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I'm curious is anyone on the board ever managed to get a peek at some real life scat, be it poop, piss or vomit. How did you react, was it consensual? Or were you just in right place at the right time?


In my high school days, my dad was having a midlife crisis and was trying to bone anything within a 10 million mile radius. So he hooked up with a goth chick, and she had a really smoking hot 12-13 yr old daughter, who was also pretty emo and eventually I figured out she was a cutter, because her mom was an insufferable bitch that treated her like shit and her dad was an asshole that sexually manipulated her too. But anyhow, the girl had a very weak stomach and I took advantage of this. On Fridays, our parents would go out on a date. So I was in charge of getting us some grub. I got mexican kielbasa and soda, which I slipped a laxative in. I purposefully waited for her to digest her food and get a stomach ache, then took a long shower until she had no choice but to come in and relieve herself. Before this, she would always sneakily poop when she thought no one was up, but I'd always come in right after and huff the fumes. There's more stories but you get the gist
I've licked up piss before in the girls bathroom at school. Around the 10th grade I used to sneak in the girls bathroom during gym class. I've scraped shit stains stuck to the toilet bowl, licked up some pubes stuck to toilet seats, and sucked on a few used tampons as well. I stopped around the end of the school year because I heard some shittalkers spreading a rumor that "some dude was sneaking in the girls bathroom" so I just stopped before I could potentially get caught.
As an ex-emetophobe, I can say full heartedly that the sequence I'm about to describe gave me a huge vomit fetish. As a freshman in high school, I used to sit next to this quiet spanish chick and would occasionally cop a feel when she got really close. Well one day she must've caught a bug or something, because she grabbed my bag and blew chunks of undigested oatmeal in there and FILLED it. It was funny, she never even apologized and after that day she changed where she usually sat on the bus.



Oh shit ! LOL
That's, not a life experience that's a story worth being posted on /lit board. Are you sure it is real? ;)

It is not that big deal to see little toddler girls peeing as they often run around naked on the beach.
I had a chance to see my classmate vomit on herself because she got drunk and fainted. We had to carry her back and clean up a bit. I was not super interested in that stuff at that time and she was also not the most attractive girl to me but I still considered it to be a good opportunity to get some action( probably take off her dirty clothes :) and maybe show myself as "a nice guy" :) The party was boring I would be much happier by cleaning her than wandering around pointlessly. Although another of my classmates snatched her from me because I was too slow to react.

Anyway, all that real-life stuff is not really that erotic because it comes in the wrong context.


I'm afraid everything I've written happened. I know to the untrained eye, it looks like I posted a huge textwall/copypaste story, but those are just my genuine experiences. I really didn't describe anything too unbelievable though, did I? I've told my stories of sneaking into the girls bathroom on other message boards before and other people have called bullshit too. Is it really that unimaginable that a teenager with this fetish would go into the girls bathroom when no one was in there, and lick up the excretions? I was never even particularly ballsy as a kid. I just forced myself to do it one day, and it became a habit. As for the two other stories, the vomit thing wasn't planned by me. The girl I was setting next to was sick and took my bag to throw up in without permission, and I had a boner for the rest of the bus ride. The first experience I described was just a thing I did on impulse. I actually skimmed over a lot of other stories/background history I could tell because there are some stories that you just shouldn't tell, even on an anonymous imageboard. I learned that the hard way when my first and only GF found the "weird shit" I was saying about her on a soul reaver forum that wasn't even indexed by google.

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