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There used to be an imageboard called gorechan that hosted real gore, including child gore on the clear net
What happened to it and where can i find real child gore?


In ur mom's pussy Now kindly fuck off



Wasn't that one of the Kolyma-hosted sites? Or am I thinking of something else? Kolyma ceased to exist about a year ago anyway.

You could try https://watchpeopledie.tv/ which doesn't ban such material.


>Wasn't that one of the Kolyma-hosted sites?
Yes, but so was gurochan




Gurochan exists in a very precarious legal grey area and there are some companies that will host it.

Gorechan's content is flat-out illegal in most of the world and only the shadiest of fly-by-night hosting companies would even dream of touching it.


I believe it's not just a problem of finding hosts, but also domain registrars who can get twitchy about such things.


Do you think we can make Gurochan the 4chan of gore? There are many gore threads on 4chan a website which has regularly 100s of 1000s of users every day and millions every month.


Its clearnet domain got seized 3 times in a span of like 2 months (by self-proclaimed "lax" registrars) before we made it TOR-only, and it was facing legal issues even then on.
I enjoyed administrating it but I doubt I'll ever bring it back, especially that I don't have some company behind me anymore.
It would only be back if an anonymous gore fetishist gets a server and self-hosts it on TOR.
GUROchan is all fictional and bans realistic AI, so it's clearly legal, at least in the USA. Gorechan was the one in grey area, we were trying to keep it "barely not illegal".

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