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Not real misogyny. But as a sexual thing. I have been a masochist most of my life but recently I've been interested in becoming more dominant and I realized that misogynistic talk and stuff really turns me on. Is this just me?

Anyone interested in roleplaying on DeviantArt or Eka's Portal can just hit me up now btw.


Not just you. However, I’m into real misogyny because I hate women and have been abused to where I don’t want any women in my social circle or life. It’s also gotten to where I don’t listen to female singers and I don’t watch films where women are involved (unless it’s them as a damsel, since women are weak naturally).



Dude. You're wrong. I'm sorry, but you are. Go out and talk to them. You're hatred is irrational.



I don’t see how it’s wrong, to be honest. And if it’s that bad that I avoid anything with females, I’m sorry, but I have PTSD - that’s why. And good luck trying to go out with COVID.


Do you mean the meme academic-tier misogyny, aka traditionalism? Or the actual 'hates women' misogyny, as in the sort that divorce courts produce?



You need professional help dude. It's not healthy. You should talk to a therapist about this. Hell, if you need to vent you can do it right now. I can listen.



Both. Both turn me on a lot.



I’ve tried to talk to someone about it and it’s no use. Therapy is just a bunch of motivational sayings you can find on a fortune cookie. I have grown to hate women for two years now, and I don’t plan on having it stop. I don’t listen to female singers, or watch movies with a female hero in it because it’s just Mary Sue bullshit.



Have you tried going to other forms of mental healthcare like a psychologist? Have you talked about your hatred of the fair sex with them?



I have, they’re not worth my time. They tried telling me how there’s good women out there in the world and how I shouldn’t have traumatic flashbacks upon hearing a female singer sing, but they did nothing to help me. To imply they were as useless as a female already is… would be too generous.



These things take time. They were right but you were getting in the way of your own recovery.



I wouldn’t say they were right. They knew I was hurt and abused and instead of trying to be like “well, shit, those cunts should pay for hurting you”, they tried to pull off the not all women card. After hearing it for so long from different people, you get tired of it.



The reason you keep hearing it from so many different people is because it's true. Don't you see you're being thick headed?



I’m not being thick headed. If that were the case, why are there more female pedophiles, female serial killers, female rapists, you name it, in this day and age, who claim they are victims when they knew the evil they were orchestrating?

They couldn’t take off their rose tinted glasses and see things from my point of view. Couldn’t see that I hate women so much, that I avoid anything to do with them. I’m proud to be a misogynist, be it real or fantasy.



Even if all of that were true, which it isn't, that doesn't mean women are all evil.

Your pride is a sin that's detrosying you from the inside out.



“It doesn’t mean women are evil”

Then why are their reports of them committing crimes? Why is it they sit back and do nothing as their child is molested or abused? Why do they play victim cards like it’s Uno?

So yes, I hate women in both reality and fantasy.



Again, by that logic every human being is evil.



It’s women who drive them into committing evil actions. While men are not born evil, women are born evil because of the actions of her female ancestors. They end up inheriting that kind of malevolence and benefit from it, whilst men who do everything they can to stay on a righteous path. Even when he is swindled by an evil female, he is not a villain. He is a victim because he was brainwashed by them into believing it was just when it was not.



Where did you get this idea from? It's completely unfounded and insane.



I wouldn’t say that.

There’s women who know about these rulers and dictators lording over and they don’t do shit but whine and expect Superman to save them.

Same with abusers and pedophiles. They scream and plead for someone to save them instead of taking action.

The more women abuse a man, the more they drive him to realize they are not worth his time nor patience. Eventually, he cannot take any more and lashes out. Yet do the abusive females do anything to realize they’re the problem? No. They insist the victim is the problem. But, when the tables are turned on them and they end up being the ones in anguish, they insist they’re victim.



You're citing nothing based on evidence. And it doesn't even make sense, didn't you say women were weak earlier?



They are weak. Physically, of course.

They are also incapable of making good decisions. Hence why I tried to explain why they do nothing about those who abuse power or human beings. They expect a hero to save them, and when the hero doesn’t, they get upset and start hating men. That’s where the abuse of men comes in. They abuse men because they have nothing else better to do and it’s in their nature to torture us mentally and emotionally.



Then you are contradicting yourself since if women are weak they can't help themselves according to your own logic.



I didn’t contradict myself.

Either way, least we both hate women.



I don't hate women. It's a just a fetish. I'm the same guy from the Despise Women thread.



That explains it. Not a true woman hater, just a cuck who respects women.



Yeah. Because I'm a decent human being.


You know, I can totally believe it. It's easy to imagine many psychologists being useless when it comes to this. A pathologically misogynistic man is bound to face a lot less sympathy from medical professionals than a pathologically misandristic woman.
Still, there are good psychologists out there.



That might actually be true. Still not right on the misogynist's part of course.


You know this made me think that your misogyny fetish seems to be that form of BDSM where you humiliate woman call here slut whore etc .
Or maybe the time when guys brag and discuss how they banged some cunts and how they like to cum on dirty sluts faces.
As I noticed women quite like that kind of roleplay too.
Being hated actually feels just as good as being loved still same attention ;)



How is that being a decent human being? Being a decent human being is thinking of seeing women suffer in every way possible and realizing they are responsible for the world being evil.



For the love of…

Because they aren't. No matter how much you want to think that they are, it's not true.



Then explain to me why they make the lives of men hell and insist they did nothing wrong.



They don't. Some women do. But not all. Just like not all men are bad people too.



Still find that hard to believe.



Trust me, it is true. I've had almost nothing but positive experiences with women. Most of my friends have been female.



And good for you. Mine weren’t good then, won’t be good now. I have yet to meet one real female who isn’t a flat out annoying cunt you want to stomp the skull into.



I really do think you should go to a mental health clinic.



For what reason?



Because of your misogyny



Misogyny has never hurt anyone.



Except women. Duh.



And if it has, why does it concern you?



What are you going to do, boohoo and white knight for women when they haven’t done shit to deserve the support?



Waaaah waaaah waaaaaah mommyyyy someone said something mean about the wimmenz online! Shut up and get over it, you sissy fag! You’re not a real man for not hating women, you’re just a fake man who wants to be a tranny!


Lay off the meth. It clearly isn't working for you.


in the one corner, some cuck who clearly doesn't know about statistics about women, or mental health, yet acts like he knows enough about women to know which statements require backing evidence, and which don't. in the other corner, an obvious troll who has been making the same typical chan-style jokes as we've had for the longest time, such as saying niggerfaggot while pretending to be retarded. who will get bored of the discussion first? who will win the most (you)'s? will either stop being dumbasses? will the thread get back on topic, or is it doomed to be derailed for the remainder of it's days? find out on this extended episode of /dis/cussion wars!


Referring to an already existing thread called "how to find sadomasochistic girls" whereas wondering how to find girls that love being punched and killed or making it love it for the matter of the fact of how sissy faggot creatures they are.

Most of men fucking work their asses of not realizing they're slaves to the matriarchical cancer of a bitch whore life she is.
Unless you're of those smart fucks that decided to become more of a soft sissy faggot guy or straight up transition to a tranny to get over with this bitch of life.


Will the parents of little Edgelord please come pick him up at the info counter?


oh man, I have a soulmate bro on this site.

let's kill bitches gang


nigro you're on gurochan

we're all unironically terminally, irredeemibly, way too far without even trying to be, edgy



Fuck yeah! Let me join, I fucking hate bitches with a passion. Proud misogynist.




are you religious? I read in a book that some sects (haredi jews, mainly) have rules against listening to female singers, gazing at their photos etc. they dont HATE women….but AVOID women with more zeal than they would avoid an armed robber.

>Also I have a weird thing where I erotice Mysandry and leftist\feminist militant girls. im a man and conservative IRL -even have education in Economics- but I really fantasize about "offering myself as an outlet "for a mysandric militant for her to do what she will do… Bonus points if she's super HAIRY

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