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/dis/ - Discussion

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The site was updated to be a lot faster. Some things are still being updated. If you have questions or suggestions, see this thread


Right now, all the people that I've seen photos of on the guro-themed websites were, to put it lightly, not of the best stock.

The majority of them were morbidly (yes, morbidly, not just "plump") obese and had poor bodily hygiene (or non at all), and the majority of the women turned out to be barely passable transgenders (the accent is on the ''barely passable'' part, some of them even barely passed as human beings, IMO).

And all the attractive guro-kink people I've met, didn't visit guro community forums, and are, in general, only rarely interested in 'practicing' said kink.

So, was it me having bad luck, or is there some sort of correlation between being a hardcore guro-fan, and having gender dysphoria, no self-discipline, poor genes, and being ugly?


There are plenty of attractive female guro fans. I imagine they don't post selfies because they don't want three dozen guys clamoring to wear their intestines as a necklace.


I think there should be quite a lot of good looking people but many people are just old in general what drops quite some points from their looks. Also level of kinkiness increases with age :)

The bigger problem is that there are not that many women interested in anything kinky or unusual and looks like we may have even more transgender women than real women in this community :)

What I find interesting that majority of girls who cut themselves or engage in other self destructive behavior like dream about being killed or tortured and they even look like supermodels but they hate anything sexual.
There may be some general trend that the better looking is the person the more asexual(or even antisexual) they are. or maybe just majority of people (especially women) have very low sex drive regardless of their looks or interest.
Also as I noticed most people hate their guro related kinks in general living in guilt (repeating that it is just a fantasy) and they will hate anyone who likes same things as they like.

But ignoring that, I think most people related to guro stuff and are really "practicing" it look surprisingly good after all, especially if they are asians.
Looks like they would not mind to practice that with someone of the same age. but you must be also self destructive to get into any kind of relationship with them or be rejected. And also very likely this is not going to end very well if you expect to stay alive and unharmed ;)


l. o. fuvking. l


I am an extremely attractive man who posts on the Gurochan site from time to time, so I guess i count


I don't shower often, have messy pubes, smegma and I'm overweight. But I have a cute face and long hair, and despite not brushing often, have pretty perfect teeth, so I have attractive potential. Just need lipo and a personal groomer.




この板で、GUROCHANは日本で知られてるかどうかについてスレがあったよ >>1168




Attractive girls don't like guys who judge people based on their looks. Try treating everyone as equals-- with enthusiasm and friendliness-- regardless of their looks or genders. You'll find yourself in the company of attractive people even if you yourself aren't traditionally attractive. I know from experience.


>You'll find yourself in the company of attractive people even if you yourself aren't traditionally attractive.

Your claim has logical problem because if you treat everyone equally you will not necessarily end in the company of good looking people you may end in the company of ugly worthless asexual people as well. :)
And what you will do then?


I prpbably shouldnt have to explain this. Bht being around attracrive people and being around unattractive people arent mutually exclusive, so theres no fallacy.

Lets change the nouns so you get it.

"I like brunette people, how do I get more brunette people in my life without having tk hang out with danmedable fucking blondes?"

And I say

"Brunettes dont like people obsessed exclusively with them who hate blondes. They can tell by your demeanor when youre being picky. If you treat everyone equally regardless of haircolor, it will be easier for you to make brunette friends."

"Ah but youve made a fallacy, youll end up with gross brunette friends too!"

"Its not a fallacy cause I never said you wouldnt have brunette friends."


I messed up and switched brunettes and blondes a couple times but you should be able to figure out what I meant.


To add to this thread- noticed that a lot of women, and most "dom"-type women in the guro community are trans for some reason. Like, it's almost impossible to find a "cis" dom guro girl.


Ah ok, I get what you men but also what i meant is that we have limited resources and time so you can't maintain infinite amount of friends you have to choose somehow for better results.


>To add to this thread- noticed that a lot of women, and most "dom"-type women in the guro community are trans for some reason. Like, it's almost impossible to find a "cis" dom guro girl.

I think you are too optimistic LOL
More likely those dom girls are not even trans but plain men. In fact if you see any girl who looks way to good then it is probably not a girl.

You know the rule of internet, that to have success you have to be a woman or pretend being a woman :) otherwise nobody gives a shit about you.


I don't know what do you mean by visually attractive since it's mostly subjective, objective in terms of symmetry of proportion and good character traits synergy. but I'd say people would still prefer white fuglies over ethnics.



ur so right theres so many deranged women that go on these sites and never post their faces because of the other people on here


You just described some of the hottest thing about degenerates, don't change a thing.


I think it might be a "you" thing, OP <3


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This is what one of the users looks like (me).
Do you think I could get a dominant gf if I lose a bit of fat? I have had gfs, just not domme ones
>if shes trans,its a PLUS


I think you yourself look reasonably dominant and intimidating
If you lose some fat and go to the gym you will get more of usual submissive women.


>>14163 I'm a cis dom woman and a lesbian, but everyone thinks I'm straight, because I'm "too pretty". Even if I was attracted to men I wouldn't post my face in a community full of misogyny and men who are hell-bent on wanting to be dominant. Big surprise dominant women want submissive people who respect them and typically ones who aren't into gore-ing them.


Being a guro fan and being transgender seem to be heavily correlated, as a ftm myself, but trans people tend to be more kinky overall. As for myself, the people you describe as "not of the best stock" are people I'd be interested in. At a certain point, visuals stop mattering; to me, Guro is about getting closer to the person underneath all that messy skin and flesh.


That is a very specific idea of dominance LOL
You know sometimes you are supposed to train your slave to respect you ;)
If you just want to be respected probably you have no reason to be respected. You sound like those incell men complaining that they don't get what they want.
Respect is earned like money.


i'm an attractive man but why the fuck would i ever facedoxx myself on a guro community? it's hard enough to hide this shit from my normal-ass cute maternal gf (i've yet to meet a gorefag woman that was mother material) although i've gotten her into liking ryona


This lmao. Oh nooo only the people who reasonably expect to not receive harassment on the basis of being found attractive by other users are willing to post their photos :\


I'm handsome and can get matches on dating sites with just a face pic and no bio but I got beat as a kid and bullied a lot so I like this shit


I am very attracted to FTM wanted to date one or talk whatever


Is it creepy or weird I have a rape fetish (with trans women) but with me, a man, as the victim?
I know its not "really" rape if Im seeking it out, but I daydream a lot about somehow going to places frequented by trans prostitutes and by some twist of fate ending up being raw-ed by them in an alley


Replace word "trans" with "futa" and it will be hot rather than creepy LOL


my main motivation to lucid dream is to have dream-sex with dominant futas. Im not submissive or feminine IRL, but I just have this urge to worship futa and have my body be an expendable toy for her pleasure.


if you imagine it as in this
It looks pretty sexy to watch :)


So, was it me having bad luck, or is there some sort of correlation between being a hardcore guro-fan, and having gender dysphoria, no self-discipline, poor genes, and being ugly?

Are you retarded?


I'm so hot
and i gotta be real right now
this trans girl i met on this guro server was like so hot
and i literally fell in love with her
and she literally BLOCKED (you read that right. B L O C K E D.) me. can you fucking believe that?
she was so hot and was like a college girl and a total nerd and shit and obviously a total virgin and it was so fun to fuck with her and shit
like i was so in love with her
like we were supposed to get married and have babies together
but no, she had to freakin' block me
stupid bitch
now we'll never have babies together and kiss and fuck and eat each other's poop and sniff each other's farts and like she'll never frickin' dom me or call me a dummy again
I'm gonna cry ;-;


>college girl
>obviously a total virgin


File: 1688725716988.gif (3.97 MB, 640x414, planet-of-the-apes-charlto….gif)


I'm an above average attractive guy, fit, sexy beard, long but cared for hair, and well endowed.
For me guro is escapism, I'm not here for misogyny or dominance, I just want to live for a second in impossibly weird worlds.

I don't think there is a correlation necessarily, other than maybe that fit people tend to spend less time online and are less likely to find this place.

Also I think this community was a lot more vibrant before the series of murders and suicides the site had, making people go to more accessible platforms like Reddit or Ao3.

I wish they all would come here, and make this place more active again. I don't like these other sites. I'm basically only on reddit for the r/GuroErotica board which gets new stories daily. Until it inevitably gets axed when the a reddit admin has a bad day.

As for the kink, my ex was also way into it, having American psycho as her favorite jilling book. She was also very attractive.

It might also be a type of bias, that the less attractive people are more ready to dox themselves in the hope for some validation with showing their picture to random people online.

You unironically sound fun to be friends with.


series of murders and suicides on this site?


First person that came to my mind is callmejust_R, he mostly draw male guro, he's ribbed asf on Twitter.

And DFK, he posted some maid cosplay pics, doesn't looks like the kind of person you'd expected to be guro artist.

There's more, but there would be too many.


I know a comics artist and illustrator, a female in her 30s (a biological female), very attractive (she is a cosplay too) and she's into gore and splatter. I have talked to her several times and she's not a violent or mentally disturbed person.


This is pretty old, and I rarely post on image boards. I will say while I'd fit the description of "the problem" now one of the only reasons into extreme horror and stuff like this is having met a number of girls of the sort your thinking about.

The problem is that the goth and emo subcultures died out along with most of punk. Or at least as far as being as open about it went.

On top of that you have to remember that the internet isn't the wild west it once was. It's harder to be somewhat open, yet anonymous. Even boards like this are a lot less anonymous than people would like, and as a general rule there is massive potential stigma just from being associated with stuff like this. As a general rule the people you see who will admit what they look like IRL are those beyond caring. On top of that just because someone says they are a morbidly obese, male, basement dweller, does not make it true. The fact that it isn't questioned could very well be the point if someone is attempting to create a false identity.

See, part of your presumption is that a young, attractive, "zoomer", who was akin to one of the girls I used to know would want to make that obvious on a place like Gurochan and have everyone chasing her. Something we all know would happen if the community knew it was real.

To get to the point though. If you want to find people who might be like what your looking for, go into private video game communities. Things like "Conan Exiles" have lots of private adult servers that advertise on various discords and such. There you will meet plenty of actual girls, they tend to actually be some of the weirdest ERPers, and while not everyone is a super model, many are in fact portly older women, there are some young cute ones as well and you can typically tell whose real by listening on voice chat if it really matters to you.

Let's just say I was part of playing out a lesbian sexecution party involving vaginal impalement involving creative use of some custom mods and while I did have a female avatar made for it, I was one of the only guys behind a character (as I was a good RPer and was invited) and a fair number of the girls were younger and seemingly quite insane.

No guarantee of the results, and I don't recommend doing that stuff just to be a stalker, but if nothing else remember the people your thinking of tend to be more video, and interavtive media based now. Something like image boards is too static for a lot of the younger folks. Simply by being what this is things are going to be weighted towards an older crowd now, and well, like it or not, not everyone ages well.


You look like an Iranian Chris Chan, lol. Also, please use tretinoin for those forehead wrinkles.


You sound a lot like this girl I am currently talking to…

Idk if she's dom but shes cis, lesbian, and very pretty, although introverted. I was trying to hit on her/get her to go out with me but then I learn she's lesbian, except she'd never had any previous male relationships or even male friendships (bc they all leave when they find out shes lesbian lol) and she's genuinely fun so I sit with her in class and I'll just keep getting close to her and slowly try to get her to like me. It sucks because when I met her I legitimately thought I would marry her. I'm still going for other girls in other classes but I still like this lesbian girl a lot, she dresses a lot like a tomboy tbh, like slightly below knee cargo shorts and some baggy dark colored graphic tee and this nerdy/dorky looking y2k digital watch. I love her aesthetic.

We've been talking since mid-august and I think she liked that I was accepting of her sexuality, and we have fun together.

Any advice on how I could possibly get her to try out being straight for me? lol


That's not how sexuality works. She can't "try to be straight" any more than you could try to be gay. And if you think you could: congrats, you're probably bi- or pansexual


I know, I've viewed this from her point of view (assuming her sexuality is purely biological and not at all sociological/trauma).

I accept there is a decent chance I will fail… but I must still try.



Ugly pieces of shits. No wonder you are all lonely! Enjoy dying alone.


are you implying we are all ugly fucks? XD


I think it largely depends on how much she hates men but if she a lesbian she probably does not like masculinity which is confirmed by the fact that she a a dom or you will not find women (or rather anyone) who woud love dominating men.
As you say, she is rather a tomboy herself.

So I think the only way how she could be interested in you if you were at least cute femboy yourself But if you are straight guy there is not much chance that dominant lesbian will be interested in you, Just like you woud not be interested in another guy


She seems/acts submissive/neutral though (but maybe sexually she is a dom who knows), and she doesn't seem to hate men, or at least she doesn't hate me (even texts me first sometimes). We feel a lot more like equals than leading man and following woman, which I'm honestly fine with.

Also after 2 weeks from when I first met her she told me she was lesbian and that she didn't want to give me any wrong impressions of flirting or something because she knows shes socially awkward sometimes.
I just kept my cool and said that's fine
and brought up stories of how I had dated a girl who thought she was trans and wasn't (which she connected with because she was the same) and a girl that thought she lesbian but then dated me. Then, she brought up how she's only gone out with one girl but the relationship failed pretty quickly.

Also, I am growing out my hair so I'm hoping that makes me more feminine looking??

I'd say I dress in a slightly artsy way, think UNIQLO-core tiktok-lite fashion and sometimes wear a pendant. I don't think I'm ugly because I've dated a lot of girls, but I'm definitely not attractive enough for someone to say "Nah dude, you're definitely attractive." I feel more like I just don't have any outstanding bad features.

In short, I'm betting more on becoming her friend and getting her comfortable/emotionally attached and then she'll translate some of that into physical affection because she has never had any male relationships. (Also she used to be trans but then realized she was fine with being a girl, and that she did not have to be trans to express her masc side or something like that. She never went on HRT and realized it was actually dangerous and that big pharma lied about its safety and would shill it because $$$.)

And she really likes death metal and we both knew about Burzum so we connected over that, she disagrees with Vargs opinions but she does have nuance with politics, I convinced her that RFK jr. was pretty rational and not an anti-vaxx freak, and she doesn't trust big pharma due to the aforementioned HRT stuff.


All of you here are so funny. I'm a zoomer and I know so many hot people (mostly women) who are into guro, the thing is that most of them won't admit they're into it sexually unless you're friends and more importantly they're usually mostly really into yaoi so that's where they congregate. Not having any hot friends online who share your interest is purely a skill issue because learning how to interact with people nicely lets you make and keep hot friends regardless of how you look


Are you some sort of speedfreak bisexual bicycle driver escaping a bee-hive getting blown up by 24 C4 packages delivered accidentally by US SEAL black ops T0 operators who got the wrong coordinates?

Wtf is a "zoomer"?


oldfag detected

how tf do you not know what a zoomer is, its been a meme for 3 years now


It seems she's unsure of her sexuality, she's never done anything with a girl, (maybe she's kissed one but she's def a virgin). She used to like yaoi (but then again what lesbian didn't at some point).

I think I'll hang out with her casually one time during the day, then a week later hang out at night/watch a movie and try to make a slight move (hand holding/light cuddling/maybe a kiss at the end of the night/I'd like to make out but I doubt I'd get that from her yet), and say something like, "I won't catch feelings if you don't" or "might as well see if you like it."

Also she seems to dislike romance/finds it cringe, even in music, so it seems like I'll have to treat her more as a guy friend I'm romantically interest than a woman? It's kind of weird since every girl I have previously dealt with loves romance and is very emotional.


"zoomer" means Gen-z in a derogatory way, but it's very annoying so don't use it please. You aren't expected to know what it is.


trying to keep this thread alive


So what if it's derogatory?


idk a lot of the people i've seen in guro communities are relatively attractive. especially those who make irl simulated snuff content/hard kink. Back when i was still dating around my local bdsm scene a LOT of people were super hot, and typically the hotter the person the harder their kinks were.
from the way op talks about people tho… i'm guessing it's more of an attitude issue. to me, the way op talks about other people is a huge red flag.
a lot of other women tend to circulate content and talk about things online through other platforms. Usually private discord servers, through ao3 or on tumblr. typically literary centered platforms are where femmes congregate. with comics/vn's as the secondary format. ESPECIALLY vn's right now with the rise of murdersims and horror romance as a genre.
tldr; you're not in the right circles and you sound like a dick :/


Actually as I can see from twitter posts the better looking is woman the more she hates sex and anything lewd. Ugly ones on the other hand are way more open-minded and probably even preferable.

Their kinks may be hard and very likely such woman will be into self harm with her body full of cuts depressed like hell but she will be quite unwilling to interact with anyone on sexual topic. it may be some romance horror or plain attention whoring but oh god just mention something lewd and you will be blocked instantly

I got the impression that all those women want to express pain, horror depression and anything else except lewd stuff, and if they see that you view that content sexually they dislike you.


> unwilling to interact with anyone on sexual topic
Onix I think you mean unwilling to interact with you on a sexual topic.
I can just imagine you saying some annoying sex pest shit to a girl with cutting scars and getting blocked in an instant


Hey! are you trying to insult my intelligence? LOL
While I know that many men are that stupid, but I know how things work and woud never say anything like that to anyone.

The source of my information is other people and their experiences.
I did some experiments on twitter if it is even possible to do very gentle streeting of the conversation into lewd topic but it doesn't work. Women are largely allergic to sex in general.

The general rule with all those girls is that they will not interact with you unless you yourself are seriously fucked up and struggling with something.
Even silently following some of them on twitter puts you at risk of being blocked if she notices that you do not have some disorder.
You do not even need to say anything yourself just read comments and conversations with other people.
If you wanted to date a girl like that your strategy should be to brag about how horrible is your life because of some irrelevant shit and listen about her bragging the same.
Same strategy applies with most girls. The problem is that they connect on pain and suffering instead of fun and pleasure.

However if you see some woman who looks more like a pig than a human, oh god she will be a nympho. All her twitter feed will be full with some sexy references and jokes.
It does not mean that she will be willing to have sex with random strangers or show her tits to everyone. But you will see how she will comment on her own sexual experiences with her boyfriends or make lewd references.


> I know how things work
> Women are largely allergic to sex in general
if you look at the way men approach women on twitter and you're baffled why it doesn't turn women on, you have no idea "how things work" lmao.


I am not baffled by anything besides how you do not read what I say before relying.

I did not mentioned anything about other men or how they do it. yes the way they do it doesn't work and pretty much nothing will work with them on twitter most of the time.

All what I was trying to say is that to date women you need to connect on emotion of pain and suffering. (Unless maybe you are gidachad with a body of greek good.)
this is what I see from love stories twitter comments and all other sources.
Twitter is pretty good source of information where women openly post what they desire, their stories with success and failures which is useful to read and take notes because unlike all that feminist shit which they talk in public they say exactly what they really want there.


what you're describing is women being attracted to men who can be vulnerable and emotionally open. wow, what a shocker.
and then, another shocker, women are more receptive to sexual advances from people they are attracted to. what the fuck??? forbidden knowledge!
and, surprise, it's unattractive to be the kind of guy who sends unsolicited sexual comments to women with no prior emotional connection or rapport.
but filter these facts through the funhouse mirror of onix's brain and you get "women hate sex" lmao


Not what I said at all.
You are trying to strawman me again.

There is no point in sexual advances towards women online you are not gonna meet IRL anyway and probably will not even get any interesting nudes.
And listening to their anonymous shit is not productive way of spending your time. You do that with your girlfriend to convince her to open her legs.

>with no prior emotional connection or rapport.

Yes that's right And what I said above is exactly that you need to build that emotional connection by talking some shit and lying until you manage to get into good stuff.
And every kind of woman will require specific approach.

Forbidden knowledge is that to build that raport and emotional connection you need to talk specifically what kind of broken piece of shit you are. and listen about what kind of piece if self hating shit she is. Probably discussing your favorite ways to die.
You need to be on the same boat.

Or also you can act like violent piece of shit with anger or self control issues. who still needs to struggle with some issues.

But you never can have any interest in anything lewd or mention that you have any sexual issues. With women you need to pretend that you got castrated and you have no interest in sex at all.
Yeah maybe later when she got that emotional connection you try to take some risk.

>you get "women hate sex" lmao

I specifically said not all women hate sex. I already said that statistically ugly women like sex sexy women hate it most of the time even if they work as onlyfans models.

The way to see if woman likes sex is just how she talks and what comments when posts. because those women love sexy compliments from men and occasionally post themselves how they found someone attractive or wanted to fuck someone.
Simply for those women sexual topic is not complete taboo as usual.


> I already said that statistically ugly women like sex sexy women hate it most of the time
have you been to college onix? the sheer volume of fucking some of those girls do is beyond belief. especially the hot ones.
hotter women can afford to be more selective, and if you aren't selected it can seem like prudishness, but while you brood about it they're fucking someone else


You also did not read what was said here. Because *we were talking about women with guro interets.*

Speaking about college experience it means absolutely nothing that some girls get lots of fucking. majority of them are not interested.

The fact that women can afford being selective already implies that they have plenty of candidates to chose or if men and women had same level of sexual interest nobody could be that selective and both sides would need to make equal effort to get someone.

Logically, women who are interested in sex will have lots of candidates and juts absurdly many candidates if they are hot.
even ugly women will have some decent choices assuming they are interested in sex.


>we were talking about women with guro interests
onix, women with guro interests are a subset of women lol

>majority of college girls are not interested in sex

I don't feel like quoting, just skim through.

>if men and women had same level of sexual interest nobody could be that selective

bad math. both sexes have to fend off ugly people. your logic only works if people stay in their bracket.

I'm a hot man, and before I married I was selective. I was asked out more than I asked, and I said no more than yes.


naw like in those circles it's very much about sex. Sure there's also subtext and theming but that only makes a scene richer. just look up the price of flesh on tumblr or rule34 and you'll see a bunch of women gooning over being tortured to death in a red room.
do you like… strike up a normal conversation before making it lewd? or do you lead with your dick? cause it's off putting to start with sex stuff without interest for the person behind it. that might be your issue.


Of curse every decent man knows that you can't start conversation with lewd stuff when dealing with woman you have to pretend that you lost your balls and dick in a car accident LOL

But I think by now any woman should also know that if a man is talking to her about jews in gaza he is thinking about her pussy at that time and the only reason he is bothering at all is because he need to put her guard down and start making conversation secretly lewd carefully accessing her level of arousal and hostility.

Interaction itself is ALWAYS led by the dick because if there would be no sexual attraction there would be absolutely no reason to even look at any woman.
The situation when it is not led by the dick is when you actually have some problems and you somehow may need a woman to help you. Or is you need someone to talk about your horrible life

But if your life is great already you will never even look at a woman for any unsexual reasons. As what you are even supposed to say? "Hey babe look I am so super! feeling great how about you ? did you cut yourself again? Oh let me guess another failed suicide.. Cool"

>onix, women with guro interests are a subset of women lol

So do you mean all women are the same?

>I don't feel like quoting, just skim through.

That article is juts bushit. I don't get what is the point of releasing that nonsense at all.
even with context of that article it was about sex in established couples in which case of coure man will have not much interest in sex, what kind of man wants sex with he same woman? you do it few times and lose interest.
Don't you know "Coolidge effect"?

If you want proper data find how many coomers are men and women how many creeps are men and women.
even how many men and women are on tinder looking for sex how many men and women women come to nightclubs and bars looking for one night sex.
How often boys and girls have to initiate sex for the first time in the couple.

>I'm a hot man, and before I married I was selective. I was asked out more than I asked, and I said no more than yes.

I also was asked out more than I ask out and even my mother asked out my father to marry her. But when women ask you out they don't think about sex with you they usually have other plans for you that typically involve sucking out your resources or parasiting on your lifestyle

when she looks at your photo on tinder she doesn't think about how she will ride that dick, she thinks how she will be riding that expensive car or drinking wine in that expensive mansion or going to travel together.


>so do you mean all women are the same
nah but liking guro is probably not inverse with horniness

>that article was just bullshit, yada yada onix whining a lot

for the interested reader here is what onix says is bullshit:
1) 50% of college couples reported equal sex drive, 25% reported man has higher, 25% reported woman has higher
2) in lie detector tests, men and women admitted to similar numbers of sex partners and similar frequency of masturbation.

>men with girlfriends have no interest in sex, have you heard of the CoOlIdGe EfFeCt anon???

onix lmao most couples fuck, please share your struggles in /r/deadbedrooms. the couples in this study were college age.

>If you want proper data find how many coomers are men and women how many creeps are men and women

lots of things affect how creepy and parasocial someone is, that's not proper data.

>But when women ask you out they don't think about sex with you they usually have other plans for you that typically involve sucking out your resources or parasiting on your lifestyle

with your personality I can believe they were in it for the money lol.
I've never been rich myself, but I'm happy for you.


>nah but liking guro is probably not inverse with horniness

Actually it is because women who are into guro are most likely depressed suicidal do self harm or have eating disorders and fantasize a cool guy will come and kill them or they will commit suicide together.
Sure not all but most are like that.
Those women do not have even slightest lewd thoughts or at lest they never mention any.
Also they usually hate their mental state and will not be happy if you will try to encourage them to do more of that or mention how sexy it looks.
Yes sure there are some women who are fantasy only but those are not so super common.
And you most likely would like to try real thing instead of just engaging in text roleplay which you can do with AI or another guy with same success as you woud be doing with some anonymous woman who will never even tell you her name.

>for the interested reader here is what onix says is bullshit:
I am wondering why some people are bending over to deny something what is just absurdly obvious and common knowledge pointing to studies that try to prove 2+2=5

>onix lmao most couples fuck, please share your struggles in /r/deadbedrooms. the couples in this study were college age.

Who the fucking cares what those couples do ? the statement was that male sex drive is in orders of magnitude higher than female sex drive when he is with new woman
if he is with the same woman for some time then his sex drive will drop to the level of female sex drive.

>lots of things affect how creepy and parasocial someone is, that's not proper data.

it does not matter. what matters is how often men and women are creepy approaching opposite sex. you will find lots of forums with creepy men fantasizing about women but you will never see women fantasizing about men the same way including this forum

>with your personality I can believe they were in it for the money lol.

>I've never been rich myself, but I'm happy for you.
My personality is fine and even if you don't have money woman is still with you parasitizing on your lifestyle
You can be homeless hobo and rich princess woman will be still parasitizing on you.

Take the story of Aladdin as a great example where Jasmin successfully exploits Aladin to have fun while poor sucker takes all danger and risk onto himself giving princess free ride.

It is very rare when woman will be willing to give you as a guy free ride in her world or share her resources.


>women who are into guro are most likely depressed suicidal do self harm or have eating disorders and fantasize a cool guy will come and kill them or they will commit suicide together.
onix, those aren't women into guro, those are depressed middle school girls on deviantart

>male sex drive is orders of magnitude higher than female sex drive when he is with new woman

"well uh, normally I prefer to fuck 500 times per week, but with my college girlfriend we only fuck 5 times per week"

>women are parasites

>my personality is fine


I could believe men might average a somewhat higher drive (not orders of magnitude lmao), but we would need to disentangle other factors, like men being more aggressive, the pursuer/pursued dynamic, and female sex drive being more emotional and more malleable to outside factors. trans people who have been on hrt for a year or two and have stabilized will often say their sex drive is comparable in strength but different in character. you can find this on reddit.



File: 1701669689245.jpg (126.97 KB, 1038x597, velez_dev_chad.jpg)

this is the dev of the game "house of velez". tell me if he's attractive enough for you.


This entire discussion is going nowhere (and is, by its very nature, toxic), but I'll throw my hat in the ring anyway.

Onix, I love your stories and your art, but you have a very skewed vision of the world. A lot of what you're attributing to evidence of a lower sex drive in women is socialogically driven - not biologically.

Women are less likely to be looking for one night stands and the like because it's dangerous to go somewhere alone with someone you don't know, and they'll soon be seen as a slut besides. Whereas for guys, a man is seen as a stud for fucking around, and is not only in less danger (guys are physically stronger on average, and also more often the aggressors - the latter for more sociological reasons), and he is not taught from a young age that he must fear people of the other gender.

Of course, all of this is ignoring women who go after other women - do you just assume that each is planning on "parasiting" each other with little interest in each other physically? And do you believe that guys who go after other guys are fucking constantly - and in contrast to lesbian pairings?

But I know you didn't think about that, because it seems like you barely consider women to be people, whose perspective should be considered.

I'm sorry you seem to have had bad experiences with the women in your life, but your attitude is not going to change that; if you treat women only as sexual objects who are trying to get something out of you, the only ones who will be willing to put up with you will be those self-same women. Maybe try making casual friends with a woman, instead of either trying to get into her pants or rejecting her outright, and you might find your opinions on women changing


This is a troll bait thread if anyone didn't catch that until now. If you like someone he or she is visually attractive to you, that's it period. As the previous poster said this is getting really toxic and besides some rational comments made by Onix the pollution is spreading fast.
On another note I would suggest to stop posting pictures of real persons here, i know its harmless but a small breach in rules can become a gap that ppl who want to harm the site like SJ can exploit


OK, looks like it always has to turn into personal insults LOL

I think I need to explain again that I did not have bad experiences with women, in fact they were all nice and I even met one on internet who was exceptionally pleasant.(not that others were bad either) Just that one was unreasonably good.

Also I know everything how to approach them how to talk with them and how to lead relationships into sex. And could do PUA courses if that were still relevant at this day
Yes I was not as knowledgeable in my school years and did some fuckups but I do not blame any single woman for hurting me in any way.

However now, I did pretty much all possible research on psychology, listened to opinion of both sides their complains dating strategies experiences mental disorders anecdotal evidence and social studies as well as made my own experiments trying to piss off some women and men online to see their reactions, to get reasonably accurate objective understanding of the situation and see how much bushit is out there without anyone bothering to see full picture.
I even put that into my stories.

>Women are ….

I could drop that into chatgpt and it woud produce your response word by word
You are not even doing any explanation but printing your keywords from feminist propaganda which I heard like million times already same as when that Ai starts it's "I am sorry but as an AI…."
This is largely correct but just a small piece of the big picture.

>Of course, all of this is ignoring women who go after other women - do you just assume that each is planning on "parasiting" each other with little interest in each other physically? And do you believe that guys who go after other guys are fucking constantly - and in contrast to lesbian pairings?

On this topic I am now rather wondering why the fuck people are trying to object or deny something what is so absolutely obvious and observable common knowledge? which you confirm in the next sentence:
>Maybe try making casual friends with a woman, instead of either trying to get into her pants.
Yeah, I can argue about that explaining it in detail but not even sure if that was not rhetorical question

In this or other threads I am not complaining about women but just saying facts how things are and it is better to accept them as how the world works instead of trying to act polite and lie.
It is not even always that horrible if when dealing with woman you know what she is up to and even those bad things are sometimes actually attractive if people actually care about each other.


You are absolutely right in everything you said and hopefuly those brainwashed feminists will realize this and stop the toxic bile spreading from this thread.
On another note I'm completely amazed how people can continue to deny clear facts laid in front of them and like you said Onix when they run out of arguments they turn to insults


>looks like it always has to turn into personal insults LOL

I wasn't trying to insult you, though in my aggravation I admit I threw accusations which I have no way of verifying, since I don't know you irl

> I am not complaining about women but just saying facts how things are

When I said you have a skewed vision of the world, this is what I meant. What you believe to be facts and what I believe to be facts don't line up - I'm sure from your perspective I'm the one with a skewed vision of the world

>You are not even doing any explanation but printing your keywords

I can go into deeper detail if you like, but seeing as how you've done "pretty much all possible research on psychology", I'm sure you've at least come across the field of sociology, and you should be more than familiar with the external factors that affect how people act in society

And to requote

>In this or other threads I am not complaining about women

I didn't accuse you of complaining about women. The closest I got was saying you seem to have had bad experiences with the women in your life - which I mainly surmised from how you claim that all women are essentially parasites, almost immediately after mentioning your mother proposing to your father

Again, I'm not trying to insult you, and I don't expect I can convince you to change your opinions on anything. To each of us, the other seems determined to keep living believing blatant falsehoods, without accepting any dissenting opinions. Because both of us believe that we've seen all we need to see to make our judgement

I will still continue to enjoy your stories and art, but unless you have something substantial to criticize this response, I don't imagine I'll continue this conversation



I do have one insult for you: you sound like a parody of if onix were to post something anonymously about himself. I mean, come on: "you are absolutely right in everything you said" - if you wanted to suck his dick you should have just asked; the worst he can do is say no

Sorry I insulted you instead of making any arguments, but your post made no substantial points for me to argue against


>I wasn't trying to insult you, though in my aggravation I admit I threw accusations which I have no way of verifying, since I don't know you irl
Saying "I am sorry" in the context you said is insult if you don't understand that

>When I said you have a skewed vision of the world, this is what I meant. What you believe to be facts and what I believe to be facts don't line up - I'm sure from your perspective I'm the one with a skewed vision of the world

You are with incomplete vision, because you refuse to look at the things that are inconvenient to you. it is like claiming that primary source or death among people is obesity ignoring that hundreds of millions are starving in other places

>I can go into deeper detail if you like, but seeing as how you've done "pretty much all possible research on psychology", I'm sure you've at least come across the field of sociology, and you should be more than familiar with the external factors that affect how people act in society

yes I am fully aware how and why women behave and what problems they have and if necessary I could do counseling for women on how to get a date seduce a man or make them marry them or whatever else they want.
I am not blaming women individually although personally I don't like them in general for about the same reason why women don't like nice guys.

However my complain to you and others who say this including disgruntled women wo say that i have small dick.
is that you all completely disregard interests of another side.

even you said
>Maybe try making casual friends with a woman, instead of either trying to get into her pants or rejecting her outright, and you might find your opinions on women changing
When actually completely ignoring the fact that I absolutely don't want any of that casual female friend I want exactly someone who is interested in me getting into my pant the same way as I am interested in hers.
It is always whenever you read someone like you that women need this women need that their life has those and that problems, but interests of men are absolutely irrelevant. to the level where even if a man gets falsely accused women will just say well that sad but we need to protect women even if it destroys few innocent men.
It is such a total disregard towards men that it is sickening to watch.

when woman has some problems all world is rushing to help and when a man has problems all world is calling him a loser and trampling into mud that he is not pulling himself out by his bootstraps. Or that his interests are plain evil or irrelevant to even consider.
At this moment I am not having any problems myself but because I learn from mistakes of others not from my own.

With the same single sentence you confirmed that women have no interest in sex
>Maybe try making casual friends with a woman, *instead of either trying to get into her pants* or rejecting her outright, and you might find your opinions on women changing

Because if she wanted sex same as men, she would want to get into my pants with the same level of desire as mine rather that expecting me to be just her friend. and she would seem me as another sex object as I see her. So, you proved that women don't like sex and you are even fully aware of that fact at the fundamental level.

Also if I make effort to convince her to become my friend that is exactly her parasitizing on me because I am making effort and she is doing nothing in return why I am supposed to do it instead of being approached by some woman who makes me her friend?

Being her friend I probably give lots of value to her by fixing her stuff helping to carry heavy things maybe inviting her to travel together at my expense, and what does she give me back?
This parasitizing thing is not necessarily always bad because we actually love keeping parasites when they are cute, we usually call them our "pets" but this does not change the fact that they are our parasites and you may very much hate having them but can't get rid of them because you love them too much.

actually there si even one anime about that which illustrates what I am saying.
also to show what parazitizing means
"Uzaki-chan want's to hang out"
Nagatoro boyfriend whom she is teasing all the time
and Jerry in the "Rick and Morty"
they are all parasites who do nothing but get taken care by people who love them
and watch this where Rick does full explanation


I didn't bother to make any arguments because Onix told you everything there was to say and you purposely oppose him without any kind of logic. In my oppinion you are just a brainwashed feminist and a moralfag without any kind of logical or reason and your entire speech is null. Just for the record if I disagree with Onix I will tell him that I've entered this thread just to let people know who you are and why everything you say should be ignored and belongs in the trashbin.
I must also thank Onix for taking the time to reply to small people like you and demote your arguments for everyone to see!



I wasn't planning on replying, but I'm honestly confused by a few things you said

>Just for the record if I disagree with Onix I will tell him that I've entered this thread just to let people know who you are

Are you saying that if you disagreed with Onix you would try to dox me? Or were those two separate thoughts and you just forgot your punctuation? Or perhaps you're just saying that what I am is as follows:

> In my oppinion you are just a brainwashed feminist and a moralfag

While I don't personally take offense to these terms, you clearly view them as insults, so I don't know why you were so smug in an earlier post to claim that I chose to "insult" Onix because I ran out of arguments.

>I must also thank Onix for taking the time to reply to small people like you

I literally just don't know what you're trying to say here. Are you saying that I'm less important to him on this site? Or less important irl? If it's irl, that's literally impossible for you to know without knowing who we both are. And if it's about who's more prolific on this site, I agree that he's bigger, but I don't see how that matters on a DISCUSSION thread.

If I were posting this in one of his art or story threads, I could see you thinking that him deigning to speak to me would be rather magnanimous - but it would be petty and stupid to let this spill into other threads.



Thank you for the substantial additions

>Saying "I am sorry" in the context you said is insult if you don't understand that

I didn't realize that showing sympathy would be taken as me insulting you. I would apologize, but I don't want to accidently insult you again.

>It is always whenever you read someone like you that women need this women need that their life has those and that problems, but interests of men are absolutely irrelevant.

I made no such claim. I happen to believe that men are also sociologically disadvantaged in many ways in which women aren't, but you weren't disparaging men, so I felt no need to bring it up.

Yes, men are largely expected to pay for meals on dates, even when both parties make comparable wages. Yes, men are conditioned into thinking that they can't show their emotions outside of a select few. And yes, men are expected to be the person who advances a relationship, even if the girl is more ready than the guy. Obviously, there's plenty more disadvantages that guys experience, but these were the first that came to mind

>even if a man gets falsely accused women will just say well that sad but we need to protect women even if it destroys few innocent men.

No one says that - at least not anyone who isn't a sociopath who wants to falsely accuse someone themselves. The reason the idea of "believe women when they claim they were raped/assaulted" is a thing, is because historically such claims would be (and often still are) disregarded. Especially when the accused is in a position of power - which is the only time these claims go public, since otherwise either law enforcement gets involved, or the victim never prosecutes.

>if she wanted sex same as men, she would want to get into my pants with the same level of desire as mine rather that expecting me to be just her friend. and she would seem me as another sex object as I see her.

I agree that if the two of you had identical levels of desire (and found each other equally attractive) you would each want to fuck each other equally. But the "sex object" thing comes from misogyny (not sex drive), so unless she's amisandrst she's not going to view you the same way.

> if I make effort to convince her to become my friend that is exactly her parasitizing on me because I am making effort and she is doing nothing in return why I am supposed to do it instead of being approached by some woman who makes me her friend?

I wasn't saying to put a large amount of effort into it. I literally suggested you become "casual friends" because that's as simple as having the occasional conversation, with none of them devolving into "wanna bang?" or "ew, you're ugly, bye bitch".

And most women aren't likely to approach you to make friends with you because they see how you're treating the other women around you (or you're only surrounded by other guys, in which case she's probably worried that at least one of you will try to rape her).

I imagine you're not currently attending university, and I have no idea what your work life is like, but that's where most people make casual friends. A girl's not likely to approach you in a bar unless she wants something, but the same is true for men coming up to a girl. This is too much effort to ask of someone online, but you could always join an irl group that focuses on your interests - chances are there's at least one girl there you can chat with if you don't outwardly show how misogynistic you are.

>Being her friend I probably give lots of value to her by fixing her stuff helping to carry heavy things maybe inviting her to travel together at my expense

At least half of my friends are women and this has never come up. The most heavy lifting you're likely to be asked to help with is if she's moving, which happens very rarely - and only if you're one of the first two people she thinks of who accept. And more likely, it's her boyfriend/husband's friends who are going to be asked to help her move, and she'll only ask her friends if she's not dating a guy, or they happen to be nearby.

A girl is more likely to ask her dad to help fix something than she would a casual friend, and if a girl expects you to pay to travel together, I can only assume she's coming on to you. When I've traveled with friends, we all paid for our own transportation, and otherwise split bills pretty evenly.

>actually there si even one anime about that which illustrates what I am saying.

From what I can tell from the wiki page, the "parasitism" in that case stems from race, not gender (perhaps all people of that race are female?), and they literally would die without it. Perhaps you're saying this is a good allegory, but not even all of the women in the show are of that race

> to show what parazitizing means

"Uzaki-chan want's to hang out"
Nagatoro boyfriend whom she is teasing all the time
and Jerry in the "Rick and Morty"
they are all parasites who do nothing but get taken care by people who love them

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something, but are those last two examples of guys being parasites? Why would that be evidence that all women are parasitic?

And lastly

>This parasitizing thing is not necessarily always bad because we actually love keeping parasites when they are cute, we usually call them our "pets"

So it seems I was correct when I surmised that you don't truly view women as people. At least not in the same way that you do other guys. It must be depressing living in a world where half the bodies are inhabited by people, and the rest are reluctant fleshlight leeches. I'm glad I'm not living in that world, it sounds awful


this guy >>16874 is clearly retarded by not realizing the other guy called him small as a metaphor cause his arguments have no value
interesting thread btw


well onix you have the gurochan user stamp of approval

>However now, I did pretty much all possible research on psychology, listened to opinion of both sides their complains dating strategies experiences mental disorders anecdotal evidence and social studies as well as made my own experiments trying to piss off some women and men online to see their reactions, to get reasonably accurate objective understanding of the situation and see how much bushit is out there without anyone bothering to see full picture.
imagine putting in all that effort and getting the wrong answer lmao

>And could do PUA courses if that were still relevant at this day

a PUA who thinks women have no interest in sex!

I bet those women were very satisfied with your thrilling foreplay

it's very funny seeing someone play therapist with onix


I don't buy onix as a pickup artist. I picture someone with social difficulties reading PUA advice online to learn how to fake it, learning rules to follow, but there's nothing under the mask, no capacity to actually connect with someone, so it never goes anywhere.


>I didn't realize that showing sympathy would be taken as me insulting you. I would apologize, but I don't want to accidently insult you again.

yep, showing sympathy is covert insult, although depends on context. That's most common trick used by narcissists who want to insult you and look good in front of everyone else. and there are even videos on youtube explaining that thing in detail.
and you do it again this time in super obvious way:)
>It must be depressing living in a world where….

>From what I can tell from the wiki page, the "parasitism" in that case stems from race, not gender (perhaps all people of that race are female?), and they literally would die without it. Perhaps you're saying this is a good allegory, but not even all of the women in the show are of that race

No, You got it all wrong.
The point was that in that anime they openly admit being parasites unlike women(and maybe some men) who deny it and pretend that they are not
nevertheless even when admitting it they succeed in acquiring willing host who takes that parasite
in that anime they do it by being very cute, if petoko was not a cute girl but some worm like slimy headcrab she woud have no success if she sticks to some boy.

>Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something, but are those last two examples of guys being parasites? Why would that be evidence that all women are parasitic?

Yes, guys are being parasites in those stories and even in my stories I am very guilty of that troope too.
"this is same as 50 shades of grey" for women

The point is that those are fiction you will not often find that happening in real life
you will not find real life Uzaki chan who will drag you out to have fun while you only whine and complain.
although I think I met real life Nagatoro in school at the very young age before we reached puberty(just I was not that useless as that loser) :)
Generally you will not find women who will show interest in you if you are completely useless.

If you are woman, in contrast to that, there will be almost always be men willing to chase you and do something with you regardless how worthless and useless you are.

>So it seems I was correct when I surmised that you don't truly view women as people

And in the end you finished with complete nonsense for unknown reason
I was not even referring to humans but to cats and dogs and other cute things that we keep as pets who destroy our furniture create problems add enormous expenses and provide zero value

>Yes, men are largely expected

what men are expected is not men's needs or desires
I was rather talking in general that if woman in the family is not getting attention from her husband that's emotional abuse if man is not getting sex from his wife "you piece of shit are not entitled to getting it" is the response he will get if he mentions it.

>No one says that - at least not anyone who isn't a sociopath who wants to falsely accuse someone themselves.

no one says that directly but it is always said indirectly
like on the discussion when the topic is discussing male problems focus will be immediately shifted to women and how they need more help and support.
Or if you raise a question about how strong evidence is required before convicting man for rape women instantly dismiss it complaining that because such evidence cannot be provided you need just believe women because *most of the time* they dont lie or otherwise focus on female issue how they suffer from rape but absolutely ignore male side to make some kind of tradeoff.

>I agree that if the two of you had identical levels of desire (and found each other equally attractive) you would each want to fuck each other equally. But the "sex object" thing comes from misogyny (not sex drive), so unless she's amisandrst she's not going to view you the same way.

But I guess you know that it is extremely unlikely thing for me to meet random woman who has identical or higher level of desire than mine even if we assumed that i am average man.
term misogyny is stupid and has no value in discussions outside of making insults.
Simply when you see completely random person in front of you whom you don't know at all all your sexusl interfest is juts from tehr looks they are sex object until you get to know them better when you start develop feeling for each other besides that sexual attraction.
but without that initial attraction we are not even going to bother to talk to each other as why do that? i don't know them.

>as simple as having the occasional conversation, with none of them devolving into "wanna bang?" or "ew, you're ugly, bye bitch".

exactly what I said!
you see when i see a woman I think "i wanna bang you" I don't have any other thoughts about her My only thoughts are what kind of kinks she have how perverted she is and is she going to find me attractive I have no interest in any of those casual conversations but you tell me to disregard my desires and do what women want aka talk about causal shit that i have zero interest in.
I want to connect on the lewd topic where we both thing about getting aroused and stuff. not necessarily it has to be banging and humping it just has to be sexual topic with some common interest I don't want to talk about her job her children and her bills. I want to talk about what perverted stuff she did in the elementary school.

And talking to women online is not a problem at all. Of course I know what kind of stuff to say But even being online it is so super hard to find some woman with similar interest as mine (but this is because I have quite unusual interests as you can see which women usually don't like. Very few women are interested in my art or stories unlike they are interested in stories of other authors like Drabok who makes them wet :)
and same with roleplay you can go to the RP add list and you will see that pretty much every single woman wants to be victim Some may be willing to be attacker, but almost none of them will want to do switch thing
If i try to contact those women I need to play by their rules and do what they want while they ignore what I want.
For any guy who want "sex slave" choices are like limitless both here or on twitter
plenty of great looking women who are willing to receive attention and give nothing back.

>At least half of my friends are women and this has never come up

Just for reference what exactly do you manage to do with women at all? like besides talking about weather.
I don't know if they would like to discuss FED monetary policies or Hamas fighting tactic details in GAZA.
besides because of my job specific I get access to private conversations of people online sometimes and the stuff they talk is boring to death.


I am not pickup artist I can just explain theory of how this is being done

Those scams who you see on youtube are motivational speakers who have no clue about the topic they teach.
The most famous "Mystery method" book is just hundreds of pages of someone bragging how he fucks most beautiful women by acting like a dick and collecting money from idiots who pay him to read about his dick
others do about the same thing

Real PUA basic stuff is here

The thing is that women are not same and you need specific approach for everyone
And to have success you need to identify what kind of approach you need with specific woman in specific situation but of course there are some universal principles.




>I was not even referring to humans but to cats and dogs and other cute things that we keep as pets

I'll admit, I was thrown off by your use of quotation marks. When you originally said
>we actually love keeping parasites when they are cute, we usually call them our "pets"
I thought you were saying you call the girls you decide to let parasitize you pets, not that you were literally talking about pets.

But even still, the fact remains that you are comparing women to animals - thereby at least implying that women are less human than men

>if woman in the family is not getting attention from her husband that's emotional abuse if man is not getting sex from his wife "you piece of shit are not entitled to getting it" is the response he will get if he mentions it.

These are different things. One of them is an emotional issue, and the other is a sexual issue. If the roles were reversed, the same should be true (with less extreme responses both ways, regardless of who's on what side). If a woman completely ignores her husband except when she wants to fuck, that's emotional abuse.

I'll admit that if she then complained about how her husband doesn't always want to have sex with her whenever she's in the mood, she would probably get a more sympathetic response, but that's a double standard, and if it happened often enough she would eventually be called out for it.

We see these kinds of double standards all the time: when a male teacher sleeps with his underage female students, he's branded a sick pedophile by everyone, but when a female teacher does the same thing with a male student, you can practically hear a chorus of "lucky him"s from most of the guys talking about it. But as it happened more often, and people actually started thinking about it, they realized that both are equally bad. (I understand there are probably pedos on this board who think active pedophilia should be legal, but hopefully my point gets across nonetheless)

(And just to clarify, I have no issue with fictional depictions - I openly admitted to liking Onix's work, after all)

> I guess you know that it is extremely unlikely thing for me to meet random woman who has identical or higher level of desire than mine even if we assumed that i am average man.

I was more saying that you seem to have an unusually high sex drive - you're the only person I've come across who claims to look at women and only think about sex no matter what. What happens when you see someone androgynous, do you start checking them for tits/pants bulge, or do you just ignore them entirely?

>term misogyny is stupid and has no value in discussions outside of making insults.

I was honestly not using it as an insult. You seem to believe that men are superior to women in some ways. That is textbook misogyny. To say otherwise would be like saying that believing all gay people should die isn't homophobic. I say it with no malice, just as I took no offense from when that other guy called me a moral fag and brainwashed feminist - to him those may as well be technical terms, even though I know he was using them in an attempt to upset/goad me.

I'm not saying you're a Nazi/Fascist, because I don't have enough evidence to make such a claim. But if you started putting a swastika as an image every time you posted something, and chanted "blood and soil!", I would feel justified calling you a Nazi

>when i see a woman I think "i wanna bang you" I don't have any other thoughts about her My only thoughts are what kind of kinks she have how perverted she is and is she going to find me attractive

>Just for reference what exactly do you manage to do with women at all? like besides talking about weather.

I imagine you must have male friends irl. What do you do with them? Unless all you do is talk about the girls you wanna fuck, or how you hate when your ballsack sticks to your taint, you could be just as easily doing it with girls involved.

Even regarding sexual topics, most women are happy to chat along if they feel comfortable around the guys in the group.

To answer your question of what I manage to do with them, it depends on the circumstances. At work we mostly joke around about various things, occasionally throwing in innuendos; complain about our coworkers; or talk about our lives.

Outside of work, I will occasionally go out for drinks and some music with friends, but the music and the booze limit the extent of talking. Sometimes we'll get together to play board games or Jackbox games (usually with drinks involved). In these scenarios we're usually focused on competing, but small talk and shit talk fill the gaps

And on occasion I have sat down with a female friend and *GASP* /talked about my feelings./ I know, I know, I'm sure it sounds horrifying to you, but I'm glad I have people I can open up with on a deep, emotional level. There are some guys I've gotten to that point with as well, but most women have more experience with heart-to-hearts than guys, since they're not expected to bottle all their feelings up until they explode.

I'll admit there's no way I'll ever be able to see things your way, for a simple reason that I haven't shared with you before. It does affect the way I interact with women, and I'm sure you'll see it as a point in your favor - the exception that proves the rule, as it were. And I'm sure the anons will jump on this too

I'm asexual. I have a full libido, and lots of kinks (obviously, I wouldn't be here otherwise), but I look at a woman (or a girl, for that matter), and feel no sexual attraction. Same thing if I look at a guy or a non-binary person. It makes treating women like they're people and not just walking sex-objects much easier.

But I'm not gonna end on that sappy shit

>because of my job specific I get access to private conversations of people online sometimes

The fuck do you work for, the CIA? (or government specific alternative?) Or maybe you're one of the last Twitter moderators that Elon just forgot to fire, lol


I'm a guy, I'm 6'5 and have been in (bad) porn, I wouldn't say I'm stunning, but I'd be a 7/10 probably, vaguely attractive

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