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/art/ - Artwork

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The site was updated to be a lot faster. Some things are still being updated. If you have questions or suggestions, see this thread

File: 1678897086823.jpg (1.98 MB, 1822x1471, eeksroastin.jpg)


Trial run


File: 1678897117503.jpg (1.97 MB, 1822x1471, eeksroasted.jpg)

Eeks the monkey girl


File: 1678897257965.jpg (1.15 MB, 1170x1066, jimsugomi-763823-monkee.jpg)

Dumb overly friendly monkey girl, keeps running afoul of European explorers who want to try out anything they discover.


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When not roasting.


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Shantae vored by giga-maid


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Shantae's been in there for awhile. I always treat boobs as "more soft and dissolvable, plus they tend to dangle anyway into whatevers on hand.


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Raven and the shallahs 1


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raven and the shallahs 2


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raven and the shallahs 3


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Front loading a bit with the color stuff seeing as I don't color often.


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hex 1


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hex 2


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hex 2 alt stuffed


The shape and sagging of the chest are very good.
It's a good work.


File: 1679062611471.png (530.45 KB, 2200x1268, 1533296638413.png)

love the art you do jim, saw this a long while back on another site, were you the one who drew it?


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>>36844 Nah that's not one of mine.


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I tend to only do really a specific type of furry. Kinda more sonic and coco style, occasionally renamon, though maybe that was supposed to be rogue the bat?.


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some coco stuff not posted elsewhere yet. Mainly restart the gurochan thread to post stuff thats sketchy and non canni as eka's is a bit limited, and i miss just being allowed to draw whatever. But you know how gurochan had been XD was down every other month, but looks more stable now.


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also something that's been "in the works" for god knows.


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I like to confuse people, enjoy sky shark of the conservation corps.


So you decided to come back after all :) nice to see you here again

everything looks good but I like those ideas most of all :)


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Videl vored by a dino from one of the episodes


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Sugoimyth's mime making mime waffles with an invisible waffle maker.


It's good to see you back!
Your art is cute and sexy.


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Misako from River City Girls going the extra mile for those food item acquisitions.


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I always liked the idea of the "girls tits as healing/stat boost items."

And glad yah guys liked my art, mostly
missed posting junk here that I had more freedom of theme on, and in works sketches. Seems like half the sites (like tumblr for my ecchi stuff) keep going hay wire and its hard to find places other then eka's to post now a days. Granted half my art now a days is non hentai ramblings for elsewhere.


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some more of the same theme.


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bubway is indeed a wolverine joke.


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and this has been sitting around for awhile stalled so might as well post it.


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Katt bof, also like the idea of adventurers doing this at inns, usually due to lack of gold to pay for their food.


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Interesting one on this one was I drew the original sketch, then boeserwolf used it as ref for one of his girls, then i used his as reference to draw this one. So stacked in more ways then one.


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april o'neil pizza boobs.


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and last one for the current fast food boobs posts. (and fyi aware of that meme awhile back of the girl with her boobs in the box with a burger patty and bun on top XD my reply was literally "really they do boob burger memes off someone else photo and hide the nipples?? What is my luck XD.


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whoops not sure how i got the thumbnail version here's the full.


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I added in another attempt at the boobs being browned on the bottom (which I still can't get to look right, going for the "golden brown" but it just seems to blend in with the surroundings too much and look like shadow), bruises from her fighting (its a healing item, an image in my head was her and the other girl having to beat up a few extra people just to afford these in the games for a "they made up their mind for boob burgers and still had to go out to get the cash" with them having issues with a boss char for the damage. I tend to like the "tough girl look" so some bruises just make them look tough, and in this game a bit comical) some other highlight changes, and also tried to make the melting fat on the grill more see thruish (all the yellowish orange being boob fat leaking out, with the heat still causing her boobs to be big. I tend to like the idea of the boob burgers being "greasy as hell" cause of the fact they are mostly fat and it leaks a bit during cooking, but i haven't messed with it much other then a mai burgers one.)


Is it just my imagination or your images got a little bit more hardcore than usual and fried bit more deeply than before :)

Also this is the first time i see you mentioning regeneration :)

Since you mentioned fat leaking out I wonder what about the idea of small series when boobs get bigger from cooking then deflate because of that fat leaking out, maybe when they get poked with a fork


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Can't say from what time frame I was posting in, though i went up and down on gore and whatever. I more tried to do "new" things and change things up. That said gore does make things more complicated to draw so the more I was able to make things complicated probably the more that showed up. I was sketching a "after" of this, no idea if I'm gonna refine it but you can see how crazy layered it gets (their eating the boobs half in wrappers, and I have to figure out where to position the hands for four sets of hands, keep the boobs attached, and their heads not colliding, plus wanted a nipple spurting, plus how to draw mouths biting and argggh, complicated.


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And not really thought of a deflating after, though I had an idea about sucy from little witch having mushrooms suck her boobs flat while in a terrarium, but never did it. Basically "Death mushrooms" needed for a potion that required them. The mushrooms jump people and push their roots in to suck out their innards, so sucy putting her boobs in a case so they could only access the boobs, then waiting for them to grow off her boobs contents, the girls only removing em once the boobs are completely flattened.


I am surprised how artis like you manage to pose all that stuff just by sketching:)

This reminds my idea which is very similar about a very tasty parasite which attaches itself to your chest making it look like you have huge boobs and makes milk too and they fell like your own body part
You can cook it the same way as in your pictures without feeling any pain then cut it off and remainder will eventually fall off leaving you flat chested again.
More or less like that tongue-eating louse thing :)


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That seems to circumvent the entire concept of boob cooking there :P/


well visually it is the same thing :)
also that was supposed to be story twist :)

I am looking and thinking where to start eating that LOL Looks very inviting


Please tell me you're back to stay
I love your work
have you ever done any artwork of the loud house


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Nah never watched more then an ep and the goth wasn't in it. We know where my interests were XD.

Fairly gory raven butchered, it's rare i draw blood.


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I like the ideas of girls nude in plants so ran with it a few times.


love it when you draw beheading, treating raven like the piece of meat she is


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the multi frame one is them actually using the cattle stunning method on her where they use a bolter to stun the cattle before butchering.


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screwing around with posing with hinata and tayuya.


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squirrel! Dumb night of sketches.


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disney dreamlight inspired.


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lulu commission that is the last of my commission energy gone.


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Any chance you would draw something with Tohru from Maid Dragon and cooking vore? <3


They look delicious!


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Still not seen that show myself. Tohru didn't look that interesting to me but personality can change alot. The one with the fire sacs seemed interesting but again not seen the show yet. Mostly the main char didn't interest me much.


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this has been sitting in my files forever, only really got the one frame down


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abigail luau concept


Damn! This piece is my favorite in your gallery.


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heh the large breasts? I was messing with some ideas for naked gogo cept her helmet and skates today, but lack of sleep meant this was just a sketch.

Figured this one was of those old fashioned checkered tile floor and stools at the bar style hamburger places and her doing it cause she was bored.


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Something done for a fan of transformation stuff. My hero girls being turned into moldable material getting turned into blocks. TO prevent them from escaping their being dangled over press rollers, and milked to pay for their debt to society, unfortunately Toga's gotten immediately snagged.


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Easter thing posted elsewhere


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File: 1684165496787.jpg (582.87 KB, 960x960, sukuyo.jpg)

kill la kill mom quicky based off hmun's work on eka's portal


She's looking great!
Loving this one too, from the pose to Starfire's expression XD


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>>37291 trying to color more works lately, so she was a try on that. But i still love sketching too much.


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Not guro but more freakshow :P


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Sora and garu 1


File: 1685121104709.jpg (857 KB, 2400x2400, sra2.jpg)

sora and garu 2


Lovely Raven! XD


Would love to see more of Wendy. Maybe dealing with a Karen complaining about finding a nipple in her nuggets.

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