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/dis/ - Discussion

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The site was updated to be a lot faster. Some things are still being updated. If you have questions or suggestions, see this thread


How come /f/ is all headless/limbless fetishists? I remember /f/reakshow having a little bit more variety. Any thread that isn't about limb edits just sinks to the bottom of the board, never to be seen again unless someone bumps it once in a blue moon, just for it sink again.


You can always filter those threads.


I think the point is nothing else gets attention aside from those threads


Do you think moving them to a new board would help? The amount of attention they each get would stay the same


A whole board for a specific fetish sounds bad. They don't even get that much of attention, those threads just have one or two active contributors


it's going to take a long time to get to where the original gurochan was 10 years ago, and sadly imageboards aren't as popular or at least prominent in general now as they were then

all you can do is post around that gurochan is back in places where people with good content to share might see it

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