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/dis/ - Discussion

Password (For file deletion.)

The site was updated to be a lot faster. Some things are still being updated. If you have questions or suggestions, see this thread


I am sure you all know about what happened with the files on the boards. I am incredibly disappointed just as you are, but I fear there is very little I can do beyond comfort you.

Some have complained about Gurochan being slow this past week, and I attribute that mostly to the constant changes and downtime, which is now over.




Please don't beat yourself up about it, k♡♡z. Shit happens. I'm sure nearly everyone here is really happy that the site is back and that you guys are working to make it better than ever.

I was wondering if a script could be made to fix the broken files, but I suppose you've already thought of that.

It's not the end of the world. If they don't come back, I don't mind re-uploading stuff if necessary. In a few days it will all be water under the bridge, and the site can grow and prosper.

Thanks again for everything.


Thank you dearly for the kind words,I'm in the process of restoring what I can and setting up the 2 new boards and messing with the configuration files of the other boards. I hope the new quality of life features can help make up for whats missing elsewhere.

We actually made a script to fix the broken files, and its what caused even more damage, we only tried it on /f/ and it broke the entire board, hence it being wiped. /dis/ was also a victim of this before we stopped, thankfully, most other boards are fine.

I agree that in time this will pass, people can repost, make new threads, etc - and I will advertise the site around a little so more people come.

Thank you again for the kind words.


I guess it will be a time to rename this site to "misfortune chan" :)

but oh well, not that much content was lost. The bigger problem is that now we have quite ugly threads with those "file deleted" placeholders.
so maybe you should at least reduce the size of those placeholders to make them less irritating.

Another issue with the new version is that it shows way too much text on each post on the front page and this makes pages just absurdly huge on Lit board
you probably should make it behave as before that posts are limited to a certain amount of text until you expand them

It is also a bit strange that opening a thread, it opens in a different style than the index page


>It is also a bit strange that opening a thread, it opens in a different style than the index page
Weird, ive never had this problem


Looks like it is not happening everywhere but try checking the lit board and if you open any of the links in "thread overview" it opens in some other kind of page.

also for some reason, not all thread are visible on the main page only in the overview


I'm going to try and retype all of my stuff if I can remember it, if the new software eats it again I'll just give up since I now need to add another software annoyance.

-If it decides to reject your captcha it also seems to eat your entire post.

-If you use the preview button it seems to eat everything but the post text itself, so if you then approve the preview it will post anonymously with no password to delete it (well actually it would fail the captcha too and that would eat everything)

-Would be nice to know what noko/sage mean, while on boards with a file upload there are seperate checkboxes for 'no file' and 'animated gif'


-Same problem where it looks a lot like the psued0ch theme randomly appearing when opening a thread.

-Definitely too much text showing on main page of /lit/

-Default theme has no clear seperation between posts, results in huge wall of text where on /lit/ its hard to find where one post/thread ends and another begins.


You should ctrl+a ctrl+c your post before you post it, this is just good practice anywhere.

>-If it decides to reject your captcha it also seems to eat your entire post.
See: previous message

>-If you use the preview button it seems to eat everything but the post text itself, so if you then approve the preview it will post anonymously with no password to delete it (well actually it would fail the captcha too and that would eat everything)
This is primarily meant for ASCII text art and isnt really necessary anywhere else.

>-Would be nice to know what noko/sage mean, while on boards with a file upload there are seperate checkboxes for 'no file' and 'animated gif'
Well.. I assumed this is common knowledge. Sage lets you post to a thread without bumping it to the top, and noko makes it so that when you post you return to the thread index instead of board index.

>-Definitely too much text showing on main page of /lit/
Will fix this.


I forgot to mention,


also, try ctrl+f5 do quickly clear cache for a site/page



>I'm going to try and retype all of my stuff if I can remember it, if the new software eats it again I'll just give up since I now need to add another software annoyance.

Yeah I just lost a post too. Luckily I clicked back a few times and recovered it.

>-Would be nice to know what noko/sage mean, while on boards with a file upload there are seperate checkboxes for 'no file' and 'animated gif'

'noko' keeps you in the thread after you post, otherwise back to the top of the board. Also appears to mangle your email address.

'sage' stops your thread bumping to the top.

no idea what 'noko2' is or 'no file' or 'animated gif' maybe the last one animates the thumbnail or something. I haven't tested that theory. Anyway, a guide or some direction or clearer language would be nice for newbs like myself.

>-Definitely too much text showing on main page of /lit/


>-Default theme has no clear seperation between posts, results in huge wall of text where on /lit/ its hard to find where one post/thread ends and another begins.

This is made worse by the fact that if you try to fix it by including blank lines at the beginning and end of your text to create a break, they get removed.


The threads were a little hard to view with the old style, so it has been changed back to an imageboard.

We will impliment a line-breaking feature (after maybe 15 lines, it will hide the rest unless extended) sometime soon.


It happens for me as well and even several times in a row captcha gets rejected
But for me hitting the back button or even reopening the page brings everything back.
Maybe it is some kind of specific Chrome feature?


We will work on making the captcha less annoying.


Something fucky is happening with stylesheets here in /dis/, right now as I type this. All the pages in /dis/ - both the front page and those of the individual threads - load in Pseud0ch, which is different from the rest of Gurochan and visually very jarring. Furthermore, *SOME* of the pages have a list of 4 styles to choose from at the bottom of the page - Random, Pseud0ch, Gurochan, and Futaba - while some *OTHERS* have only Random and Pseud0ch. Right now, this very thread right here has a selection of 4 styles but most others have only Random and Pseud0ch, including the front page of /dis/.

The style inconsistency with Pseud0ch being the default one for /dis/ has been going on for a little while (at least a day), but the inexplicable presence of only two styles on most of the pages is a very recent thing (a few hours).

Please investigate. And force the Gurochan style as the default one - Pseud0ch's font is really jarring on a board where most of the content is walls of text.


Aaaaand now that I refreshed this page, the other two styles are gone from the dropdown list, leaving only Random and Pseud0ch, just like on most other pages in /dis/.

Something's really not right.


The style issue should be fixed, please clear your cache. (or, on pc, do ctrl+f5)


Yeah, it's fixed now, thanks. But now all pages in /dis/ have a choice between Random and Gurochan themes and that's it, whereas other boards have like a dozen choices. Totally fine with me, but idk if it's intentional or not to limit /dis/ to Gurochan theme only.


Another issue that I see site-wide: I just finished uploading a bunch of pics to a thread (so I made new posts a dozen times in the last ~15 mins), and I noticed that the four-letter captcha is sometimes the exact same one that I had to enter either the last time or the time before that. A couple times (not sure if it was on these exact occasions or not), I got "incorrect captcha" where I was absolutely positive that I entered it correctly. Is there a caching issue with returning the captcha image, maybe? For what it's worth, I never clicked "back" in the browser which could explain displaying old images, I navigated the pages solely through Gurochan's own links on the pages.



Not sure if it's mentiomed yet, but the thread overviews and catalog should be in order of newest post rather than when the thread started. They're nearly useless at the moment


I don't get it. Why don't you just restore the missing content from your backups? You clearly know to make backups, since you were able to bring the site back with all its content in the first place.


So where is the p2p board? A few had questions about it, so you delete the board and the questions? If that's the case you guys are never gonna get the numbers of people you want using this site that you mention aren't showing. Simply people will find elsewhere to go.


I made a few threads asking questions too. I don't know what k♡♡z is thinking. Maybe he should hand the site down back to someone that isn't running a million other chans. But at the same time, no one else is going to run a loli guro board and a real life guro board. The latter is something that doesn't really need to exist unless people started file sharing good snuff videos/pics there, since active gore forums and 4chan already exist, but the loli board is a niche category of guro that needs to be allowed on gurochan.


It will return with different rules.

There were no backups. Gurochan is large and hard to backup.

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