way to be nice or please? No. That's a ridiculous way to think. Every relationship is different and unique, and all of them have a little give and take.


>> If you seriously think women are that frigid

Why do you continue with this straw man nonsense when I am repeating almost i every post that it is not about that? I do not think that women are frigid. I newer said that.

>>Also, you shouldn't do nice things like buy flowers for a girl or remember her birthday just to get in her pants.

In that case you will not get in her pants and that's it.

Can't you understand that I naturally could not care less about those birthdays or flowers. I do not even remember my own birthday I have no interest in romantic dinners or any dinners at all. But women require me to be someone whom I am not and pretend that I care about what I don't care( and they even want me to do it well.) Do you think It is easy to act all time during all relationship?
And this is not only me but most men. You just don't know and think that this stuff we do is for real.
Why woman can't just come and say I want this and that but instead they always way for a man to ask if they want something or offer them something. It is at least good if they give you hint but most often they will not show anything just later fall into hysteria and blame you for not doing something.

If you see me eating ice cream and you want half of it you must ask, take it or even grab it by force not wait until I will offer it to you.

I am not asking women to perform striptease, I am just using this as example that just like you probably find it totally stupid to wiggle your ass in front of someone and woud not feel any pleasure from going that for men is equally stupid to buy you flowers. however both things have similar effect as women get sexually aroused when she knows that man thinks about her and man gets sexually aroused when she does stupid kinky stuff.

I never said that all women are like that, All I say I that most are like that.



You literally make no sense. I could hardly read the nonsense you just typed.

But I will say this once again: Not ALL women are as you described. In fact, despite what you think, MOST women are not like that at all. That is YOUR personal experience, and is not universal. That, in a nutshell, is our point. Your perception of women is skewed by your own faulty logic, inexperience, and general apathy and deceptive ways when it comes to love.

And no, not ALL guys use flowers and other such romantic gestures as empty ways to get into a girl's pants. Don't drag your entire gender under the bus to simply justify your fuckboy ways. There is a thing called LOVE and many men experience it, and remember birthdays and do other romantic things out of this love and not simply to get laid.


LOL, I see that you prefer to stay in delusions.
You do not need to tell me that not all women are like that just most are and that is enough here.

Yes our entire gender is like that you just do not even care to learn about it and prefer to stay in fantasy world. Yes we do not give a crap about that stuff and this is no apathy or lack of love this is simply different mentality which you cannot even understand.
Of course you can sometimes find exceptions just like there are exception among women but more likely you will get caught by some abuser who will make you pay for all that romantic crap leaving you wonder why he is giving you gifts one day and punches in the face on another.
Divorce statistic explains everything.

For the man love is not that romantic crap for a man love is loyalty and trust when he knows that you will stay together no matter what will happen.
If you ever seen movie "married with chidren" you can take it as example what is the real mening of love for the man.



Ok buddy. Whatever you need to tell yourself.


>>You think that those last minutes where man stuffs his penis into vagina is everything what matters, but this is not so.

No, not by a long shot.

>>As woman you should understand that when man tells you compliments invites you on a dates, when he gives you gifts or remembers your birthday this is equivalent to you dancing striptease in from of him.

>>Do you even imagine how much effort we need to do all that stupid acting just to make you pleased and get in the mood for sex?

As a man, no that is definitely not me giving her a striptease. When I give a girl a strip tease is my equivalence. It also isn't acting, I really mean every compliment I give.
>>Compare all that to how much effort woman has to make, which is limited to providing a clue that you are available.

Plenty of ladies are way too vague, I'll give you that. I appreciate the ones who come right out with it.

>>Yes our entire gender is like that you just do not even care to learn about it and prefer to stay in fantasy world. Yes we do not give a crap about that stuff and this is no apathy or lack of love this is simply different mentality which you cannot even understand.

Total bullshit.
>>Of course you can sometimes find exceptions

There are exceptions and then there's what's normal that you're just ignoring.
>>Divorce statistic explains everything.
Not by a long shot. They only say that a lot of married couples no longer want to be married.

>For the man love is not that romantic crap for a man love is loyalty and trust when he knows that you will stay together no matter what will happen.

Loyalty and trust are mutually exclusive with usury. Lying to someone to get them in the mod just to fuck them, acting as you call it, is not love. Either way,there are girls out there who're openly sexually aggressive. Some cultures suppress them and bully them into hating their own sexuality, and that's bad, but their natural inclination isn't to play a dead fish.
>If you ever seen movie "married with chidren" you can take it as example what is the real mening of love for the man.

Oh. Ok then.


>>As a man, no that is definitely not me giving her a striptease. When I give a girl a strip tease is my equivalence. It also isn't acting, I really mean every compliment I give.

So what? it is not about you, it is about all men in general. (if you are really a man with this kind of name.)
Also girl will not give a shit about man doing striptease. There are hundreds of sex cams with women where each has many viewers and few cams with men with only few viewers that are also mostly gay or just other curious men.

You could also check site like homemadebdsm.com and it is evident that men receive alsmost no feedback from women regardless on what they do, while women usualy get flooded.

>>There are exceptions and then there's what's normal that you're just ignoring.

No, I am not ignoring anything. there is just no evidence to consider something different.
all data points to same conslusion.
All there is is just outrage of some people who are trying to deny it but do not even try to provide evidence.

>>Loyalty and trust are mutually exclusive with usury. Lying to someone to get them in the mod just to fuck them, acting as you call it, is not love.

Why do you assume lying or doing it just to get her in the bed or why getting someone in the bed is suposedly wrong either? More often men do it to please women and make them happy and if women gets in the bed with man she is suposed to enjoy it too.
Just like women sometimes dance striptease not because they like to dance it but to please their men and see their happy faces.

I do not see anything bad in that acting however I just want to be properly rewarded. When woman puts makeup she is also lying and presenting herself diffrent from how she looks naturally.
In fact woman shoud be completely aware that this is all just acting and reward me for my acting(with her own verison of lies ) while knowing that I am doing that chore to please her and not because I like it myself.
Alslo for better resuts she shoud tell what kind of acting she wants and how much of it she wants.
while in same way I can tell her what kind of makeup I want her to use and how she shoud act too.

Of course there are few girls who are sexuslly agresive, but so what? They are rare and their sexusl agression will be usually combined with some nasty character traits as well.
And no, nobody bullies them. Most often they simply suffer because of natural risk or ther own stupidity.
If you are doing aproach you naturally expose yoursef to risk of being humiliated or worse.


>>So what? it is not about you, it is about all men in general. (if you are really a man with this kind of name.)

And plenty of men aren't giving every woman they see compliments just to get laid.
>>Also girl will not give a shit about man doing striptease.

you're simply wrong. Many girls love a hawt dood.
>>No, I am not ignoring anything. there is just no evidence to consider something different.
>>all data points to same conslusion.

Bullshit. You're simply detached from reality. Plenty of women have intense sex drives and get freak, and they aren't exceptions.
>>All there is is just outrage of some people who are trying to deny it

This isn't outrage, you ke>>4743
ep insisting on something obviously wrong.
>>but do not even try to provide evidence.

Now you're simply lying. representations in media were talked about and pictures were posted about women discussing how to get with men.



Hell, for that matter, plenty of por show that women enjoy fucking enough to make good money doing it, You think only a handful of them like that shit? Shaking hteir asses up adn down? They do it because it feels good and they can get paid. If not for slut shaming, way more would be open about it.


>>And plenty of men aren't giving every woman they see compliments just to get laid.

Like i said earlier there are 7 billion people on earth so there will be plenty of anything imaginable.
if you make such claims you have to use tendencies or statistic.(I do not demand you to present proven numbers but you must at least make some assumptions that can be challenged or agreed)

>>you're simply wrong.

this can be easily tested:
go to xhamsterlive.com take note on ho many shows are running then click on the "Boys" and compare it to the "girls"
If that does not prove my claim what proof you want?

>>Bullshit. You're simply detached from reality. Plenty of women have intense sex drives and get freak, and they aren't exceptions.

So what percentage of all women they will make?

>>This isn't outrage, you keep insisting on something obviously wrong.

I am not speaking about this conversation but about all similar conversations in general including phone calls on radio.

It is funny how for example on Tom Leykis show lots of men and women confirm those claims and then one angry woman calls screaming that it is not like that. Sure that can be specially arranged but pattern is same as everywhere.

>>Now you're simply lying. representations in media were talked about and pictures were posted about women discussing how to get with men.

Women are discussing how to get man into relationship and commitment not on how to get them for sex. That is very big difference.

>>Hell, for that matter, plenty of porn show that women enjoy fucking enough to make good money doing it, You think only a handful of them like that shit? Shaking their asses up and down? They do it because it feels good and they can get paid. If not for slut shaming, way more would be open about it.

They are not that frequent. Compare number of porn starts to population of women in general and it will be not even worth talsking about.
Also most of those women do it for atention like always. Most women do not want sex with man. All they want is just to get validated that men still like them.


You're a joke, Onix. You literally describe your life with your choice of "sources". Married with Children, xhamster, homemadebdsm, Tom Leykis. We see clearly the life you lead and where you get your information from and it's laughable. Hell, we all watch porn here but we aren't calling it genetics research. hahah.

We all see your hatred and contempt for women in the way that you lose an argument

>Find me at least single dating advice article anywhere which would approve your claims. -onix

I found millions in one search -each category- both active in sex and pursuing men, you challenged me and lost. you're ignoring it but I'm going to keep bringing it up. At this point it's fun watching you get angry because I know why you argue now.

>I think you are too fast with condemnations, because generally women also prefer to be fuck meat and act like advanced rubber dolls. If you treat them like humans you will not get sex in real world. -onix

>And even when woman is taking active role in relationships she will not likely take active role in sex. -onix

Now look at you, destroyed:

>Of course there are few girls who are sexuslly agresive[sic], but so what? They are rare and their sexusl agression[sic] will be usually combined with some nasty character traits as well.

And no, nobody bullies them. Most often they simply suffer because of natural risk or ther[sic] own stupidity. -onix

You literally just said that if they are sexually active, they are nasty or stupid. hahaha. you literally went "Yeah, but they're stupid and bad" which is the real issue here - you being mad. It wasn't personal at first but you are making this personally about you. you are lashing out.
You literally changed tune when you got rekt.

>Also most of those women do it for atention like always. Most women do not want sex with man. All they want is just to get validated that men still like them.

you call your anecdotes proof. You offer the most solipsistic worldview I have ever seen. "These are my experiences and thus they must be fact". lol

Also of course women are told not to express sexuality. The biggest reason lesbianism was never illegal was because women were either thought to have no sexuality or that the very foundation of law was afraid to bring it up lest they give women ideas.




The culture of suppressing female sexuality specifically and demonizing homosexuality spread across continents through religious puritanical colonization. Many asian, nordic, and east asian cultures were supportive of one or both before their colonial periods.



So yes, women do become bullied or harassed when expressing sexual desires. This doesn't make those desires go away, of course, only a fool would think that. no, these desires find themselves expressed with more caution and media consumed without commenting. If you think Yaoi is mostly consumed by men then you're fucking denying.

People like you don't get to see those desires because you are the exact kinda person women don't want to see responding. lol


If you claim that women who disagree with you are exceptions or are simply mistaken about their own desires, you are exercising a really horrible and unforgivable degree of false paternalism. (And please look up the word paternalism before you respond, because it has nothing to do with gender.)


>>You literally describe your life with your choice of "sources".
what better sources you have? you maybe you prefer "friends" or "sex and the city" LOL
what is wrong with using xhamster as proof that women are not interested in naked men at any comparable degree as men are interested in naked women.
people vote wit their wallets and their feet

>>I found millions in one search -each category- both active in sex and pursuing men, you challenged me and lost. you're ignoring it but I'm going to keep bringing it up. At this point it's fun watching you get angry because I know why you argue now.

you did not yet provided me link to the article with advices where women are told how to approach man to get him in bed.
also just because you will provide it, that won't make me lose because obviusly such articles exists but what matters is how easy it will be to find it.
My intent is not to prove that it does not exist but compare this with number of PUA stuff on internet for men and also I want to see what it is all about and how it fits my current knowledge.

>You literally just said that if they are sexually active, they are nasty or stupid. hahaha.

Where I said that? Yoy are making very wild interpretations.
Being sexually active and stupid or nasty are two different things that usually corelate.
Probably just because otherwise it is not easy to notice if person is sexusly active if he/she is not also stupid.
Those who are not stupid do not run into any problems regardless if they are sexuslly active or passive.
Problems happen not because of some social condemnation, but because of stupid choices and self desctructive bejavior.

>>Also of course women are told not to express sexuality.

Stop with that feminist bulshit propaganda. I recomend you to check calendar because you proably still dont know that we live in the year 2017 and not some middle ages.

>>If you think Yaoi is mostly consumed by men then you're fucking denying.

excelent example to prove my point too: because women realy like Yaoi and almost totally ignore straight porn.

Let's analyze Yaoi content. and what will we fing there Lots of tentacte sex, BDSM huge insertions, toys ,men with huge dicks banging everything what moves and all other possible fetishes?
NO. we will find romantic relationships betwen men and men who are ideal in women eyes.
In fact this Yaoi stuff is one of data sources for me. and it perfectly represents what women want from men and what gets them aroused. You probably could use that stuf as PUA manual.
At same time not all Yaoi is for women we can see some for men too which will be totally diffrent. mostly comedic shota style where guys look and behave like girls and there you will find all usuall stuff which is absent in Yaoi for women.


But the more he goes on, the worse his shit is.


Guys, can't we all just agree women are trash whose sole purpose is to be used and thrown away?



Sorry, nope. As someone else in the thread aptly put it "we collectively call these people psychopaths". No one, regardless of gender or what have you, is inferior and superior to another. Thinking otherwise is asinine.



Hey now! I'm a psychopath and I atree that women aren't our toys.

But I disagree that nobody is better than anyone else, fuck you and anyone else that calleth meh asanine >:D




Dear, I meant no one is superior or inferior to another based on insignificant things such as gender, sex, sexuality, # of sex partners, etc. I agree that a person with no redeeming qualities, say an evil, sadistic child rapist and murderer, is not equal to even the most normal, civil, non-harmful human, and certainly not anyone extremely generous, selfless, or saintly.



Look, I might have a fascination wth gurotesku (grotesque engrish which spawned the word guro)

But if you want to go IRL "women are fuckmeat birth chamber hurr durr", please go die painfully. Fuckwits like you killed Hypatia in early christfag era. So piss off.



Not going anywhere, bitch. Now cry more, pussy, as your tears are delicious.



You are nothing but a flabby dweeb with a greasy heart burning with hate for women you will never touch.

And I'm supposed to cry at being your edgy remarks?

You aren't even trying boi.




Please keep going, you daft pussy.


That's fine as a fantasy, but you shouldn't actually feel that way. If you do, you should get help.



You sound really bitter and delusional. Most people don't look at the world the way you do. You have to understand that there's something wrong with your perspective and it's making you a hateful person.


There are men that want to own, and women that want to be owned.
There are women that want to own, and men that want to be owned.

There are men who want to own men.
There are women who want to own women.

There are more.

I'm not interested in what all are most individuals want, rather I'm interested in all people being able to play the role they want.

Furthermore, I sometimes get to know someone and want to say "this is a woman who wants to be owned, but she doesn't know how to say it, or she doesn't know that about herself." But I don't have authority in other peoples wants, I don't have agency in what people think about themselves or the world. It's not my place to say-- and as a man who wants to own, seeing women as wanting to be owned is far to convenient. I won't be convinced that the world is by chance exactly the way I would like it, especially because I don't need the whole world to be exactly the way I would like it. If 1/1000 people are compatible with me, that's more than enough. And so part of finding people in the roles I'd like to play with is finding people mature enough to know what they want, or open minded enough to be guided there with some caution and grains of salt.

We can decide that our brains are predisposed to ownership and violence, and to some extent I'm sure there's truth in that. But I don't like the thought that as "guro fans" or as "dominate males," we are somehow above the rest of society. I don't like the thought that we're better because we're in touch with the older part of our brains. I dislike the thought that our feelings come from natural laws and so therefore we're the normal and society is the unnautral.

I've heard the same from child molesters, murderers, and religious zealots. "We are the repressed minority following the natural truths."

Just be weird and go about your day. Nobody will notice, nobody important will care.



Nicely said, Guilty. Everyone has their own preferences and desires, but, true consent is always needed, whether you wish to own or be owned or anything else. And gender is null and void in these types of scenarios.


It does not matter how people look at the world what matters is how people behave and how they react to things.
So far I did not noticed serious problems with my perspective where it would contradict reality and nobody provided any decent evidence to prove it wrong. (I noticed that even discussing that evidence is taboo because it may challenge "correct" world view)

My perspective has nothing to do with hating any specific people
I only hate the fact that world is not as I want it to be, but here I can only blame stupid/evil god.

>>"this is a woman who wants to be owned, but she doesn't know how to say it, or she doesn't know that about herself."

The meaning of that claim is that while people say one thing they behave in a way which contradicts what they say.
This is not only limited to women but to many situations: as for example pretty much everyone will say that they want to have choice but in reality they are much happier and get attracted to situations when they do not have choice.
Woman may say that she wants nice guy and demand equality, but she will get wet when guy treats her like shit and be most happy being plain housewife with no rights.
Voters will never say that they want politician to lie to them, but they will alwasy elect biggest liar.
Customers will say that they want business to be honest, but buy more from the business which uses obviuosly deceptive tactic.

So when you want to understand reality you have to examine how people reract, not what they say and then behave accordingly for the best results.
People (expecially women) will always be atracted to what makes them happy and always repeat paterns that gave them happines in the past.






There are men that want to own, and women that want to be owned.
There are women that want to own, and men that want to be owned.

There are men who want to own men.
There are women who want to own women.

There are more.

I'm not interested in what all are most individuals want, rather I'm interested in all people being able to play the role they want.



>>I'm not interested in what all are most individuals want, rather I'm interested in all people being able to play the role they want.

Well, it's not like the opinions of any of us here will impact how people feel or act on a large scale. Also, it's not like that "want" isn't deterministic in nature and an illusion of freedom at best. But hey... I suppose we can't be 100% sure unless we actually have a theory of everything that rules out quantum randomness.



I feel like that's kind of what my GrossGod universe is about.


Boy, you'd think that a thread on a guro-themed Chan-board about how women are nothing more than fuckmeat would be able to maintain a certain degree of class and civility, but I guess you'd be wrong.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you; this thread is delightful! Please carry on.



>Men are meant to lead and provide.

Lol flabby basement dweller wants to go Gorean.



Stupid bitches like you need to learn their place.


Nah, everypne like you needs to die.


Hateful words are the cheapest of the bunch on the internet, just saying.
You all accomplish nothing with insults, besides maybe a small temporary ego boost.


I didn't realize there were so many edgelords on this website. Interesting.

But the amount of people with decent morals, even just the ones that have commented on this thread, are just as, if not more, surprising.

Funnily enough, I think I read on Tv Tropes that GUROchan is considered relatively friendly compared to the other "chan" boards. Especially considering what's *on* this website. (We were still the only chan they wouldn't link to though of course...)


Well, 47, everything in life is temporary. Deal with it.


I pointed that out myself so I aknowledge it. My comment was probably redundant, but I still felt like stroking my own ego by pointing out the pointlessness of name calling over the internet (speakin' of the anons that started shouting 'edgelord' at eachother).



I definitely didn't /shout/ edgelord. My comment was less "namecalling" and more an observation.





You first, useless bitch.



Cats meow side how bow dat



fuck you.




Nice number. Yeah I'm with you on this one.



Choke on a dick, bitch.



else what, fat gay boi? Afraid I'll rip that fatty, thick lips of yours with my teeth?



You seem mad, maybe you should end your useless bitch life.


Too drunk right now to get involved in the shitstorm that is whatever argument going on in this thread right now, however here's my pathetic 2 cents -
Ew, gross, we aren't fuckmeat, we're people. However, i'm also dealing with the conflict of my disgusting guro fetish-y side begging for this. It's conflicting.


Boi, this thread's a shitstorm.

I see women as people. Different than men, but human nonetheless. I don't care if you see them as meat, but keep it in your head. Good luck on finding women that agree with you.

DisgustingPervert, I'm interested in GrossGod. If you're interested in sharing it to me, I'm on Executioner's Discord server.



Are you saying a partbof you wants to be treated as such? Like, the same part of me that fantasizes about being tortured by witches?

Because that's not the same as actually being agreement.

.... >>5228 ten4



Turns out I can't join. He keeps giving me new invites but they all say Invalid or Expired.



A temporary room.






My fantasies normally include women being nothing more than slaves for any kind of use. Sometimes I like to fantasize about the women and girls in my life as victims in my fantasies or packages of meat. But in the real world, I'm in a place I cannot afford to think that way all the time. I wish I could, sometimes. I do like this world, but I feel if I were born in a world with women and girls just being objects that are easily replaced, I'd like that world just as much. But this isn't that world, so I will view them as people, until total anarchy happens.


When I'm horny I want to be objectified completely 9 times out of 10. But all women, submissive or not, deserve to be treated the same as men. Even when I'm feeling submissive I deserve decency and respect.


Woman are fuckmeat and would love to rape as many as I could. All woman need to get fucked



Damn straight. My personal fantasy world of treating women as subhuman objects is just that, fantasy. I want to hurt them, degrade them, deny them, and abuse them, but only if they're willing.

That some people actually see the real world the way I see my fantasy world is, frankly, rather disturbing.


When I think about it, seems to me like all humans are meat. I can't buy into ideologies that elevate one group of humans above another on the basis of some arbitrary criteria. Just seems like a thin rationalization for ego stroking.

As a fantasy, I'm not into "women as fuckmeat". You can't meaningfully rape or torture fuckmeat, and above all, I'm into the suffering of women, not their subjugation. The suffering of a fully-realized human being with rights, education, personality, hopes and dreams is deeper and more gratifying than the suffering of someone who's already been relegated to second class status.


As a lolicon, i only like this as a fantasy. This shit shouldnt be more than fantasy. But you cant do this at real world.

Go fuck yourself if you see this more than a fantasy, faggot.

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