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/dis/ - Discussion

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The site was updated to be a lot faster. Some things are still being updated. If you have questions or suggestions, see this thread


What is the .onion for Gurochan?


im not sure there is one. should there be?


Yes, old Gurochan had one too.


Yes, hello.

Gurochan TOR link is the following: voe3msrl4n5v7gerk2v2imct2ss6x3xt45ajslowrayphf4eufcsjvad.onion

Report any issues with it if needed.


There were some issues relating to the software breaking when posting from a different domain.

This will be postponed for a while.

We will fix the timestamp thing, though.



If you are seeing this page, it is likely that one of the following is true:

You are visiting a page that is non-existant.
You are on the landing page for a domain registered under the Kolyma Network.
There is an error on the server.
The site you are trying to access is down for maintanence.


After some testing, we noticed that if we had an .onion domain, we would have to disable TOR posting altogether, making the .onion domain nothing more than a vanity in cost of also blocking TOR IPs which are posting from guro.wtf domain. No need to worry though, you can already post from TOR if you are accessing from guro.wtf domain which forces SSL connections, so an .onion domain wouldn't be able to grant you any better anonymity than that.

It's worth noting that most of the time old GUROchan had an .onion domain, it was a fallback option which they would use if something happened to the clearnet domain. In fact, GUROchan was once only accessible via TOR because the clearnet domain had some issues, however, this is unlikely in this iteration.

Also, please remember to read the rules and title your threads in the future.


>you can already post from TOR if you are accessing from guro.wtf domain
Wrong, you get the error message "ERROR: This post has triggered our spam system(PROXY_IP)." if you are trying to post from a Tor IP on the clearnet.


About half of tor ips are blocked.


Testing from TOR


That's why we need an onion.


Why? Having an onion would not unblock the tor ips. By blocked we mean they cant post


Yes it would because you would be posting from the localhost IP.


i dont think you understand how tor works...


Cope fed. Don't post on this honeypot if they don't offer a .onion.



your a retarded teen who doesnt know how tor works. accessing guro.wtf over tor is just as safe as accesing it from a tor onion.

if you dont like it fuck off


You sir are an idiot!

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