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/dis/ - Discussion

Password (For file deletion.)

The site was updated to be a lot faster. Some things are still being updated. If you have questions or suggestions, see this thread


What happened to the thread lists? /dis is the only section where it still works when you enter it, but it displays on the dis main page as just a string of title links. That was briefly the condition in /lit before it disappeared. I found it generally more convenient than the main page for following the threads that I knew.




I see they are back on /lit/ and /rp/. TBH I prefer using catalogs over Thread Lists, but they are indeed more convenient on those boards since OPs sometimes don't have any image attached


If possible I'd also like the thread lists back on all boards.


It has been enabled back on all boards.
To hide it, put this line to your custom CSS:
.postlists {display: none;}



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