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/fur/ - Furry

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File: 1414501763251.jpg (1.4 MB, 2034x1457, dead furry 183.jpg)ImgOps


Pics dead furries without the corpse being shredded,decapitated,eaten,or for the most part destroyed...(minor injuries ok)
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Well now that the cat's out of the bag have the bra/pantie one too


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 No.11773[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's have a HTF thread.
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This is totally how Flippy would fuck Flaky


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I know Halloween is more than six months away, but since I have a lot of Halloween art from years ago, I figured I'd share it here. Enjoy.
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Aww... poor fidget. XP


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Carving pumpkins headless FTW! XP


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Now THAT'S a creative way to use a head that's not needed for a costume. XP


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Another gal joins the candy bucket head craze. XP


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And another three joins in too.


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Oh my... the sexy cheetah is back again, this time letting a guy use her head as a balloon during their date?

Seriously, could she possibly get any hotter now?

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 No.89[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I thought I should start up a thread for MLP FIM guro based on characters and OCs of that series =D
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What do you think about inflation until they pop?


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I'm surprised there isn't more Sexy Armor (Shining Armor) snuff


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 No.11562[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

That bug deleting the previous thread got me a bit demotivated to post this again but I'm back now
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Only Itchy and Scratchy, no one else


Itchy died AND more brutally than Scratchy, that is something new!


Who’s the artist?



Seems like if you want something on this bitch of an earth you gotta do it yourself!


Nice. Loving your work.

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 No.11208[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Love it with cooking/ hard vore, but don't have to.

Off with all those wieners and eggs!
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LIke, none of the posters thought about it as hentai. That wasn't even tagged NSFW. Like, what the fuck in their heads?


Maybe El Oscuro Diario de Tails is known thing, but for me, the whole fucking fact that latinoses treat it like legitimate SFW content with fanbase, and seconady content like arts, reaction vids and... FNF mods. Fucking FNF mods with trans penectomy character... I just... Да пошло оно всё нахуй, а ещё думал, что это русские вторые перед японцами.

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 No.1811[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Please share some guro of the sonic universe.
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Key is out of reach, when the rain fills it up… well.


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May I ask for an Amy Rose reverse blowjob please

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Murskahammas recently deleted all their snuff… another one into the abyss I suppose. Do you have any other pieces of Murskahammas' work? And what's some other snuff stuff you've saved?


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I only have like two


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