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/dis/ - Discussion

Password (For file deletion.)

The site was updated to be a lot faster. Some things are still being updated. If you have questions or suggestions, see this thread


Seems to be a typical conversion problem with int32/int64/float. As far as I see it, the image numbers were truncated, e.g. 1612525308027.jpg to 1612525308.jpg, which is hinting at int32 (1,612,525,308). The images that work seems to be cleanly truncated, while the missing images were rounded in some way, e.g. 1612524931999.jpg to 1612524932.jpg.

And guess what? The cleanly truncated image is still there, the given number is the start image of the 3Dhanging thread in 3dcg, which is broken in the post.


Only the link in the post is rounded wrong. I guess there will still be some images missing because the truncation will have produced duplicates.


The real question is how we fix this


You'll notice on /g/, in the hanging thread for example, all of the thumbnails are there, but the full resolution images are completely gone


The extensions of the links to the full images are gone.
Seems there's even more gone wrong with the migration. As a software developer, I suggest a complete restart at that point. You likely won't fix that with a good (enough) result in any way.


On second thought, there may be a way.

a) Make sure these problems aren't caused by database limitations. If they are, and not simply solved by exchanging an int32 to an int64 or something, better roll back to the old site and restart the software evaluation. Everything else and you are in a world of pain. You may like that, but make a separation between gurochan fiction and web admin reality.

b) Copy the original images with their original names over to where they belong. No need to delete the broken images beforehand, you can identify them later by the shorter names, but check and verify that.

c) Extract the linking between board name / post id / image name from the old database. That's unique, there's only zero or one image per post.

d) Put the old image names into the new database where they belong, based on board name and post id. That depends heavily on the database structure, of which I don't have any idea, and you should definitely know what you're doing. Also, make sure the image number counter works correctly and starts behind the highest image number.


This may be possible, but the last full image backup was on February 15th.


Not sure if that is even possible but maybe just give moderation powers to anyone on the posts where images were corrupted so uploaders will just fix those posts themselves.

In fact, it would be nice if it would be possible to use that file delete password not just for deleting the post but for editing it, and then all those problems are easy to solve.

otherwise, I don't see any good way to fix it automatically. this problem requires a human approach


Weeeellllll.... as I said, software developer. I've written some script for crawling this site by the HTML code, and download everything sorted by board and thread, including post ids and post texts. My last update was March 15th, two days ago before the migration. It's about 4GB with 4400 images, does that sound like the correct magnitude?


Thats great, do you think you might be able to get in contact with us?


Currently uploading it to Mega, will take some time. Do you have a way to send a non-public message to you by the website?




Not what I had in mind, but an opportunity to try an anonymous mailer for the first time. Let me know if you got a Mega link.

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