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/dis/ - Discussion

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The site was updated to be a lot faster. Some things are still being updated. If you have questions or suggestions, see this thread


What has happened? It seems that as soon as I made the split public information, the community here died.

Hey Kaguya what cool new features are you working on? Maybe try to stop the child porn posting, that would be good. For you.

This thread contains misinformation about the kuz-straitjakit incident. You can read more here.


lmfao, no it didnt dumbass.

You are whiny lying bitch who tried to kill the community but only made it stronger.

I dont know if its actually you or not, but the rest of us actual guro enjoyers are satisfied with the site as it is. Now go back to bitching and crying on r/guro you big bitch.


Even here in dis I see people complaining about how dead this place is. Seems there's still some infighting, when's the next split?


no one is complaining about that



no ones complaining about how "dead the site is" they are saying it just needs a little boost

shove it up your ass


do it for me

your argument with me is the most activity the server must have gotten for a while



also your link is dead mister kaguya


Ah you'll figure it out eventually, have fun


it isnt, it just needs to load


Btw, I mean this genuinely, good luck. I've noticed the cp trolling, spam, etc, never stopped.


no one asked you


go eat spiders


sore loser who never got to run gurochan is still mad that he got kicked out after powertripping to the admin


Straitjackit/Sweatknuckle is really buttmad. He vandalized the entire Dramatica article while suffering from a massive hateboner for k♡♡z and the gang.



so let me confirm your order straitjakit, its a large cope, with a side of seethe, and 2 servings of obsess?


So gaifagit has a new website according to the article, but the kicker is there's tons and tons of rules. Faggots like you are the reason art is dead.


comparison of the original version written by an AE user vs the new cancer one written by straitjakit after much coping and seething: https://encyclopediadramatica.online/index.php?title=Gurochan&type=revision&diff=1290146&oldid=1286248


the thing is, he doesnt own a site, its just him trying to fight a battle he already lost


straitjakits IP address is: cpc1-sotn15-2-0-cust79.15-1.cable.virginm.net


ive never seen such blatant samefagging https://files.catbox.moe/08e2vk.png


This thread is locked due to the OP evading ban, but will be preserved for posterity.

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