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/3dcg/ - 3D CGI

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The site was updated to be a lot faster. Some things are still being updated. If you have questions or suggestions, see this thread

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Introducing twin sisters(first featured on previous GC) who will be doing product presentations and reviews here.
Dolcett style ;)


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NICE! Your cute lolis and shotas was always my favorite at the old gurochan, so nice to see a new story! Looks awesome till now!


great to see you bac, your a real fav and would love to see some re-posts


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Onix! I love that you are back, I've missed your stuff. Any way we can see/find your old posts like the Christmas one you did on the old site?


Is this a classroom with the whiteboard at the wall? Wonder who else is in the audience, maybe ready to volunteer.


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I messed up the introduction a little. This was supposed to be school science fair (or cooking fair? or maybe homework assignment?) where students present something.
Audience is made of parents teachers and other people and also those who are reading this tory too :)

There will be no volunteers but there are plans for another presentation if this one will be received well by the audience.

Sidney's restaurant from Edward Hyde universe may offer few meatgirls ;)

Yeah, I am constantly thinking about my plan to make index post for all my works here but still can't bet to that. I hope this will be a new start for making more posts :)

Although at this time I am doing more non guro stuff and posting it on pixiv.


Nice to see you back in action.
Which reminds me, what do you think about posting Dream Gift here on gurochan too? I have a link to pixiv in my thread on /lit/, but seeing it on pixiv requires registration, so just posting it here might be more accessible for some gurochanners.


I totally forgot about registration on pixiv.
Yes this story should be on gurochan it will take some time to post. I will try to do that soon.


hopefully next course will be both girls on a spit?


Maybe :) but a bit later ;)


Hey Onix, will you ever repost the shota castration stuff you did on the old gurochan?


>>1082 Yeah that was one of my faviorte ones as well.


I'll third that, though any castration and penectomy or femcan is highly loved.


OK, I sort of "reposted" it

If you are so much interested in that topic I think I may do this story after all

Until then you can give some suggestions on how characters should look like and other stuff.


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A long time ago you had a huge story with three kids. Any chance to see them again, And sorry if you never wanted them posted again.


I hope this Story will come back.


I had always hoped to see something brutal for finishing off that huge dickgirl sister in the domination series made.


oh, that one aged out from the gurochan.
It not that I have anything against reposting it but poting half of the thousand of pictures one by one would be big pain in the ass, so maybe I will put them somewhere on mega later
I still would like to finish it as there are only few pictures left to do


I too would see that series make a return.


I would to see either or maybe a demonstration of an oven


Could you please upload it to MEGA? That story was
really good.


This series is awesome, I want to see it too
Thanks for your work


MEGA needs registration to dl any files over a large size. can not use. registration not an option for me.


This is fun! Have you got anything new in the pipeline?


Yes, this was just the first episode, I have plans for more but it is is in the state of character and environment design.

Next episode will be a demonstration how to cooks a girl.


Great! I'll look forward to that!


Further in this story there will be a restaurant serving girl meat. What name you would suggest for that restaurant?


Just came here to mention that I'm a big fan (in light of our recent conversations), especially the loli ones, obviously, but I've been enjoying all of your work for years now.

And my proposal for the dolcett-ish restaurant name is "GirlFrie(n)d". Do with that as you will.


Interesting idea, although a bit too hard to pronounce to be good name.


"Meet Your Meat", because you get to choose a girl while she's still alive, so you can examine her and talk to her (maybe even fuck her if that's your thing) before you make your choice and have her cooked.


La Fille?


la fille savoureuse? (The Tasty Girl)



Wow, that's quite interesting suggestions maybe a bit to creative :) because what I need is something more plain. (since this quite simple cheap restaurant or maybe even more like plain eatery with partial self service than restaurant :)
Since for "some reason" ;) girl and maybe boy meat too turned out to be one of the cheapest and most available there is no that much profit. the main issue is that there is no big demand for it so some more advertising is needed ;)


Well then, "Hansel and Gretel"? No, wait, I feel like this was already used somewhere... What other fairy tales are there about eating kids? How 'bout "Baba Yaga's", eh?


I used it in one of mine but it's hardly my proprietary creation - go ahead and use it!


McShololis'? >>> "La la la, La la la, McShololis' World" >>> "Two all shololi patties, "special" sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun, ..."

Mega file?


where's onix at???? can we have some more please?


This board is dying slowly. Less and less showing up. Hopeful that secret agent Onix will complete his latest secret mission to save the world from the secret forces of evil and restore this place to its former glory.


Well I hope to come back with some new stuff before this board will die :)


Well is there anywhere else that you post stuff?


I post it also on pixiv when story is finished. but here it is posted first

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