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Posting a few PonyXL Lora's I've made. Will post all my future Lora's here as well.

EyeSocket PonyXL lora
Triggers: eye_socket | score_9,source_anime
Supplementary: blood on eye
Weight: 1.0
Recommended Epoch: 000040

Download: https://mega.nz/folder/fjph1Z6Y#knlh28rEUakDtLnUrLofsQ

I also have a pixiv (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/32339993)
I post AI guro/ryona content if anyone wants to check it out


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BellyPunch PonyXL lora
Triggers: stomach_punch | score_9,source_anime
Weight: 1.0
Recommended Epoch: Read the ReadMe file. But basically low epoch = clothed, high epoch = unclothed

Download: https://mega.nz/folder/3io1RZIB#9CkkuRnivAX3zNKm15gjuw

I also made an SD1.5 version of this lora which I posed here a while ago. I've been getting some google drive requests since I moved the files to mega so I'll repost the link here

Trigger: harapan (Supplementary: hand on stomach, (1boy:1.5))
Download (SD1.5): https://mega.nz/folder/m3pU0QDT#_AMdp89kKVPI6wAH5WcESw


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Impaled PonyXL lora

Triggers: impaled | score_9,source_anime
Supplementary: guro, blood
Weight: 1.0

Download: https://mega.nz/folder/TngFiDjA#x9yxe21YSP00KPe72OqfYQ

Haven't done nearly enough testing on this. Made it on a whim, and don't plan to thoroughly test this out anytime soon. Can't really offer any advice. Figured I would share it anyways rather than sit on this since the amount of guro XL lora's are pretty low.


a lora for hanging would be nice


There already is one which is why I didn't make one.



how about broken bones? as far as i know, there are quite some loras about amputee, but none about broken bones.


the person who made that hanging lora (https://www.pixiv.net/users/86218912)also made a impale lora.
your impalement lora fits charactor loras much better than his except too much amputation is included. if you train a hanging lora maybe yours could fit charactor lora much better


Alright I'll give it a shot then. I was under the impression that it worked generally well so there was no point to make the same thing.
Seems interesting I'll try that out too.


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Here from /h/, just wanted to say thanks for the LORA


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Hanging PonyXL lora v2
Author: Entropy (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/32339993)

Triggers: entropy_hang
Supplementary: rope on neck, rope around neck, corpse, arms_behind_back
Weight: 1.0 ~ 1.8
Reccomended Epoch: 20

DOWNLOAD: https://mega.nz/folder/DzQRyCbY#RUwVu3RkK4CyaSU3-AdM0g

Notes: Characters often have their feet touching the ground or is on tiptoes. (When using full body)
Without full body general "camera" height is low enough to imply the character has their feet touching the ground. RNG may sometimes be in your favour and generate an actual "hanging" image.

Works very well with character prompts, style lora's and concept lora's. (Haven't tried character lora's but should work). Used a unique keyword in this case instead of a prexisting keyword. As https://rentry.org/R-18G_Stable_Diffusion#xl-hang-board-test mentioned, using keywords such as hanging, hanged will generate bondage hanging instead. (Reason why such keywords wern't used as the trigger word for lora)
Also trained to do side_view (this works), gens. Also attempted to do back_view (from behind) but it seemed to fail (I think too low of a sample size).

Megumin Character Prompt - Quadruple amputation Lora - Side view (Attached image)

With character prompts I found a higher weight was required (1.5~1.8). Basic prompts would generate a "hang" with 1.0 but I'm guessing the information is being overwritten by the character or detailed outfits.

I also found mixing this Lora & the other Hanging lora generated some decent results. (All XYZ graphs in mega folder)

Currently trying to make one but I'm struggling to get enough good images for it. Some help in gathering training images would be appreciated. I guess thats why there isn't a lora for it though.

You're welcome. Glad someone else is using it & enjoying it.


thats good hanging lora. maybe its time to get a corpse lora that represent not so fresh corpses, maybe based on zombies?


your hanging lora fits charactor loras much better than his, good job!
he also made headshot and neck snap, and judging from how impalement and hanging lora worked, you could make a version that fits charactor loras much better


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did some testing
Got a few nice ones but many misses
thank you


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QuadrupleAmputee (Flesh) PonyXL lora v2
Author: Entropy (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/32339993)

Triggers: quadruple_amputee
Supplementary: guro, blood (Adds blood to missing limb, not using guro/blood will result in clean but fleshy wound)
Weight: 1.0-1.3
Reccomended Epoch: 40

Download: https://mega.nz/folder/yyA1jYIa#m5KjCXGoj3F7j64XDmlBGQ
Please Read the ReadMe and or view the included XYZ graphs for more information.

Made this Lora for a recent mini project/manga I just finished. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118347437
Still translating it to english so only japanese is available but I'd appreciate if anyone interested in this stuff would check it out.

Working on a corpse lora now. Seems doable hopefully I will have something done in a few days


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Hey, kudos for sharing that hanging Lora - best one I have found for Pony yet. Works absolutly great!


Experimenting with lore and realistic PONY models.


The parameters are saved, just download the image and place it in automatic1111.





Sorry, photo-realistic AI images aren't allowed on GuroChan.



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Corpse PonyXL lora
Author: Entropy (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/32339993)

Triggers: corpse
Supplementary: guro, blood, empty eyes, pale_skin, grey_skin,
Weight: 1.0-1.5
Reccomended Epoch: 40

Download: https://mega.nz/folder/WmxxiBZK#C_APm3H4nDXEuETHguiyjA

Notes: Creates a desaturated skin tone as well as a limp face to simulate an old corpse (Not to the point of rotting).
lying on back / on_back -> works
lying on stomach -> seems to cause problems just use lying instead and let it gacha (something like breast_press may help your odds)

To create a strong effect modify both the trigger word and the lora weight. I find 1.2 for both good at creating a desired effect. Raising just one to a higher value >1.5 will create a very dead looking corpse but high trigger weight causes blood to form and high lora weight well just looks weird (see XYZ graph).

Consider adding "rating_safe" if you want a clothed corpse. A large percentage of the training data was nude corpses so it may create nude corpses even if you did not specify such elements. Although it may still sometimes generate genitalia, in which case you should add clothing keywords that cover that body part. (ex. panties, bra etc.)

I'm really not into necrophilia but unfortunately (or fortunately for some of you) a good percentage of the training data was exactly that...
so it's pretty good at generating that too... do whatever you want with that information

Struggles with character prompts & lora's. Simply send your gen to img2img remove any character trigger words (keep all other prompts like clothing, pose etc.) and let the corpse lora run without the character prompts interference. (See example 1-1 & 1-2)
Example 1-1 was generated with the character prompt "asuna \(blue archive\), asuna \(bunny\) \(blue archive\)" This seems to have significantly obstructed the corpse lora from creating its effect. Skin appears normal but slight facial expressions have been applied. Example 1-2 shows the result after using img2img (I used 0.5 denoise but I doubt it really matters, figure out whats best for you) and REMOVING the above character prompt. No other prompt data was modified. I suggest going back with inpaint to fix clothing details that were lost due to the character prompt not being there, if any.

Works with other Lora's. See attached image-> working lora mixing with my previous hanging lora.

Thanks for the idea I'm actually really liking this Lora. I tried using zombies but I ran into the issue of most good zombie images having stiches so I had to abandon using them outside of a few that I did find that would work.


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I've also created a AI generated guro manga using a few of the Lora's I've posted as well as a few more from the community. I would appreciate it if you would check it out (Just released the English version today)

pic related is the manga. 31 pages.



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I discovered this LORA on civitAI. It is unexpectedly very practical. It can be said that I have found a treasure.


Required prompt words:(hunting trophy:0.7),(shield:0.8),|wall,

HOW:(wholebody:1.2),|halfbody,face,breast,|head,|head,feet,soles,|necklace,pussy,(strength1.5)|(head:1.2),butt,through wall,stuck,stationary restraints,|

los:looking afar,|looking at viewer,|looking up,|looking down,



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Moved to >>>/ai/685.

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