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/dis/ - Discussion

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The site was updated to be a lot faster. Some things are still being updated. If you have questions or suggestions, see this thread


thank you


Not kaguya but he's always in the gurochan IRC


IRC isn't the best way to contact as he might be idling or offline at the time, but you can mail him: kaguya@kolyma.org


His mail client blocks ordinary mails for spam. You can send memos to him on IRC even if he isn't online. He also shared his discord tag here sometime ago, but why would you contact him?


he didnt respond to my mail


I didn't receive any. It's possible that my e-mail client falsely detected it as spam thus blocked your mail


My discord tag currently is (deleted) but it's not really reliable as my accounts there get disabled often. You can always find me (and other staff) on GUROchan's discord server if you need help: https://discord.gg/w9kSJZ9ub7
IRC is an option too of course


you can message him on vidlii

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